
x-server interview questions

Top x-server frequently asked interview questions

How to run multiple X desktops?

How can I run two instance of, e.g. GNOME, on my computer at once? I know how to change the virtual terminal, but I can't work out how to start a second instance of gnome - it just exits telling me that the X session is locked.

EDIT: The other thing that I would really like to know is how to run two different desktops at once - e.g. XFCE and GNOME. I know that I can change the default desktop in .xinitrc or something like that, but then I would have to do so every time - is there any way to select the desktop type when creating the new XSession?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to force screen resolution on CentOS machine

I have CeontOS machines connected to LCD via KVM which causes failure to properly detect screen resolution and I'm stuck with 800x600 until I reset X server with the LCD connected directly to the PC. How can I enforce higher screen resolutions?


EDIT: I followed the advise and left only one resolution in my xorg.conf but it didn't help.

Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device     "Videocard0"
    DefaultDepth     16
    SubSection "Display"
            Viewport   0 0
            Depth     16
            Modes    "1440x900" 

Source: (StackOverflow)


How are Linux environment variables DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY used?

How are these 2 variables used by the X Window system?

On my Ubuntu 9.10 host, if I set XAUTHORITY to anything and then try to run a GUI program, I receive a GTK-WARNING ***: cannot open display :0.0 (DISPLAY is set to :0.0 by default). What is causing this error message?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ubuntu X11: Is it possible to open an X application in another users session

Is it possible to somehow open an x application on another users display?

Say that i have user A who is logged on to the ubuntu desktop, and user B who is accessing the ubuntu machine via SSH.

I know that it is possible for user B to open an x application locally, but is it possible for user B to open a program (ie firefox) and have it displayed on user A's desktop session?

And if yes, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Moving from windows to linux : Understanding - X Window System, X Server, Xorg, Xfree86

I'm a windows developer(Win32api) moving from Windows to Linux. While installing linux there are lot of things to know about X11, X Window System, X Server, Xorg, Xfree86 and what not.

How come we aren't aware of such things in windows? Wiki article on these scares me. Can any one explain these things? How they work? Why is it so complicated in linux & not in windows?

Any good references are also appreciated.

PS: I love to know internals, don't hesitate to go into depth.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable screen turn off

I want to watch a movie with my laptop how I can disable with xmonad that it turn off the screen if vlc or some other app is running is running. Is there some functions what I can used to prevent this?

Can I do there something with Xmonad or is it depending to my X? Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Xserver that I can reconnect to

I'm looking for something like screen but for X?

I imagine situation when I do something like "X --reconnect remote_server:11", and I am reconnected to pre-existing X session, with all programs that were running on it previously are still there.

Is there anything like this? Platform: Linux.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I export DISPLAY from a Linux terminal to a Windows PC?

Exporting display from a Linux terminal to a Linux desktop is easy; you do the following:

On (localPC):

xhost +

On (remotePC):

export DISPLAY= <br/>

The Firefox window appears on my localPC. In the above case both PCs are Linux.

Can I similarly export the Linux display to a Windows PC? In the above example, localPC would be Windows and remotePC would be Linux.

Source: (StackOverflow)

LINUX: change number of lines/columns that are displayed in a terminal (without X)

I'm using a linux server without X
I want to understand how to change the number of lines/columns I see, like I change resolution in X.. besides.. I should be able to change the resolution somehow, shouldn't I? I mean, I'm still using a monitor even if it's not with an X server..

The graphics card doesn't see any difference between X and simple linux video buffer, right? So there must be a way to set resolution, refresh rate etc..

if you could point me to some guide out there it'd be fine

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are my X client options for MS Windows? [closed]

I need to connect to a headless X Windows server (running on Ubuntu) from my MS Windows 7 computer over a 100 Mbit network. I could use VNC (or any other remote viewer) but the 3D graphics performance would be lousy I imagine. I used to have it hooked up to a monitor, but that's broken now and I can't afford a new one. A friend advised that I could try and use an X client, and that the 3D graphics wont suffer too much over 100 Mbit. Cygwin seems to be an option, but I was wondering if there were any more lightweight options.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I run a program remotely via SSH but display locally

Is it possible for me to SSH to another server in Linux (Ubuntu), run a program there but display it locally?

And is it possible for me to SSH to another server in my terminal, and configure it so that all graphical programs (Firefox, Emacs) run in that SSH session will be displayed locally?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get the display number I was assigned by X

From X(7) man pages

       From the user's perspective, every X server has a display name of the form:


    To avoid confusion, each display on a machine is assigned a display
    number (beginning at 0) when the X server for that display is started.

How can I find the display number I have been assigned?

Or list currently open displays and their users?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I sort out Xephyr's keyboard mapping?

When I start up Xephyr inside of X, my keyboard map becomes wonky mostly just for non-printing characters. I can't use arrow keys. According to xev, The down arrow gets mapped to Super_R. The up arrow is Print Screen. PgDown is mapped to "Menu". My keyboard works fine in the original X display (:0), but in the Xephyr subdisplay (:1), nothing else quite works right.

I don't have any funky xmodmap things going on in my main X display that I'm aware of. All I really do is setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Redirecting X output

I have a small program that checks some elements of a web service. The program shows graphics output and displays commmand-line results as well.

I have been trying to automate this program to run periodically on a server in my office. Problem is, It only works when I have X enabled - either directly on the server, or via SSH -X.

Following Google, I have tried Xvfb, which gave me quite cryptic error message:

Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1600x1200x32

Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 1
        If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X1-lock
        and start again.

Any ideas how to run it? I'm actually looking for the X equivalent of &>/dev/null...

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to mirror my display to a remote xserver

We have got a big screen in our office connected to an old pc, whose only purpose is to display information generated by software such as munin, nagios, etc. It is running debian with xfce to be able to run on that machine. Still it is a xserver!

What I would like to do, is to connect any machine (linux, macosx, but maybe also windows) remotly to that xserver and mirror the clients screen (so not ssh -X!!!). So anyone can share a view on his screen with the others in the room.

Source: (StackOverflow)