
xml interview questions

Top xml frequently asked interview questions

Auto-Format / Indent for XML/HTML in Notepad++ [closed]

Is there a way to re-indent a block of code? I'm looking for somthing similar to Ctrl-Shift-F in eclipse (Auto-Format/Indent).

I'm willing to install a plugin if that's what's needed. NppAutoIndent won't work as I'll need it for XML, HTML and CSS.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What characters do I need to escape in XML documents?

What characters must be escaped in XML documents, or where could I find such a list?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Android Replace "..." with ellipsis character

Since AVD tools 16 I'm getting this warning:

Replace "..." with ellipsis character (..., …) ?

in my strings.xml

at this line

 <string name="searching">Searching...</string>

How do I replace ... is it just literally: &#8230;

If someone could explain this encoding please?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the difference between an element and a node in XML?

I'm working in Java with XML and I'm wondering; what's the difference between an element and a node?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I comment out a block of tags in XML?

How do I comment out a block of tags in XML?

I.e. How can I comment out <staticText> and everything inside it, in the code below?

    <band height="20">
        <reportElement x="180" y="0" width="200" height="20"/>
        <text><![CDATA[Hello World!]]></text>

I could use <!-- staticText--> but that's just for single tags (as what I know), like // in Java and C. I would like something more like how /** comment **/ can be used in Java and C, so I can comment out longer blocks of XML code.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does "xmlns" in XML mean?

I saw the following line in an XML file:


I have also seen xmlns in many other XML files that I've come across.

What is it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

XmlSerializer - There was an error reflecting type

Using C# .NET 2.0, I have a composite data class that does have the [Serializable] attribute on it. I am creating an XMLSerializer class and passing that into the constructor:

XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DataClass));

I am getting an exception saying:

There was an error reflecting type.

Inside the data class there is another composite object. Does this also need to have the [Serializable] attribute, or by having it on the top object, does it recursively apply it to all objects inside?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Deserialize XML document

How do I Deserialize this XML document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

I have this:

public class Car
    public string StockNumber{ get; set; }

    public string Make{ get; set; }

    public string Model{ get; set; }


[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Cars", Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]
public class Cars
    public Car[] Car { get; set; }



public class CarSerializer
    public Cars Deserialize()
        Cars[] cars = null;
        string path = HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/") + "cars.xml";

        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Cars[]));

        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path);
        cars = (Cars[])serializer.Deserialize(reader);

        return cars;

that don't seem to work :-(

Source: (StackOverflow)

Populate XDocument from String

I'm working on a little something and I am trying to figure out whether I can load an XDocument from a string. XDocument.Load() seems to take the string passed to it as a path to a physical XML file.

I want to try and bypass the step of first having to create the physical XML file and jump straight to populating the XDocument.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

SOAP or REST for Web Services?

Is REST a better approach to doing Web Services or is SOAP? Or are they different tools for different problems? Or is it a nuanced issue - that is, is one slightly better in certain arenas than another, etc?


Now, almost three years later I would like to ask this question again - offering a bounty to encourage an indepth answer. I would especially appreciate information about those concepts and their relation to the PHP-universe and also modern high-end web-applications.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can you provide some examples of why it is hard to parse XML and HTML with a regex?

One mistake I see people making over and over again is trying to parse XML or HTML with a regex. Here are a few of the reasons parsing XML and HTML is hard:

People want to treat a file as a sequence of lines, but this is valid:


People want to treat < or <tag as the start of a tag, but stuff like this exists in the wild:

<img src="imgtag.gif" alt="<img>" />

People often want to match starting tags to ending tags, but XML and HTML allow tags to contain themselves (which traditional regexes cannot handle at all):

<span id="outer"><span id="inner">foo</span></span>

People often want to match against the content of a document (such as the famous "find all phone numbers on a given page" problem), but the data may be marked up (even if it appears to be normal when viewed):

<span class="phonenum">(<span class="area code">703</span>)
<span class="prefix">348</span>-<span class="linenum">3020</span></span>

Comments may contain poorly formatted or incomplete tags:

<a rel='nofollow' href="foo">foo</a>
<!-- FIXME:
    <a rel='nofollow' href="
<a rel='nofollow' href="bar">bar</a>

What other gotchas are you aware of?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I parse XML in Python?

I have many rows in a database that contains xml and I'm trying to write a Python script that will go through those rows and count how many instances of a particular node attribute show up. For instance, my tree looks like:

      <type foobar="1"/>
      <type foobar="2"/>

How can I access the attributes 1 and 2 in the XML using Python?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does in XML mean?

I often find this strange CDATA tag in XML files:


I have observed that this CDATA tag always comes at the beginning, and then followed by some stuff.

But sometimes it is used, sometimes it is not. I assume it is to mark that some data will be inserted after that. But what kind of data? Isn't anything I write in XML tags some sort of data?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Declaring a custom android UI element using XML

How do I declare an Android UI element using XML?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does one parse XML files?

Is there a simple method of parsing XML files in C#? If so, what?

Source: (StackOverflow)