
windows-live-messenger interview questions

Top windows-live-messenger frequently asked interview questions

Sign out of messenger on Windows 8

I just installed the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Just going through the default procedure, I let it use my Xbox Live account to create a user.

When I then went and turned on my Xbox, it now notified me that I was logged into Messenger in two locations.

I went back to Windows 8, and turned my Live account into a local account on that machine. But when I then turned the Xbox again, I got the same message.

Is there a way to just 'sign out of messenger' on Windows 8? Or is there a location to even see where I am signed in at?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to stop Windows 8 from automatically signing into MSN?

In the Metro environment I have the Messaging app, and it automatically signs to MSN, which I do not want. How can I turn off this feature?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Can I Supress the Windows Live Messenger Taskbar "Flashing"?

Is it possible, using a registry hack or some other method, to supress the taskbar "flashing" when someone sends me an instant message?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable embedded video in Live Messenger

I recently upgraded to a newer version of Live Messenger and when someone sends me a link to a YouTube video via IM Messenger opens the video inside the message.

Does anyone know if this feature can be disabled?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google chat on Windows 8 Release Preview Messaging app

I have connected my Windows Live account (Microsoft account), Facebook account and Google account with Windows 8.

In the "People" Windows 8 app it shows as connected to Microsoft, Facebook, Google, but in the "Messaging" app it's connected only to Microsoft and Facebook.

While I can chat with Facebook online contacts and in Messaging, I can't find my Google online contacts in the Messaging app.

Seems like Google supports only sharing of contacts and not chat as of now. Does anyone knows how to get Google chat on Windows 8 Messaging?

Source: (StackOverflow)

MSN keeps appearing in my task bar

On my W7 MSN (windows live messenger) keeps appearing in my task bar.

I unchecked "Automatically run WLM when I log on to Windows" in the Options but it still keeps to appear.

I dont want to uninstall it but I want it to run only when I run it from Start Menu and disappear when I click Quit.

Is it possible?

Windows Live Messenger Version 2009 (build 14.0.8117.416) on Windows 7 - x64

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I uninstall Live Messenger without uninstalling Windows Live Essentials?

Whenever I log on, Live Messenger pops up and asks me to sign in. I don't have any friends that use Windows Live, so I don't need Live Messenger. How do I uninstall Windows Live Messenger without uninstalling all of the Windows Live Essentials?

Source: (StackOverflow)

"Windows Live Messenger 2011 is not supported or installable on Windows XP"

The latest version of Messenger (i.e. Windows Live Messenger 2011) will only install on Windows 7.


Not to mention the "forced" upgrades to 2011: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1624009


I've spent a couple hours on Google and there doesn't seem to be solution (other than staying with 2009 version).

Is there any way to "trick it" into installing on Windows XP?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable Live Messenger's Link Nanny

In the new Windows Live Messenger there's a link nanny built in. I.e. When you click links it sends you first to a page "You are now leaving Live Messenger" etc... designed to help protect people who don't know better from following fishy (or phishy :D) links sent to them.

This is really annoying for me as a user who generally knows what I'm doing, I can spot a fishy link, or just know well enough not to open links I don't know about.

But when I'm collaborating with a colleague and we're passing pastebin.com urls back and forth it's incredibly annoying to have to do this EVERY TIME.

Is there a way to turn this feature off. Where's the "I'm not an idiot" setting in Live Messenger?

What's more is this feature doesn't even really protect you, it doesn't look ahead to the site you're going to, checking if it's on a blacklist or known to be dangerous. It just makes you have to click once more to go where you want to go.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I use the Messaging app with an account different from my primary Microsoft account?

I set up this computer with a Local account.

I have linked it to my 'primary' Microsoft account - which is used in the Mail and Store apps. There are no other accounts linked at this time.

I wish to use the Messaging app with a different Microsoft account. However, Add an account only lets me add a Facebook account! I don't want to remove or change my primary Microsoft account, since I do not wish to use the Messaging account with any other services.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows Live Messenger won't sign in automatically

I am unable to get Windows Live Messenger to automatically sign me in when I start my computer. When I sign in, I check both the "Remember my ID and password" and "Sign me in automatically" checkboxes from the sign in screen, as the screen shot below shows.

enter image description here

Moreover, in the Options > Sign In settings I have the "Start Messenger when I log on to my computer" option selected, as the screen shot below shows.

enter image description here

However, the next time I start my computer Live Messenger fires up but it does not sign me in. Instead, it shows the following screen.

enter image description here

What's interesting is that if I type in the first letter of my sign in name it autofills the rest and if I tab out it fills in my password, so it clearly is remembering my ID and password, but for some reason it's not signing me in automatically.

What gives?

I am using Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64. I'm not sure how to determine the version of Windows Live Messenger I am using. I recently (a couple weeks ago) rebuilt my computer and installed what I believed to be the latest version at the time.


Edit 1 - 2011-04-01

In case it matters, here is a screen shot from my Privacy settings.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

New msn contact list protocol?

I was wondering if somebody knows how the msn contact list protocol has changed. More specifically: in the old Messenger, if I deleted a contact, I couldn't "completely" delete it using the list that was found under options -> privacy, unless that contact had deleted me as well. As a result, even if I deleted a contact, I could still get a lot of unwanted e-mail from him (i.e., massive forwards).

I have very few contacts under a new address now, and I've noticed that I haven't got that kind of spam from a couple of contacts I've deleted. So my questions are:

1) In the new protocol, if I delete a contact, is it really deleted (I guess this means deleted from the server too), unlike in the old protocol?

2) If I delete a contact but he doesn't delete me, can I still receive e-mail from him, or does hotmail finally understands now that that's unwanted email?

Thank you very much.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows Live Messenger keeps changing my status from 'Appear offline' to 'Available', how do I stop that?

For the past few days my Windows Live Messenger, 2011 edition, keeps randomly changing my status from 'Appears offline' to 'Available' on its own.

I would really like to find a way to stop this from happening, I'd prefer to be in control of my own status!

Does anyone out there know how I can get control of my Messenger back?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Unable to contact MSN contact for IM from Lync

My corporate IT department has mandated a change to Microsoft's Lync for instant messaging, among other purposes. I installed it and launched; it automatically found the server it needed, since my corporate address book was available and I could IM folks in it. I then added a contact outside my company and it found the person even before I finished typing the name; she is listed with "presence unknown" in my contacts list (IM service is MSN). When I attempting to send an IM, however, I think it tried to tell me it failed. (I am not sure because it did not say it failed(!); it just mentioned that "When contacting your support team, reference error ID 504 (source ID 239)." I thought, "Well that was nice of it to be so proactive; if and when I have a need for support, I have a number to provide--yay!")

A web search for the error code did not shed any light for me; the Lync overview page indicates outside IM contacts may be used, so any suggestions on how to make this IM connection work?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove a virus that trigger the internet explorer every some minutes?

Some days ago, I got a file in Windows Live Messenger by an account of my friend, I thought it was a normal file because he normally sent me some files as well. But this time, I had no luck, he got the virus from someone else.

I don't know what happens in my computer excepts that my computer hard disk runs as mad and every some minutes it trigger the internet explorer to launch some ads page, includes doubleclick, cam4, motor, etc....

How do I remove this virus from my computer? I don't have any virus program installed yet. My computer os: Windows Vista, the Windows Firewall is disabled somehow that I could not reenable it.

Source: (StackOverflow)