
webcam interview questions

Top webcam frequently asked interview questions

How to know which USB port is 2.0?

My computer (running Windows XP) has 4 USB ports at the back. From the Device Manager window, I know that one of them is 2.0, and the rest are all 1.0. I have a webcam that I think will benefit from the increased speed if I plug it into the 2.0 port. But how do I tell which one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I use a Canon SX 30 camera as webcam?

Can I use my Canon SX 30 as my web cam?

I have come along a lot of tutorials and videos telling us how to do this using ZoomBrowser that is shipped along with the camera. But it seems that canon sx 30 is not compatible with it. Is there any other way by which we can do it?

Source: (StackOverflow)


What free softtware (Windows 7) to use with a webcam [closed]

I got a web-cam and I feels it's a bit underused.

So I'm wondering what free software I could use with it beside of the obvious Widows Messenger (or MSN or whatever it's name now) / Skype.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Run Linux script at time 'n' on first day, 'n+15 mins' next day, and so on

I'm trying to take timelapse images using my webcam. What I want to do is run a script at midnight on 1st Jan, then 00:15 on 2nd Jan, 00:30, 3rd Jan and so on. This can keep running forever, I'll switch it off when I'm done.

I can't do this with Cron, can I, without filling a crontab with every possible combination? I don't know what else to do though.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Webcam as Ambient Light Sensor in Windows 7

Windows 7 introduces an Adaptive Brightness service that requires an Ambient Light Sensor doodad to work. Is there software that turns a webcam into a (periodic) ALS that is compatible with the ambient brightness service?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I take a picture with my webcam in Windows 7?

I know it existed as sort of a folder in Windows Explorer in at least Windows XP, but I just can't seem to find it in Windows 7...

How can I take a picture with my webcam in Windows 7 without using any 3rd party tools?

Source: (StackOverflow)

ffmpeg open webcam using YUYV but i want MJPEG

I need ffmpeg to open webcam (logitech c910) in MJPEG mode, because the webcam can give ~24 using MJPEG "protocol" and only ~10 fps using the YUYV. Can i choose between them using ffmpeg command line?

xx@(none) ~ $ v4l2-ctl --list-formats
    Index       : 0
    Type        : Video Capture
    Pixel Format: 'YUYV'
    Name        : YUV 4:2:2 (YUYV)

    Index       : 1
    Type        : Video Capture
    Pixel Format: 'MJPG' (compressed)
    Name        : MJPEG

My current command line:

ffmpeg -y -f alsa -i hw:3,0 -f video4linux2 -r 20 -s 1280x720 -i /dev/video0 -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -vcodec libx264 /tmp/web.avi

ffmpeg produces corrupted h264 stream when i record from webcam, but normal h264 strem when i record from x11grab. Another codecs (mjpeg, mpeg4) works well with webcam... But this is another story.

update Full ffmpeg's console output: http://pastebin.com/Hzem6CKF (you can see it opens video device in YUV mode, but the device can provide MJPEG outpud also).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Will lsusb and lspci list devices for which the system has no drivers?

I have been administering Linux systems for years now, but usually they are commodity boxes and as a result I rarely have driver problems, short of needing to install some "restricted" or "proprietary" driver package, or manually installing the nvidia binary drivers back in the day.

However, one question to which I have never picked up a straight answer regards common troubleshooting practice. Will lsusb and lspci list device for which a system has no drivers (kernel modules)? I am trying to install a webcam on a SiS-chipset laptop and though I can see a physical webcam, neither lsusb or lspci are showing me that any webcam-like device exists.

What I want to know is if it would show anything, or if it needs drivers in order to show a device?

Source: (StackOverflow)

More than 2 webcams on Windows

Well, for the project I envisioned I have MY software and want to attach 4 webcams to the PC. I dug deep down into development only to find out that...

Windows won't work with more than 2 webcams?!

Is there a way around that problem?

Information about my configuration:

  • Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)
  • Relevant applications running in x86 mode
  • Canyon or Prestigion 2Mpix web cam (running in 640x480 resolution at 30 FPS)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable iSight auto adjustments?

The built-in iSight cam on my MacBook machine keeps re-adjusting the lighting (and focus I think). I need to manually set those, but I found nothing of any use in System Preferences or System Profiler.

Any way to access the settings? Any magic terminal commands that allows access to the camera Anyone has a driver that allows for any camera access?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Scripting an sFTP batch upload every 1 minute

I am wanting to record video of part of my house with a webcam while I am away for a few days to try and ensure any burgalers are photographed and the photo uploaded to my server before they even realise it.

