
xfce interview questions

Top xfce frequently asked interview questions

I can't get XFCE terminal to display VIM's colorschemes

That's what I have in my .bashrc

if [ -n "$DISPLAY" -a "$TERM" == "xterm" ]; then
    export TERM=xterm-256color

In my .vimrc I have:

set t_Co=256

echo $TERM prints xterm-256color

tput colors prints 256

I've also runned a script called 256colors2.pl and all colors are printed correctly. Still what I see in my terminal is this (that's the "desert" theme):


Also the colortest.vim file does not display properly:


Apparently it only shows the default color palette of my terminal.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to know the corresponding command line cmd for the UI click?

I can click the "movie player" from the GUI of Ubuntu, but how could I know the corresponding command line cmd. I want to run the movie player from commmand line.

And this is not only about the background command for the movie player, I want to know all the actual command that was run by the x-window shell when I click on one of the icon on the menu.

Many thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Does anyone use XFCE on a newer machine? Why?

I've been using Gnome and XFCE as my development environment for the last 2 years and randomly switch between the 2. For some reason I keep coming back to XFCE though. Maybe it's just because it's more responsive. Am I missing out on anything by giving up Gnome for good?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a breakdown of the differences between GNOME, KDE, and Xfce desktop environments?

I am going to be putting Linux (Ubuntu) on my desktop and I figure that don't need every desktop environment out there, so I figure I'll either get Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), or Xubuntu (Xfce). However, I can't find a breakdown in the differences between each desktop environment, such as what advantages one has over the other and screenshots comparing the same functionality in each.

So: What are the major differences between GNOME, KDE, and XFCE?

Source: (StackOverflow)

firefox aliased/jagged fonts in xfce

I've been using linux mint 7 for a couple of weeks now and I'm pretty happy with it, but I wanted to try out other desktops, e.g. KDE/Xfce

I'm not sure if it's KDE's fault of Xfce's, but firefox's font rendering sucks now, it renders jagged/aliased fonts.

I'm using xfce right now,

My Xfce settings Manager > appearance > fonts settings roughly look like this:

Default Font:

     Sans | 9  

Rendring :

 [x] Enable anti-aliasing  

           Hinting: None  
   Sub-pixel Order: None  

But it's as if firefox ignores these settings!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you increase the resize border thickness in Xubuntu 12.04?

I want to make the window resize border larger, but do not want to change the window manager or the desktop theme. How do I do so?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why do file copy operations in Linux get slower over time?

I have 12 ~200 MB files. Copying one of them to another drive takes 20 seconds. When I try to copy all of them at once, it first says it's going to take 5 minutes, then it keeps slowing down into the hours and days.

I'm copying the files through Thunar in XFCE, but I remember having similar problems using the command line. Why does this occur and what can I do to remedy it, other than just copying the files one by one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In what files in the home dir does xfce store the user config data?

In what files/dirs in the home dir does xfce store the user config data?

Or if you like.

What files do I need to restore from backup in order to restore my xfce desktop with all the different settings I made?

Thanks Johan

Edit: All user config files is usually stored somewhere in /home/$USER/. And since all the programs, kde, xfce and gnome stores their config there, this question is about what files belong to the xfce desktop.

This is my guess of what files belong to the xfce desktop:

  • .config/Thunar/
  • .config/xfce4/
  • .config/xfce4-session/
  • .config/user-dirs.dirs
  • .config/user-dirs.locale
  • .cache/Thunar/
  • .cache/xfce4/
  • .cache/sessions/

Did I miss something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Reversing scroll direction across Synergy connection

I am running synergys on an XFCE desktop, with the scroll direction reversed (to provide "natural" scrolling, as I prefer these days). I am running synergyc on a Mac laptop running Snow Leopard (as we cannot upgrade to Lion at work for some reason) and Scroll Reverser. The reversed scroll events from XFCE stay reversed when sent to the Mac, and then on the Mac they get reversed again, causing them to be un-reversed.

For now I can simply turn Scroll Reverser on and off when I switch between using it as a synergy client and as a laptop, but I'd rather not have to do this. Are there any configuration options in synergy.conf that allow me to reverse the scroll button (Button4/Button5) events like there are for the modifier keys?

Source: (StackOverflow)

XFCE/lightdm startup configuration files

Have recently installing Debian Wheezy and using XFCE with lighdm.

After logging in with lightdm, my ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile are no longer sourced. I have previously used these startup files to start ssh-agent, dropboxd and set my PATH variable.

If I understand this link (http://wiki.debian.org/DotFiles) correctly, when a display manager is in use (lightdm in this case). Then it is correct that these files do not get sourced.

So my questions are:
1) how can I make XFCE/lightdm source ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile
2) what are the equivalent startup configuration files of XFCE/lightdm to start ssh-agent, dropboxd and set my PATH variable.

Source: (StackOverflow)

xkb set keyboard level 3 chooser to ctrl+alt

The title says it all: I'm interested to mimic the Windows behavior, where Left Ctrl + Left Alt acts as a 3rd level chooser. This is relatively important to me, because, as a programmer, on my keyboard layout, important symbols such as {,[,] or } are accessible only by pressing Right Alt + Key, which is extremely uncomfortable using only one hand. At the moment, I use both Alt keys as a level 3 chooser, but this has some unwanted consequences, as I am no longer able to input some shortcuts(e.g. Home in Firefox).

I am on openSuse 13.1, using XFCE as a desktop environment. This question has already been asked a couple of times, but unfortunately no answer was provided in any of them, and the documentation on xkb is pretty scarce.

Source: (StackOverflow)

global hotkeys in xfce

I noticed in xfce, global hotkeys don't seem to work. Such as:

  • multimedia buttons (play/pause/volum up/down/mute, etc)
  • gnome-do not appearing when hitting the specified key (<alt>space in my case).

Is this a feature of xfce that can't be worked around? or is there a way to "fix" it?

PS: for gnome-do I worked around it by binding <alt>space to gnome-do from the keyboard settings page. Xfce Settings Manager > Keyboard > Application shortcuts


To clarify, I already bound the volume up/down/mute to inc/dec/mute volume using aumix and a special script for mute which I found on ubuntu forums.

I noticed that the play/pause button works only when the media player has the focus; it doesn't work as a global hotkey. If I remember correctly, in Gnome, the media players respond to play/pause regardless of where the focus is; so it's either an Xfce issue or some sort of service/daemon is missing.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I disable the login screen on XFCE?

I'm using Xubuntu 11.10, but can't see how to disable the login screen. I'm pretty sure I set it to auto login during setup, but recently upgraded, and now it's asking for a password when I turn the machine on. Also, I've disabled "prompt for password on resume" but the password is still showing. Any ideas how to disable both of those passwords?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent xfce4-notifyd in Xmonad from taking focus

How to prevent notifyd notifications from taking focus in Xmonad and XFCE?

Source: (StackOverflow)

invert colors on X (or xfce4)

Is there a way to invert colors in X. It would be even more useful if the answer was something I could bind to a keyboard shortcut(a command and not a setting that will require a restart if X).

Source: (StackOverflow)