
visual-c++ interview questions

Top visual-c++ frequently asked interview questions

What's the use for "stdafx.h" in Visual Studio?

The stdafx.h is automatically generated when I start a project in VS2010. I need to make cross-platform C++ library, so I don't/can't use this header file.

What is this for? Is it OK that I just remove this header file?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Visual Studio 2010 - C++ project - remove *.sdf file

I would like to know if I can safely delete the sdf file that stores information for Visual Studios Intellisense - is it going to be rebuilt the next time that I open the solution?

Do I lose anything by doing so? Is it possible to break the solution this way?

The motivation to do so is that by having multiple small projects stored - each and every sdf file is more or less 20Mb in size which adds up to a noticeable amount of disk space.

Source: (StackOverflow)


In Visual Studio C++, what are the memory allocation representations?

In Visual Studio, we've all had "baadf00d", have seen seen "CC" and "CD" when inspecting variables in the debugger in C++ during run-time.

From what I understand, "CC" is in DEBUG mode only to indicate when a memory has been new() or alloc() and unitilialized. While "CD" represents delete'd or free'd memory. I've only seen "baadf00d" in RELEASE build (but I may be wrong).

Once in a while, we get into a situation of tacking memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc and these kind of information comes in handy.

Would somebody be kind enough to point out when and in what modes the memory are set to recognizable byte patterns for debugging purpose?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to keep the console window open in Visual C++?

I'm starting out in Visual C++ and I'd like to know how to keep the console window.

For instance this would be a typical "hello world" application:

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    cout << "Hello World";
    return 0;

What's the line I'm missing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cannot open include file 'afxres.h' in VC2010 Express

I'm trying to compile an old project using VS express 2010 but I get this error:

fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'. from this code

// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
#include "afxres.h"

I have installed Windows SDK already, but without any success.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is Visual C++ lacking refactor functionality?

When programming in C++ in Visual Studio 2008, why is there no functionality like that seen in the refactor menu when using C#?

I use Rename constantly and you really miss it when it's not there. I'm sure you can get plugins that offer this, but why isn't it integrated in to the IDE when using C++? Is this due to some gotcha in the way that C++ must be parsed?

Source: (StackOverflow)

GCC with Visual Studio?

How hard would it be to use GCC instead of VC++ from within Visual Studio 2008? Obviously, some of the keywords won't match, and some may not get syntax highlighting (unless you made a new language service).

Is this what a 'makefile project' is for, pretty much?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Visual Studio: how to set path to dll?

I developed an application that depends on a dll. When I debug my app, the app would complain that "This application has failed to start because xxx.dll was not found."

So what I have to do is to copy the dll into the same directory as my .vcproj.

Is there a way to set the project to look for the dll in (preferably) some relative path or (not preferred) some absolute path?

Similar concept to how we set include and lib path in the project settings.

EDIT: Sorry for all the confusion: I meant when I debug my app (hitting F5) the above error would pop up.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How is "int* ptr = int()" value initialization not illegal?

The following code (taken from here):

int* ptr = int();

compiles in Visual C++ and value-initializes the pointer.

How is that possible? I mean int() yields an object of type int and I can't assign an int to a pointer.

How is the code above not illegal?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does #defining WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN exclude exactly?

I found the explanation defining WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN "reduces the size of the Win32 header files by excluding some of the less frequently used APIs". Somewhere else I read that it speeds up the build process.

So what does WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN exclude exactly? Should I care about this pre-processor directive? Does it speed up the build process?

I've also seen a preprocessor directive in projects named something along the lines of extra lean. Is this another esoteric preprocessor incantation I should know about?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is Visual Studio 2010 not able to find/open PDB files?

I am trying to use OpenCV in VS 2010. I am an amateur, and I am learning first steps from the OpenCV wiki. However, when trying to debug my project, I get the following errors:

'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernellbase.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file

I have those files in the right directory, so why can't it open them? What should I do to fix the problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the fundamental difference between MFC and ATL?


Assuming I am only using them for "normal" GUI programs (no COM, no ActiveX, nothing fancy), what is the fundamental difference I will see between ATL and MFC, to help me figure out which one to use?

I've done some searches on the web, but ultimately none of the answers really answered my question:

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bk8ytxz5(v=vs.80).aspx:

    • "ATL is a fast, easy way to both create a COM component in C++ and maintain a small footprint. Use ATL to create a control if you don't need all of the built-in functionality that MFC automatically provides."

      Doesn't really answer my question, because:

      • I'm not working with COM.

      • Does this imply MFC isn't fast? Why/how?

    • "MFC allows you to create full applications, ActiveX controls, and active documents. If you have already created a control with MFC, you may want to continue development in MFC. When creating a new control, consider using ATL if you don't need all of MFC's built-in functionality."

