

JavaScript library to zip and unzip files zip.js

Compress (zip) a directory recursively & POST it to the server [JAVASCRIPT]

Is there a way to select a directory and recursively compress it (on the client side) while maintaining the tree structure. When done, I need to post it to the server.

I have tried using Zip.js with no luck.

The file structure example:

|-- A.txt
    |-- B.txt

Source: (StackOverflow)

zip.js loads inflate.js several times

I use zip.js to unzip file in browser. But it loads inflate.js many times from client. Each load is successfull (200/304) but why does this happen so many times? How can I load inflate.js once on web page load? This is my usage code:

zip.workerScriptsPath = 'lib/';
var br = new zip.Data64URIReader(blob);
zip.createReader(br, function (reader) {
  /// ...

firebug info

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I add a list of image files to a zip file using zip.js?

I have a list of images and an HTML string which holds a web page containing the images. I would like to create a zipped file via JavaScript code by using zip.js and save it at runtime.

The creation of the htmlString to file.html was easy, but I'm not sure on how I can send this list of images to zip.js.

I thought to create dynamically via JavaScript a list of input file elements maybe via jQuery or something, but I still cannot figure out how to do it. Does there exist some way to do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to zip a pdf or ppt file using zip.js?

I want zip a pdf or some other format like excel, ppt etc using zip.js.

How to zip this format in zip.js? I have written but I failed in generating the zip file. My requirement is to download the zip file when I click the download button. How to do this? I am completely stuck in generating the zip file.

My code is as below

    <a id ='file' rel='nofollow' href="http://www.brainlens.org/content/newsletters/Spring%202013.pdf" type="application/pdf" name="Sample.pdf">Sample.pdf</a>
    <input id="button" type="button"  value="Create Zip"></input>

var FILENAME = document.getElementById('file').name;//"sample.pdf"
var URL = document.getElementById('file').href;//"sample.pdf"

var zipFs = new zip.fs.FS();

function zipPDF() {
    zipFs.root.addHttpContent(FILENAME, URL);

function create_zip(){

var btn = document.getElementById('button');
btn.addEventListener("click", create_zip, false);


Source: (StackOverflow)

using zip.js to read a zip file via xmlhttp/ajax call on Node.js

I am trying to :

  1. Send a zip file via xmlhttp to the client
  2. then read the file using zip.js and render its contents

I successfully receive the binary of the file i.e. the success callback is called but I get and error when I try to do getEntries. I think the error is with the way of sending stream , please help.

Error msg :

Error in reading zip file

My client side code (using angular) :

$http.get(window.location.origin + '/book/'+bookName,{responseType:"Blob"}).
success(function (data , error) {
    var a = new Uint8Array(data);
        //var dataView = new DataView(data);
        //var blob = new Blob(dataView.buffer);
    zip.useWebWorkers = true;
    zip.workerScriptsPath = '/js/app/';

    zip.createReader(new zip.BlobReader(data), function(reader) {

      // get all entries from the zip
      reader.getEntries(function(entries) {   //HERE I GET THE ERROR
        if (entries.length) {

          // get first entry content as text
          entries[0].getData(new zip.TextWriter(), function(text) {
            // text contains the entry data as a String

            // close the zip reader
            reader.close(function() {
              // onclose callback
              var a = 0;

          }, function(current, total) {
            // onprogress callback
            var a = 0;
     function(error) {
      // onerror callback
        var a = 0;

.error( function (data , error) {
    var a = 0;


My Server side code on Node:

router.get('/book/:bookName',function (req , res ) {

console.log('Inside book reading block : ' + req.params.bookName);
req.params.bookName += '.zip';

var filePath = path.join(__dirname,'/../\\public\\books\\' ,req.params.bookName );
var stat = fileSystem.statSync(filePath);

res.writeHead(200, {
    //'Content-Type': 'application/zip',
    'Content-Type': 'blob',
    'Content-Length': stat.size

var readStream = fileSystem.createReadStream(filePath);
// replace all the event handlers with a simple call to readStream.pipe()

Source: (StackOverflow)

Monkeypatch Javascript constructor

I've read all of the other related answers I've been able to find, but none has worked. Essentially, I want to make this source: https://github.com/gildas-lormeau/zip.js/blob/master/WebContent/zip-ext.js

add some custom headers to the XMLHttpRequest on line 93. Since HTTPRangeReader is wrapped in an anonymous function, I can't monkeypatch it directly, and it seems the only option is to monkeypatch the XMLHttpRequest constructor. I just need to call the default constructor and then call setRequestHeader() one or more times before returning the new object.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to zip multiple files in a folder by javascript

I have been reading question posted, however i could not find reasonable answers.

What I want to do is zip selected files. The file are all pdf files. Here is html my code

<form role="form" id="download">
    <div id="all-folders-1" class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
        <input name="pdfs" class="select pull-left" value="first.pdf" type="checkbox" style="margin-right:5px;"><b class="pull-left">Folder</b>
        <div class="all-folders-checkbox checkbox">
                <input name="pdfs" class="entity" value="file1.pdf" type="checkbox">
                File 1
        <div class="all-folders-checkbox  checkbox">
                <input name="pdfs" class="entity" value="file2.pdf" type="checkbox">
                File 2
        <div class="all-folders-checkbox  checkbox">
                <input name="pdfs" class="entity" value="file3.pdf" type="checkbox">
                File 3
        <div class="all-folders-checkbox checkbox">
                <input name="pdfs" class="entity" value="file4.pdf" type="checkbox">
                File 4

And here I get selected checkbox by jquery.

var selected = [];
$('#download div input:checked').each(function() {

Basically I want to save each value .pdf in an array named selected. After that I dont know how to zip them in a folder by javascript. Or is that possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)