
windows-server-2003 interview questions

Top windows-server-2003 frequently asked interview questions

How do I determine what my DHCP server is?

I have a sad network left behind by some careless admins - I am in process of figuring out exactly what services are running where, not excluding the possibility that some services are running from two places at once, which is tons of fun. There are 2 Windows 2003 servers, one Windows 2008 server with Exchange 2010 on it and a SonicWall TZ210 between the LAN and the WAN. Computers connected via DHCP reveal the gateway IP that corresponds to the SonicWall unit, however it doesn't have DHCP enabled.

Anyone have any ideas as to where and how I might discover what IS running DHCP so I could administer it? I am also concerned about internal DNS and Windows domain services as there appears to be confusing information on the network that conflicts with itself.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I visualize hard disk space with millions of files?

We have a hard disk that is 600 Gigs and nearly full. It's been filled up with 18,501,765 files (mostly small 19k images) and 7,142,132 folders. It's very difficult to find out where exactly all the space has gone too. Our regular cleanup procedures are not clearing up enough space which means we need to look at this drive as a whole and determine what is out there and what can be moved or removed. We've tried several applications and so far they have either blown up or simply ran for an amazing amount of time to complete.

Server Information

  • Operating System: Windows Server 2003
  • File System: NTFS


Space ObServer was able to read through 18,501,765 files and 7,142,132 folders without taking up hardly any memory. I'm sure this is mostly due to the fact that it uses a SQL backend to store all of the data. It unfortunately the most expensive of all the products at $259.95 per server.

Attempted Solutions

During my research I tried several different solutions both pay and free. I kept a list of the products I tried below for everyone's information.

Free Software

Pay Software


Update #1: The server I am attempting to analyze has 2 GB of RAM and most products that I try seem to try and keep the file/folder information in memory. This tends to run out much too quickly with 18,501,765 files and 7,142,132 folders.

Update #2: Looks like the developers of WinDirStat got involved enough to tell us that it can compile under 64-bit. That gives it more memory to work with but I'm not sure if it's going to be enough unless they can persist to disk.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Server monitoring? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What tool do you use to monitor your servers?

is there a free, open source server monitoring tool like Nagios that runs on the MS stack? It will need to be able to detect service stoppages and starts also.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What causes duplicate ACK records?

We're reviewing Wireshark captures from a few client machines that are showing multiple duplicate ACK records which then triggers retransmit and out-of-sequence packets.

These are shown in the following screen shot. .26 is client and .252 is server.

enter image description here

What causes the duplicate ACK records?

More background if it helps:

We're investigating network throughput concerns at one particular client site. The perceived issue from a user interface perspective is that data is being transmitted slowly despite an underutilized 1gbps WAN connection.

Almost all of the client machines have the same issue, tested at more than 20 machines. We did find two machines that do not have the problem. We're in the process of identifying what is different in their configuration. We did notice that in the two machines that do not have the problem, we only ever saw at most one duplicate ACK record. The machines that have the problem usually have three duplicate ACK records. One notable difference is that the machines that work fine all belong to members of the network operations team and all of other machines are for "regular" employees. The machines are supposed to be standard but the network admins could have made changes on their local systems, which is another aspect we're researching.

We tried changing the TcpMaxDupAcks setting on the server but the value we really need is 5 and the valid range is only 1-3.

Server is Windows Server 2003. Clients are all enterprise managed Windows XP. All clients, including the two working ones, have Symantec anti-virus installed.

This is the only client site out of hundreds that has exhibited this problem.

pathping shows 56ms RTT and consistent 0/100 packet loss even from the problem machines.



Source: (StackOverflow)

HTTP Compression on IIS 6.0 (Windows Server 2003)

There are many things you have to do/consider when you want to enable HTTP compression on IIS 6.0 (Windows Server 2003).

Can somebody please provide a comprehensive list of the actions you have to take in order to enable HTTP compression properly?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Difference between profile and home path

What's the difference between a user's home path and their profile path in Windows Server 2003?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Schedule reboot at the specified time

How to schedule a Windows server to reboot at a specified time?

It's about a Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows File and Folder "Attributes" A or C

In Windows Server 2003, in the "Attributes" column of windows explorer, some files have "A" or "C" or "AC" or others. What do these mean?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remotely reboot a hung server

I'm trying to remotely reboot a hung 2003 server.

The server is pingable but I cannot remote into it.

psshutdown does not work
shutdown -i does not work

What can I do now that the server is back up to make sure one of these solutions will work in the future?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a reason to upgrade Internet Explorer on Windows Server?

I never use Internet Explorer on my Windows Servers. Is there any reason I should upgrade Internet Explorer (version 6 or 7 to 7 or 8)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Suppressing the "reason" for shutdown on Windows Server

How can I suppress giving a reason for shutdown on a Windows Server host?

Specifically, on 2008 R2, but all versions back to 2003 and up to 2012 would be appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to tell what computer has a file open on a network share?


Windows XP sp3, Windows 2003 server


We have several dozen kiosk machines each with the same logon name who occasionally and briefly a file on a share. The rate is several locks and releases a minute.

Recently, we have experienced one of the clients locking a file exclusively, and then not releasing the file. 

We can close the file when this happens, but several minutes or longer elapses, and this is an unacceptable outage.

The unreleased lock issue has happened several times in the last month. I've been looking for which kiosk device is responsible for the locking, and to detect it quickly when it happens.

There appears to be a gap in the information we can get from the server:

We can see from various tools:
-What files are open and locked. (many ways)
-What logon has a specifc file open or locked. (many ways)
-That a particular computer generally has a file open. (Shared folders, sessions mmc)

What we cannot see is that a specific computer has a specific file open and locked.

Anyone know of a way to get to this?

Thanks -


Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there an equivalent of SU for Windows

Is there a way (when logged in as an administrator, or as a member of the administrators group) to masquerade as a non-privileged user? Especially in an AD environment.

e.g., in the Unix world I could do the following (as root):

# whoami
# su johnsmith
johnsmith> whoami
johnsmith> exit
# exit

I need to test/configure something on a user's account, and I don't want to have to know their password or have to reset it.

runas won't cut it. Ideally, my whole desktop would become the user's, etc. and not just in a cmd window.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Active Directory Health Checks

I've had some Active Directory troubles lately was was wondering what checks I could do on a regular basis I could do to ensure everything is working optimally?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Increase number of allowed remote desktop connections

Windows Server 2003 allows 2 non-console and one console remote desktop connections. Is there a way to increase the number of non-console sessions allowed?

Source: (StackOverflow)