      Also doesn't answer my question, because:

      • I don't really even know what ActiveX is in the first place.

      • It looks as though Microsoft is discouraging the use of MFC, but I can't figure out why.

      • What exactly is MFC's "built-in functionality" that ATL doesn't provide?

    • In general, this doesn't answer my question because it doesn't explain the downsides and the reasons behind them.

because directly or indirectly, everything seems to link back to the previous page:

What I have currently observed (within the last couple of days, while trying to learn both):

  • ATL is based on templates, or compile-time polymorphism.
    • ATL methods tend to be non-virtual, and tend to return references.
  • MFC is based on virtual methods, or run-time polymorphism.
    • MFC methods tend to be virtual, and tend to return pointers.

But there doesn't seem to be any architectural difference between them:

  • Both use message maps (BEGIN_MSG_MAP vs. BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP... big deal)
  • Both wrap Win32 methods into classes
  • Both seem to have similar classes CWnd vs. CWindow

But then, if there's no real difference except for the compile-time vs. run-time aspect, then why do both of them exist? Shouldn't one of them be enough?

What am I missing here?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is gettimeofday() guaranteed to be of microsecond resolution?

So I find myself porting a game, that was originally written for the Win32 API, to Linux (well, porting the OS X port of the Win32 port to Linux). I have implemented QueryPerformanceCounter by giving the uSeconds since the process start up:

BOOL QueryPerformanceCounter(LARGE_INTEGER* performanceCount)
    gettimeofday(&currentTimeVal, NULL);
    performanceCount->QuadPart = (currentTimeVal.tv_sec - startTimeVal.tv_sec);
    performanceCount->QuadPart *= (1000 * 1000);
    performanceCount->QuadPart += (currentTimeVal.tv_usec - startTimeVal.tv_usec);

    return true;

This, coupled with QueryPerformanceFrequency() giving a constant 1000000 as the frequency, works well on my machine, giving me a 64 bit variable that contains uSeconds since the program's start up. So is this portable? I don't want to discover it works differently if the kernel was compiled in a certain way or anything like that. I am fine with it being non-portable to something other than Linux, however.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How bad is "if (!this)" in a C++ member function?

If I come across old code that does if (!this) return; in an app, how severe a risk is this? Is it a dangerous ticking time bomb that requires an immediate app-wide search and destroy effort, or is it more like a code smell that can be quietly left in place?

I am not planning on writing code that does this, of course. Rather, I've recently discovered something in an old core library used by many pieces of our app.

Imagine a CLookupThingy class has a non-virtual CThingy *CLookupThingy::Lookup( name ) member function. Apparently one of the programmers back in those cowboy days encountered many crashes where NULL CLookupThingy *s were being passed from functions, and rather than fixing hundreds of call sites, he quietly fixed up Lookup():

CThingy *CLookupThingy::Lookup( name ) 
   if (!this)
      return NULL;
   // else do the lookup code...

// now the above can be used like
CLookupThingy *GetLookup() 
  if (notReady()) return NULL;
  // else etc...

CThingy *pFoo = GetLookup()->Lookup( "foo" ); // will set pFoo to NULL without crashing

I discovered this gem earlier this week, but now am conflicted as to whether I ought to fix it. This is in a core library used by all of our apps. Several of those apps have already been shipped to millions of customers, and it seems to be working fine; there are no crashes or other bugs from that code. Removing the if !this in the lookup function will mean fixing thousands of call sites that potentially pass NULL; inevitably some will be missed, introducing new bugs that will pop up randomly over the next year of development.

So I'm inclined to leave it alone, unless absolutely necessary.

Given that it is technically undefined behavior, how dangerous is if (!this) in practice? Is it worth man-weeks of labor to fix, or can MSVC and GCC be counted on to safely return?

Our app compiles on MSVC and GCC, and runs on Windows, Ubuntu, and MacOS. Portability to other platforms is irrelevant. The function in question is guaranteed to never be virtual.

Edit: The kind of objective answer I am looking for is something like

  • "Current versions of MSVC and GCC use an ABI where nonvirtual members are really statics with an implicit 'this' parameter; therefore they will safely branch into the function even if 'this' is NULL" or
  • "a forthcoming version of GCC will change the ABI so that even nonvirtual functions require loading a branch target from the class pointer" or
  • "the current GCC 4.5 has an inconsistent ABI where sometimes it compiles nonvirtual members as direct branches with an implicit parameter, and sometimes as class-offset function pointers."

The former means the code is stinky but unlikely to break; the second is something to test after a compiler upgrade; the latter requires immediate action even at high cost.

Clearly this is a latent bug waiting to happen, but right now I'm only concerned with mitigating risk on our specific compilers.

Source: (StackOverflow)

C++ include and import difference

What is the difference between #include and #import in C++?

Source: (StackOverflow)