
wolfram-alpha interview questions

Top wolfram-alpha frequently asked interview questions

Plot multiple functions in Wolfram Alpha

I tried to multiple plot in WolframAlpha using this command from the Forum:

plot {1<=x<=2 1<y<3} and plot {x=4 1<y<3} and plot {1<=x<=2 y=4} and plot {x=4 y=4} and plot {1<=x<=2 5<=y<=6} and plot {x=4 5<=y<=6}

But it's not working. Where is my mistake?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I input a vector in Wolfram Alpha?

How can I write this expression into Wolfram Alpha?

enter image description here

I have read the vector examples page on Wolfram Alpha's homepage, but I didn't know which method to use.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Simplifying (-1)^n + 1 for integer n in Wolfram Alpha

How do I make Wolfram Alpha transform (-1)^n + 1, where n is an integer, into 0 for n = 2*k + 1 and 2 for n = 2*k? Is there something like that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

3D graphic / plot / visualization

Could someone tell me how to get WolframAlpha to graph/plot/show graphic of this:

16<=x^2+y^2+z^2<=25 ; x,=0

This did not work:


Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I plot multiple probability distributions in Wolfram Alpha?

I am trying to plot multiple Beta probability distributions in a single grid using Wolfram Alpha:

plot {beta distribution, alpha=10, beta=7}, {beta distribution, alpha=1, beta=4}

However, Wolfram Alpha can't parse my query. How do I plot multiple probability distributions on a single grid?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to plot a scatter graph in Wolfram Alpha?

Is it possible to plot a simple scatter graph of points without any joining lines or lines of best fit?

I have tried to use ListPlot but it just interprets that as plot which causes the points to be joined with lines.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How accurate is Wolfram Alpha?

I recently started learning about floating point arithmetic and a how computers have limited precision when dealing with such calculations.

To what degree of accuracy can Wolfram alpha output computations?

I was hoping to check the accuracy of some calculations in C++ by comparing them to answers outputted by Wolfram Alpha.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using variables with name longer than one letter in Wolfram Alpha

I am new to Wolfram Alpha.

Doing my best, still I don't know how to use a variable with a length higher than one. Here I use a variable called ba while wolfram alpha interprets that as b*a instead of a single variable.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Wolfram Alpha Competitors [closed]

Are there any sites that are similar to Wolfram Alpha, or is it currently unique?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Plot vector-valued functions in Wolfram Alpha

Is there a way to plot 3d vector functions (also known as vector-valued functions) in Wolfram|Alpha? I know it's possible to plot regular vectors, by typing in vector {2,5,3} for example, but I would like to be able to plot an equation like r(t) = <2t, cos(t)^2, t>. I've looked at the wolfram alpha documentation, and haven't been able to find a way to do this. However, WA sometimes uses different terminology than I'm used to, so it's possible there's a way and I just don't know how to articulate it to WA. Has anybody had any success doing this, or have any suggestions for how to figure it out?

(What I'm looking for is something like this:)



It seems, based on my external research and the lack of responses here, that there is no way to do this with Wolfram Alpha. So, new question: is there any web app that can do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Notation to ask Wolfram Alpha the next number in a pattern

If I have this pattern:

1 goes to 40

1000 goes to 1360

10000 goes to 3480

How do I ask Wolfram Alpha what 20,000,000 goes to?

This is my attempt: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1-%3E+40%2C+1000-%3E+1360+%2C+10000+-%3E3480%2C+20000000+-%3E+y+

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where can I find the syntax list in Wolfram Alpha for Math and Science Subjects?

Google is able to do simple to medium mathematical calculations but Wolfram Alpha is like Mathematica online. What I would like to do is test the limits . Such as what syntax is defined and what is not.

From the examples they have given , lets pick the Engineering Section. It is lacking in my opinion. Based on the mathematical functions like solving ODE's, simple addition and so forth ... I cannot understand why they do not have more Engineering examples.


Carbon Steel

This returns physical, mechanical and thermal properties (inclusive of thermal conductivity).

But where can I find the extended syntax to know what I can add or not add ?

For example I only got this by trial and error.

NPS 1 inch steel 25ft

I know this engine is possible of doing more than I am seeing. I just want to know where is the push more button/section.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can a user control the scale of plots in Wolfram Alpha?

I'm trying to generate some simple plots of shapes on the coordinate plane using Wolfram Alpha. I've had success with plotting the shape, but sometimes the plot output doesn't look nice. For example, the following plots the vertices of a rhombus on the coordinate plane:

Plot {(-5,3), (-1,0), (-1,-5), (-5,-2) (-5,3)}

However, the plot is distorted because

  1. the y-axis is shown at x = -5; and
  2. the scale for the x-axis doesn't match the scale for the y-axis.

As a result, my rhombus doesn't look like a rhombus. Is there a way to control what portion of the coordinate plane Alpha plots on? I've tried adding

on x:[-8,8] y:[-8,8]

at different points in the command, but that won't work. Anyone know the secret?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Find a plane for four points using WolframAlpha

How can you find the plane of four points by WolframAlpha?



should give me x + y + z = 0.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Wolfram|alpha comparing country sizes

By inputting

Portugal shape area, China shape area

to Wolfram|alpha I can get two country shapes, but how can I get them on top of each other at the same scale? The output I'm looking for is what you get from Mapfight.

Source: (StackOverflow)