
virtual-desktop interview questions

Top virtual-desktop frequently asked interview questions

Move a screen from one virtual desktop to the other

I'm using the "Desktops" program by sysinternals. I'm wondering if it's possible to move a screen to one of the other virtual desktops?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Assigning a virtual desktop to a monitor in Windows 10

Is there a way to assign a virtual desktop to a monitor in Windows 10 (i.e. have every monitor show a different VD)?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Starting Programs in a Specific Virtual Desktop

When I boot my laptop, I'd like to have two programs open, A and B. I can do this using the startup folder, but I'd like to open A in my first desktop and B in my second desktop. Is this possible in Windows 10? Perhaps there's a solution in batch?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to move the current window to another desktop without using a mouse in OS X?

In OS X as I'm aware to move the current window to the next desktop, I'd click down on the title bar of the window to have it in move mode, and then while keeping the mouse button down, press ctrl-<cursor direction_key>. If you don't have a laptop, this may require three hands. Alternatively you can go into spaces and drag a window from one desktop to another.

Is there an easier way to do this, with the keyboard only (and two hands max)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Pin applications to multiple desktops in Windows 10

One of the big new features for Windows is the fact that multiple "virtual" desktops are now natively supported, allowing you to organise collections of windows together and separate groups of tasks.

This is good.

You can move windows between desktops by clicking the "tasks" button and then right clicking an application window and selecting "Move to..."

This is a bit clunky and not quite so good.

I have two monitors and often like to have a film playing on my second monitor, either in a web browser or media player, while I have a browser and some other applications on the main screen. Doing this isn't a problem in my current setup, it just works.

With the advent of virtual desktops I was wanting to put the browser on one virtual desktop and another app on another virtual desktop and still be able to watch the video when I switch desktops, effectively having it visible on both virtual desktops. Using the default Film & TV app to play a video and then moving to another desktop simply results in your video stopping without any warning.

This is not good.

What I was hoping was that either the two monitors would have their own virtual desktop or their would be some "pin to all desktops" option similar to the "sticky window" feature that I have seen in many Linux based window managers.

Is there some way to achieve this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a Linux window manager that allows separate virtual desktops (workspaces) on separate monitors?

For instance, in Gnome, I can set up multiple Gnome workspaces. But when I add a second monitor, all I get is my current workspace extended onto the second monitor. I hate it. Every time I run a full screen application I lose the second monitor, and have to go re-enable the stretched desktop after I close the application.

Also, I don't want separate X servers. I want to be able to move windows between workspaces. Also, it would be nice to be able to switch workspaces independently on each monitor.

Is there a window manager that has this kind of functionality? I'm surprised Compiz doesn't do it. They have the desktop cube. Switching workspaces independently only seems natural in that case.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Possible to keep a window in all virtual desktops?

In Ubuntu you can have virtual desktops, and toggle individual windows to exist on all of those desktops. How do I do the same in Windows 10?

Source: (StackOverflow)

VirtuaWin - Show window on 2 out of 4 Desktops

Is there a way to configure VirtuaWin (http://virtuawin.sourceforge.net/) so that a window is displayed on more than 1 desktop, but not on all of them? For example I want to show Visual Studio on Desktop 1 and 2, but not 3 and 4.

Or could I set it up that a program is shown only on Row 1, but not Row 2 or Row 3?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get virtual desktops (like Mac's Spaces) on my Windows 7 machine? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What is the multiple desktop utility you suggest for Windows?
Virtual desktop (alt+ctrl+1,2,3,4,...) like Linux on Windows 7

I make much use of ctrl-arrows to new virtual desktops on my MacBook to get more real estate, organize like-applications and windows, and help focus on a task at a time. I was surprised not to find some feature built into Windows 7. Am I wrong? If not, what program do most use for virtual desktops in Windows?


  • Keyboard shortcuts to slide to a new desktop

  • Sliding a window/app to an edge activates/moves the app to that virtual desktop

  • Zoom-out view allows you to see position and location of all windows on all desktops

  • Taskbar icon/view allows for easy two-click jump to any desktop

  • Remembers which apps open in which virtual desktop, on re-launch moves you to that desktop for app launch

  • (If you know any additional useful/cool features to hope for, add them as comments and I'll edit & add here.)

[And, no, 'install Mac OS X' is not what I'm looking for.]

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to map a virtual desktop to a monitor in a multiple monitor setup?

OS: Microsoft Windows Vista SP2, Microsoft Windows 7

My laptop is plugged to a docking station that supports dual monitors, which I use extensively. I have windows placed where I want them. All is well and predictable with this setup until I un-dock.

The moment I un-dock all windows that I placed in the secondary monitor piles up in the primary monitor and it is an unholy mess.

So, I am looking for a solution where if I use virtual desktops, one of them can be mapped to a monitor and when un-docked what was there in the secondary monitor stays in a virtual desktop. Do you folks know of a tool or workaround that can address my quandary?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Virtual Desktop Properties To Command Line

Is there a way from the command line (wmic, regedit, or dedicated tool) to check how many Virtual Desktops in Windows 10 are active, in which a window is, and which one the computer is currently using?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to rearrange virtual desktops in Windows 10

Is there any solution on how I could rearrange my virtual desktops in the task-view (WIN+TAB)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why windows went for so long without Virtual Desktops? [closed]

Windows has lacked Virtual desktop since it's origin (although Windows 1.0 had a tiling window manager :), and has required always the use of a third party application or a PowerToy (Windows XP+).

Does anyone know why this is the case? Do people in Redmond think it's bad? Is it too hard for new users to grasp the idea? Any other explanation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Multiple Workspaces in Windows with Two Monitors

I have a dual monitor (soon to be a three-monitor) setup. I am running windows 7 and my machine is capable of anything (no worries about memory hogs or intensive cpu loads).

What I would like to do is have virtual desktops / workspaces like you find in linux/solaris/mac. I have considered 360Desktop because I thought that would allow me to make better use of multiple monitors without any hacking. However, I wanted to know what else is out there.

One feature that would be great is to have one monitor as a home (never changing) and the other monitor to have multiple spaces. But I could still drag from home to any currently used workspace and vice-versus. It might also be cool if each monitor could have multiple workspaces.

GIGANTIC EDIT: I am in college and would prefer not to spend money on something like this, so please suggest something open-source

Source: (StackOverflow)

Restore open applications, documents, and window state

When working on a project, I generally have a couple of Explorer windows open to relevant folders and a couple of applications (e.g. Eclipse and a form development tool) open to specific project-related documents. There's a lot of value in that context, and I'd like to find a way to save a set of open apps under a project name, then restore that state at a later date.

Thus far all of the utilities I've found are virtual desktop products that don't save/restore state. I'm specifically looking for something that will run the applications I had running, open the documents I had open, and position the windows as they were. I'm amazed that such a seemingly simple concept as "Save my workspace state" doesn't seem to be available.

I'm on Windows 7. Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)