
x11-forwarding interview questions

Top x11-forwarding frequently asked interview questions

Limit Xquartz to One Monitor

I'm on OSX 10.7.4 in a multi monitor setup. I use X11Forwarding via SSH to work remotely. Both stock X11 and Xquartz X11 have no (obvious) setting to limit themselves to one monitor.

Is there a way I didn't find out?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Xforwarding in Ubuntu

I'm trying to get Xforwarding working in Ubuntu... On the server I have uncommented the following lines of /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

X11Forwarding yes
AllowTcpForwarding yes

Now I try to ssh in, but I get the following error messages (and Xforwarding isn't working).

$ssh -Y example.com
/usr/bin/xauth:  /home/dan/.Xauthority not writable, changes will be ignored

$ssh -X example.com
/usr/bin/xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/dan/.Xauthority

Any suggestions?


Source: (StackOverflow)


X11 window doesn't take up whole screen in OS X Yosemite

I'm running a remote piece of software on my macbook via ssh (Lumerical FDTD Solutions). When I open this software GUI, it opens an X11 window.

I'm having issues resizing my X11 window. The top of the window seems to be constrained by an invisible barrier; I cannot drag the window upwards from a certain point (about 30% from the top of the screen). This means that my X11 application can only take up about 2/3 of the screen.

I didn't have this problem before upgrading to Yosemite (I was using Mavericks before).

Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

X11 forwarding with an already running window?

I'm trying to forward the X session to my Windows laptop (using Xming and putty), and I have no problem opening new programs such as gedit and having them forward, but how would I forward something such as a Firefox window which is already open and running? I don't want to shut it down and restart it. Is there any way of forwarding something that's already running? And if so, can I "unforward" the X session without closing the program down?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I export DISPLAY from a Linux terminal to a Windows PC?

Exporting display from a Linux terminal to a Linux desktop is easy; you do the following:

On (localPC):

xhost +

On (remotePC):

export DISPLAY= <br/>

The Firefox window appears on my localPC. In the above case both PCs are Linux.

Can I similarly export the Linux display to a Windows PC? In the above example, localPC would be Windows and remotePC would be Linux.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you make X11 display over ssh connections faster?

I have installed netbeans on a remote Solaris machine. When I try to access it over a VPN, the UI is rendered really slowly. I use ssh command with -X option on my local system to connect to the remote machine. My local system runs Ubuntu 12.04. One solution is to use

ssh -XC4c arcfour,blowfish-cbc username@host

However I found that even this wouldn't solve the problem fully. UI is still rendered slowly. Please suggest a solution so that UI experience is seemless.

Source: (StackOverflow)

fast X11 forwarding

I am using ssh -X to display GUI apps locally.
Is there a better way to speedup this processes - something similar what NoMachine Nx server / client does?

Thanks, Mariusz.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Faster SSH/x11 forwarding w/o installing software on the server

Does anybody know any way to accelerate X11 forwarding on SSH, except for using a faster cypher and compression, without installing any software on the server? In my case I do not have any permission to install software on the server. It belongs to my university. However, I would like GUI programs that run on the server and displayed on my home computer to be actually usable.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Fastest browser to run over a forwarded X11 session

So far I have tried Firefox (latest and greatest) and Chrome (also latest and greatest), and while Chrome runs faster than Firefox over X11 from my CentOS server to my Windows 7 workstation, it's still pretty sluggish.

What other GUI browsers are available for Linux that would [likely] run faster than Chrome?

I've not tried Opera 11, but have had many issues with it under Windows and Mac OS X directly, so am waiting for a new version before going that route.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Viewing an already running application through ssh?

So I have Ktorrent running all the time on my remote host, and I have to change some of the settings on it every once and a while that can't be changed through the web ui. So I was wondering if there was a way to have the applications gui show up on my local computer so that I can change the settings. Both computers are running the same version of Ubuntu, and I need the window that opens up to be the same instance of the application that is already running on my remote computer. Any one have any ideas on how to do all of this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to run mac osx apps on a X11 server?

I can successfully open a ssh -X connection from host.home to host.work (both Mac OS X). X11 is running on host.home. When I start xterm or xeyes on host.work I see it on host.home, but if I start macvim it runs on host.work, not in host.home.

Is it possible to remotely use macvim on host.home, or can only X11-enabled programs be used for remote interaction?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Xforwarding doesn't allow for switching users

I'm ssh'd into a remote computer and xforwarding is working fine... but as soon as I "sudo su -" or "sudo su user2" it no longer Xforwards anything giving me the error:

X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0

Any Ideas?


Source: (StackOverflow)

When you use X forwarding to run an application on another computer, which processor does it use?

If I use ssh -X to run an application from Computer A on the screen of Computer B, how are the computation and resources divided up between the two computer's processors?

  • Sometimes the audio will play on Computer B, for instance, and sometimes it will play on Computer A, depending on configuration
  • Anything that depends on DBus won't work over the connection.
  • Text editor Open... dialog sees the files on Computer A

It's kind of confusing.

Also, which is the "server" and which is the "client"?

Source: (StackOverflow)

X11 forwarding stops working after a while

I use Cygwin to connect a linux box (ubuntu server 12.04) via SSH, and I use X11 forwarding. Every time I ssh, I can use X forwarding for a while then it stops working (eg. gvim says Display cannot be opened). If I exit and re-ssh, it starts working again. And stops again after a while.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Font size with XMing X11 forwarding too small

I am using a GUI application running on a remote Linux host, but displaying on my Windows desktop using the XMing server, PuTTY with X11 forwarding, (and ssh -X as well, which is done by SLURM's srun with --pty option).

But the default font is a bit too small. How to increase it?

It took me a while to find the answer, so I'm adding it here for anyone else doing the same search.

Source: (StackOverflow)