
yahoo-pipes interview questions

Top yahoo-pipes frequently asked interview questions

Can I stop Google Reader from forgetting old items? [closed]

It seems that Google Reader automatically deletes items older than about a month, even if they're unread. Or at least it no longer shows them as unread.

It technically makes sense as it calls them "new items" not "unread items". Can I change this behaviour and make it keep showing old unread items as new?

There are some low volume sites like LessWrong with long, complex, and not urgent articles which I don't read quickly after publication, but only occasionally given free time, and it's hard to use Google Reader to track them.

Alternatively is there any way to fool Google Reader into thinking such items are more recent than they are, perhaps by some Yahoo Pipes tricks?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using Yahoo Pipes and loops [closed]

I have a feed from Google Books that lists some books I have. I want to create a new feed that has the Books' prices (as used books, going to feed it to a next service to get the prices). Yahoo pipes loop module does not allow operator modules or user input modules.

How can iterate though the Google Books' Feed items so that I can use it for a next service say a Fetch Page Module ?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Change RSS name for Yahoo pipe [closed]

I use Yahoo Pipes to filter my tech news RSS feeds. I run the pipe serveral times with different feed URLs via the User Input module.

Here is the pipe: http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=ba198dc1578c5146478f2592bfba9ff9

Now when I subscribe to the pipe output via Feedly, it always shows the Pipe title instead of the RSS feed name. See here:

Feedly showing Pipe title

I already renamed the feed in Google Reader and/or Feedly but it doesn't affect the title display when I select the feed. My question is: how do I change the title of the output RSS feed?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to salvage logic and data from Yahoo! Pipes? [closed]

It is quite sad that Yahoo! pulls the curtain on the Pipes on August 31, 2015.

How can I salvage the algorithms from the Pipes and ensure continuity of my RSS feeds?

Source: (StackOverflow)

View Twitter feed without seeing @ replies?

There were a number of sites out there that did this via Yahoo Pipes - such as noReplies

Now that it appears that Yahoo Pipes is banned from accessing Twitter data, are there any other options?

I'd like to be able to link to my Twitter feed without @ replies - both as a clickable link, and ideally an RSS feed

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using Yahoo! Pipes to download a web page given the URL isolated from an RSS feed [closed]

The RSS feed of a website gives only the link to the particular entry, to read which I have to open my web browser and go to the link. My aim is to use Yahoo! Pipes to retrieve this link from the feed, download the page and read it in my RSS reader newsbeuter.

I use the "Fetch Feed" module and link it to the "Sub-element" module and then isolate the link using "item.link"

The problem I now face is that how to pipe the output of the "sub-element" module to any module which will allow me to download the associated webpage. I tried the "URL builder", "string builder" among others but I couldn't find a module which would accept the output of the "sub-element" module and then by itself or via an other module download the associated webpage.

How can I accomplish this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Use same filter for several pipes on Yahoo! Pipes [closed]

In Yahoo! Pipes I want to use one master pipe that runs some filters for RSS feeds.

These filters should then be used in individual pipes for RSS feeds I create.


  • Filter-Pipe: Filter out iPhone, iPad, iOS ... (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/257805/filter-pipe.png)

  • Pipe for Lifehacker RSS-Feed: Get Feed and apply the filters from "Filter-Pipe" (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/257805/rss-pipe.png)

  • Pipe for MakeUseOf RSS-Feed: Get Feed and apply the filters from "Filter-Pipe"

So I only need to update one pipe containing all the filters. Seems that the Loop-Module won't work here.

Is that possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I separate my Flickr non-friend contacts feed from my Flickr friends feed?

I can get an RSS feed of my contact's photos via http://www.flickr.com/photos/friends/ , at a URL of the form:


And if I change the friend=0 to friend=1 then I'll get a feed of my friend's photos only.

However, the contacts feed will contain both friends and non-friends photos, so if I subscribe to both I'll get duplicates.

How can I get a feed that contains only photos from contacts who aren't friends?

