
webservice interview questions

Top webservice frequently asked interview questions

Amazon signed me up for almost all Amazon Web Services. Is this usual?

I wanted try Amazon SNS, so I clicked the Sign Up button on its tab on the managament console. Amazon approved my signup and in my account under "Services You're Signed Up For" I see almost all Amazon web services.

Is this normal? Do they sign you up for everything in the hope you will use them? They won't charge me for services I don't touch at all, right?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Instagram - How to edit my post via web services?

I need to edit my post in Instagram via webservice (browser), not by a device. Prompt me this service, please.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Torrent to direct-link converter [closed]

Which are the websites which help to direct download bit-torrent files?

One such service is torrific

What torrific does is, when we give the url of a .torrent file, it will download the file on its server and give us the direct link for the downloaded file.

Since torrific has a bandwidth limit of 10GB per day I am looking for other free alternatives

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a web application that tracks visitors to a specific web page? [closed]

I would like a web app that tracks visitors to a certain web page of a big website. i.e. a page in TMZ or my YouTube channel. I would also like to be able to track whether they came from a link or inputted the url manually. Is there a tool like that?

Edit: I don't own the webpage so I have no access to the source code.

Edit 2: The exact reason I need it is because I'm making a puzzle with a giveaway for a forum I frequent, and it would be an extra measure to detect leakage.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a webapp for tracking my sleep patterns/habits? [closed]

Is there an app that some way can track the times I go to sleep and more importantly log the times at which I (assumably) awake every day?

For instance, install a small script to Ubuntu or a webapp that logs my activity from different accounts and can say that I must have been awake at least at 6 AM day before yesterday even if I didn't take a note.

Or just some app that lets me manually keep a diary over my sleeping schedule?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I use the feed43.com service?

Feed43 looks like a service which generates an RSS feed from a website that doesn't support RSS.

I'd like to use the service, but their user interface is awful.

Please let me know how to define extraction rules with any sample site.

P.S I know how to use regex. You don't need to explain about that.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Service that shows most popular queries/keywords related to a specific topic X? [closed]

I know Google Trends/Zeitgeist. But what I'm looking for is a service where you can enter, for example "Politics", and then the service gives out the most popular queries containing "Politics"-keyword in the query, so I can see the other keywords people are using in combination with it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Translation Crowdsourcing for JavaScript apps? [closed]

There seem to be a good number of translation web services popping up that allow for crowdsourcing of applications and provide APIs to keep language files (primarily po and yaml) in sync.

For us JavaScript developers however, the market seems immature. I've looked at projects such as "Webtranslateit", "99translations" and "Transifex" but none provide a good example of integration with a JavaScript i18n library.

What I'm looking for is a good example of a Translation Dashboard (web service) that can export to a format (json) used by any JavaScript translation library.

Please suggest good starting points for any such (preferably tested) workflows!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Web service for converting Microsoft Office file formats (doc, docx, ppt, etc) into plain text?

Larger context: we're working on an Intranet portal's search engine, which needs to be able to search within ALL office types: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, and .pptx. Having the search also already in place, we've implemented the indexer using Office automation; however, client is concerned, that this is 1, error-prone, and 2, not recommended by Microsoft (and also -not covered in their license).

I've read the previous answers in this regard on SO, however it would require us to integrate an extremely large amount of distinct libraries to cover all the edges, which we don't have the resource to do so.

Hence, we're looking for a simple web service, to which we can submit any of these documents, and would return a simple, plain text (or HTML, or even PDF -we've got parsers for both) output.

Are there any such services (free, or paid), that covers all of the file formats above?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does a book recommendation website exist? [closed]

Does anybody know a web service that allows you to

  • insert the books you have
  • mark authors you like
  • mark book series you like
  • rate books
  • write reviews
  • automatically find people who read similar books
  • insert the languages you know
  • gives, based on this information, recommendations for interesting books
  • generate an rss-feed / send emails for some events, e.g.
    • an author you like wrote a new book
    • a serie you like got a new book
    • a book you marked got translated in your language

(and perhaps save your information for usage out of this system)

I only know amazon and some other book stores that offer some recommendations, but I don't know any service that allows me to keep track of the books an author writes.

Do you know a web service like that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Best organiser/scheduling programme for small company? [closed]

I'm looking for a program on behalf of other people, but in doing so it has struck me how few easy-to-use personal organiser type programmes there are out there. Don't get me wrong, there are thousands of ones available, some free, some commercial, but they almost universally tend to be fiddly, unintuitive, and, bottom-line, more annoying than useful. This is particularly important when there is an emphasis on collaboration and mobile use!

A lot of the products put emphasis on use by external users - such as booking engine (for customers) or clocking-in clocking out features (for employees). I'm not actually looking for any of that - rather the inclusion of such services is likely to make the system more cumbersome if anything. Crucially, the system is being sought for non techies. Unfortunately, from my point of view, most websites that review these products place a great emphasis on these types of features - hence the question here. :D

Ideally the system would

  • Integrate with Outlook (including Outlook's calendar)
  • Be accessible by a smart phone
  • Allow users to make and share appointments between a few colleagues, and most importantly, make notes relating to meetings.
  • A UI which is based upon a calendar

It doesn't matter whether or not it is free.

What have your experiences which such systems been?

Source: (StackOverflow)

SItes or applications to save web pages [closed]

It's my first question, so sorry if something is not right.
Please, suggest sites or programs that allow the user to save a web page. It does not matter on the Internet or on user's computer, or it is not the main feature.

I know about:

  • A function inside browsers,
  • Web Archive
  • peeep.us
  • instapaper.com

What else?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Full Screen News Application [closed]

Is there a web application that can display full news articles for certain intervals of before changing to another current news article? If so, can RSS feeds be defined and called upon?

I want to mount a monitor in my living room with a small computer attached that only serves to display a news feed that is completely automated. However, as far as I have searched, I have not found a web application or program that can deliver a scrolling news feed that also displays said feed options. If anyone knows of such an application, or if it doesn't exist, how to start writing such an application, I would appreciate any responses.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any private README file writers where I can keep it for my private notes without using heavy weight document writers? [closed]

I am looking for a notepad in the cloud.

And use them as my reference book, so that I can search by content, file name, edit them.

My best FREE notepad for the moment is, this one:

  • edit
  • add new
  • read as raw (much cleaner to me)
  • but can not make as string filenames
  • can't search
  • everybody can view it
  • and also its not FREE


Is there anything which I can use, to keep such TUI notes (simple coder mind and clean code book as private), with my source codes and hints, etc.

Readable as like this: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt (clean and fresh)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Services to host images online? [closed]

all I need is a simple service that allows me to host images online and have access to the direct URL of the image (without paying and without obtrusive ads).

http://imageshack.us does not give me direct URL of the image.
http://www.freeimagehosting.net has way too many ads.

Source: (StackOverflow)