I have setup a webcam to stream footage using mjpg_streamer. That works and is streaming OK.

It is possible to take a still capture from the stream whenever you want called 'FileName.jpg' :

wget -O FileName.jpg 

I have an Amazon FTP server with Amazon Web Services and FTP access using sFTP. I am connected using Firefox's FireFTP plugin currently, so that works. The idea is to leave the computer running with the connection live.

I'd like to script the taking of a picture from the stream say every 1 minute and have the picture uploaded to my server via the live FTP connection, and either have the original file deleted off my PC so that the next one will save O or append a number to the end of each file and then FTP it up. e.g FileName1.jpeg, Filename2.jpeg.

I've Googled for hours and although there's loads of posts about scripting an FTP upload, I can't find any about a constant stream of uploading...i.e. "Watch this folder, upload the content every 1 minute and then a minute later upload whatever new content is in it".

I guess I need a bash script that will :

  • keep a counter so that each newly created file gets a different name
  • Send that filename to the "wget -O FileNameXX.jpg" every 30 seconds or 1 minute
  • Upload the FileNameXX.jpg to the FTP server

But I have no idea how to do that! Can anyone direct me? Or does anyone know of a way to do with FileZilla or something (which cant watch a folder AFAIK : https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=41609?

Source: (StackOverflow)

FFmpeg filter to rotate image through arbitrary angle

I need to produce timelapse video from a webcam that was mounted at a slightly off-vertical angle, and I need to rotate the image about 3 degrees counter-clockwise. (The webcam is in a virtually inaccessible location and due to weather may get kicked askew eventually even if we did fix the angle. So I need to fix it in software.)

I have had success using ImageMagick's convert tool with the command line option:

  convert infile.jpg -distort ScaleRotateTranslate 750,50,-3  outfile.jpg

but of course it is painfully slow to convert. I can do absolutely everything else I need to do (cropping and overlaying a logo on the image) using FFmpeg filters, but there doesn't seem to be a filter that allows rotating an image by an arbitrary angle, only by 90 or 180 degrees.

Perhaps there is some sort of generic linear transformation filter that can do this?

Thanks for any help.

Source: (StackOverflow)

HDMI to USB converter

I'd like to use my camcorder for video conferencing.

On the one end, the camcorder outputs HDMI. On the other end, the PC takes USB input. How do I convert the HDMI video feed to a "webcam" USB connection in real-time*?

* Where "real-time" is defined as latency of 300ms or less.


  • The recorded video must be at least 1080p, 30fps.
  • The target PC is a low-end laptop so assume I can't use a built-in capture card and the built-in CPU is weak.
  • I am more interested in finding a solution that works than one that is cheap.
  • I must use a camcorder (instead of a webcam) because the camera-man is expected to use manual controls (e.g. lighting, zoom, focus, view-finder) to shoot a broadcast-grade video. Imagine I am shooting a TV show consisting of individuals in remote offices chatting with one another. The video conferencing nature means low latency is vital. The TV show means the camera must be broadcast-grade.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Lenovo T420 integrated camera is not working

Im using a Lenovo ThinkPad T420 with Windows 7 64-bit and my integrated webcam is not working. Skype settings always show an error (see below). I tried to install this driver but it didn't work.

Skype settings of Lenove T420

Any help?

Update: Result of Fn+F6

Here is the screenshot of that

Resized to 75%

It means something wrong with my the integrated camera. But any solution? Or suggestion that might help?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Baby monitor with netbook and smartphone [closed]

We're shopping for a baby monitor, but it seems like a waste to pay $150 for something when we already have both cameras/microphones (netbook with built-in webcam is the most mobile one) and remote devices that we carry around (Android phones). They also seem to vary a lot in quality and there are many complaints in forums about whichever product I research.

Looking through the Android market, there are several apps to turn your phone into a baby monitor that will call a specified number if the baby wakes up, but it means leaving your phone in the baby's room, needing another phone to carry with you.

I suppose setting up a streaming feed from a webcam and viewing it on your phone would not be too hard, but I'm afraid running a continuous feed would eat up all of my phone batteries. Maybe something that pushes a notification (SMS, WhatsApp, ?) to my phone telling me to check the feed?

Any ideas? Are there existing solutions?

The netbook is running Linux, and our phones are Android.

Source: (StackOverflow)