I thought I might be able to achieve this using Yahoo Pipes, but I haven't figured out how.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synching Facebook group events -> Google Calendar -> public RSS or similar

We have a Facebook group where various people create events. To make them more widely visible (not everyone has a Facebook login), we share them (read-only) via Wallflux to a Google calendar too. This is convenient for those with Google logins, but for those without, we further used to create a public version via Yahoo Pipes / RSS (again read-only, and no login of any type required).

Yahoo Pipes is now defunct, so we're looking for another free & easy way to do this. We have no server (can't install apps anywhere) or budget, so the ideal would be a web app somewhat like Yahoo Pipes, where we can simply tell people a URL and when they access it, it reads in from either the GCal or FB URLs and outputs a basic listing that everyone can view (even just the event's basic date/time/title). Most of the 'Yahoo Pipe replacements' we've seen (along with IFTTT, Zapier etc.) look too complex: we only need one function. Suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get update notifications for the iq2oz site?

This site Intelligence Squared Australia - IQ2 - the Australian forum for live debate publishes past debates in pages like:

Not one of the pages have a RSS or ATOM feed. The only way to be notified is through Twitter? I don't have a Twitter account anymore and I don't want to use it directly. And the Twitter feed has many unwanted posts.

Should I make an Yahoo Pipe for each page and subscribe to the generated feed? How else can I be notified?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which source module in Yahoo pipes is most suitable for feeding data to a Yahoo filter?

I have a file, se Google doc, with 20+ RSS feeds. I want to use Yahoo pipes for searching for specific strings in these feeds.

In the Yahoo pipe editor, there are a number of modules for "Sources", see Yahoo Pipes Source Modules.

The modules are:

  1. Feed Auto-Discovery Module

  2. Fetch CSV Module

  3. Fetch Data Module

    Fetch Feed Module

    Find First Site Feed (was Fetch Site Feed) Module

    Flickr Module

    Item Builder Module

    Yahoo! Local Module

    Fetch Page Module (deprecated)

    XPATH Fetch Page Module

I have tried the "Fetch Feed Module" and it can only contain 10 feeds.

Which one of these modules should I use when I have more than 20 RSS feeds? The answer could also be that "Use .. instead of Yahoo pipes".

The output is to be feed to a filter module.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Turning a blog's posts into an RSS feed [closed]

I wish to turn this blog:


Into a feed, through a tool like yahoo pipes or something else.

That site already has a feed, but it can't produce a feed only for the English category posts.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Y! Pipes: Fetch multiple feeds, after using string replace on Feed URL? [closed]

Here's what I'm trying to do:

I have a private or user defined string. I would like to define a list of URLs, such as:


These URLs are to RSS content.

I would like to use a string replace on each URL, replacing {REPLACE_ME} with the string given in the private/user-defined string.

Then, I would like to supply the altered URLs to Fetch Feed (or similar), to get a combined feed.

I'm not sure how to pull this off without creating an individual String Replace and URL Builder for every URL. Ideally, I'd have one string replace (as it's static), and somehow emit the URLs in a Loop, but I can't seem figure out how to do so.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to report broken pipes? [closed]

It seems a lot of Yahoo! Pipes are not working properly. Either the sample results are not there, or there are some HTTP errors. It seems there is no any voting feature or anything that indicates stability of the pipes.

There is an option to Report abusive Pipe, but is there any option to report broken/non-working pipe?

So either author will be notified or other people would be informed and choose only these, which are working. Even access to any comments or reviews would be helpful.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to delete RSS feeds from Yahoo Pipes [closed]

In Pipes I created a RSS feed that I used in Google Reader. I used it to automate message posts to LinkedIn. But now I want to cancel it.

So, I deleted the Yahoo pipe, but RSS feeds are still posted. The old RSS link still remains in Pipes, while the Pipe doesn't exist anymore.

Any ideas how I can delete the RSS feeds in pipes?

Source: (StackOverflow)