
wiki interview questions

Top wiki frequently asked interview questions

Searching for Chinese words in Wikka wiki

I am a user of Wikka wiki and I have a problem of searching Chinese words. The problem is that there is are spaces between Chinese words. Therefore, the entire title of a page is taken as a single word by Wikka, which means I cannot search the real key word in Wikka. I found that the searching pattern word* in Wikka could help, but the word must be at the beginning of the title. What I need is a searching patter of *word*. I want to know if there is such a searching pattern or if there is any other solutions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I list all templates available on a MediaWiki Wiki?

I'm editing this MediaWiki Wiki (not Wikipedia etc.) , and I want to have some fancy effect. On Wikipedia there are templates which sorta-kinda-do what I want - but this Wiki doesn't seem to have them. How can I determine which templates it actually has?

Source: (StackOverflow)


DokuWiki live preview like in Stack Exchange software?

Is there a plugin for DokuWiki which gives a live preview during editing like the one used by the Stack Exchange applications, including live preview of math formulas (jsMath with MathJax), as in MathOverflow? If not, is there other wiki software which supports that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to download a Wikia?

How can I download a Wikia for offline reading? Is there a specific service that I can use to download a Wikia? Once done, how can I read the downloaded file? I don't need images or other media files, but HTML formatting will be nice!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Formatting C# code for wiki syntax

How can I format my C# code so it displays correctly in our internal Wiki?

We are using MediaWiki although I assume most wiki syntax is the same.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why do articles with multiple sections not have a table of contents?

Why isn't there a table of contents (TOC) in the Wikipedia article "Scott Meyers"?

There are three sections in that article. Has it something to do with the length? The article "Web application" has a TOC.

Is it possible to change it such that it gets a TOC?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Embedding simple block diagrams in GitHub wiki

I'd like to add some simple block diagrams to my GitHub wiki. Is there any way to do this without embedding images?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Changing the name of a Tiddler in TiddlyWiki and retain the references pointing to it

I am new to TiddlyWiki and I am trying to make a webpage that I anticipate to edit later with some information changing. It would make sense to sometimes edit the name of some of the tiddlers, but if I do that I will lose the links pointing to it.

Is it possible to change the name of a tiddler and make all references pointing to it accordingly at the same time (without doing it manually)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a web application that allows you to set up a wiki in 10 minutes? [closed]

I've attempted to set up a wiki a couple times but left it go because the complexity overcame the time I had to do it.

Is there a web application that allows you to easily set up a free wiki in 10 minutes the same way wordpress.com allows you to set up a free blog in 10 minutes?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to export all pages from MediaWiki to hierarchy of HTML files

I'm in the process of starting my bachelor project and needs a documentation system. Currently it looks like MediaWiki fulfills my requirements. All pages of a particular MediaWiki-project is stored in a separate database system. Does it exist an easy way for extracting these pages to a HTML-hierarchy of files? Will it be easier to go for e.g. DokuWiki that doesn't support database functionality?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to output raw code in github's wiki?

I want to explain my wiki users how to use internal links. However, when I write [[Linktext|Link to an internal site]] with two `` (code dashes) around them, it gets displayed as a link, but preformatted as code.

How can I get it outputed as raw format, so that my wiki's users can see how to enter internal links?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I alter an article on Wikipedia?

I would like to alter an article on Wikipedia how do I do so?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does Wikipedia prevent spamming?

Anybody can alter wiki contents, and I am wondering "How does Wikipedia prevent spamming?", when even not registered members edit the contents. What you think about it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to delete a GitHub wiki page?

I created a wiki page in my project's GitHub repository, for storing some loose notes and links, and GitHub automatically created a wiki page called "Home", containing the text "Welcome to the [repository] wiki!"

There are two problems with that. First, the new "Home" page is completely useless to me. Second, and most importantly: in order to access the page I created, I have to click the "wiki" link from the repository home page, and then the "Pages" tab, and then the link to the actual wiki page I created.

So I decided to move the content to the "Home" wiki page, to make it more easily accessible. Since there doesn't seem to be a "rename" function for GitHub wiki pages, I simply copied the contents of my page to the "Home" page.

Now, how do I delete the original wiki page so it doesn't clutter my repository?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can one use Google Sites as a Wiki?

Is it possible to use Google Sites as a Wiki where everyone can edit without first asking for the owner to allow them?

Source: (StackOverflow)