
vimperator interview questions

Top vimperator frequently asked interview questions

Vimperator Scroll

I have recently installed vimperator in firefox. The problem I face while using it is that when I am trying to scroll the feeds in Google reader, it actually scrolls through all the feeds that I follow. As in there are two different scrolls on the page and so how do i tell it to use the the scroll which I want.. I have gone through websites but still I wasn't able to get how should switch between scroll selections. Can anyone help on finding the Keyboard shortcut for the right frame to scroll?

Source: (StackOverflow)

caret navigation (getting a text cursor) in Google Chrome?

I use Google Chrome on OSX. Is there a way, within the browser, to get a text cursor that will allow me to navigate through text, selecting and copying text using only the keyboard?

I've looked at Vimium, Conkeror, and Vimperator, but as far as I can tell, they allow you to use the keyboard to navigate web pages (scrolling, visiting links) but don't provide a text cursor.

Is this possible?

Update: I have learned that this is called caret browsing or caret navigation. Is this possible in Chrome?

Source: (StackOverflow)


vimperator: Using external editor (e.g., vim) to edit Stack Overflow text

Utilities like vimperator allow editing content of HTML form fields in an external editor.

With vimperator there is shortcut Ctrl+I which, when in an edit box, opens the text in an external editor.

In the past, it was possible to use this in Stack Overflow. Since the introduction of more editing features, however, Ctrl+I is not opening the external editor, but inserts *emphasized text*.

Is there any way configure vimperator to start an external editor for editing Stack Overflow text?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to increase the font size of the command line in vimperator / pentadactyl?

What to I insert into my .vimperatorrc to make the font size of the command line bigger?

Source: (StackOverflow)

vimperator: how to select a completion with a number?

Can I choose a completion with a number if, for example, the 6th one is my desired completion? And how can I scrol down a page of the completion list?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is vimperator safe?

I recently discovered Vimperator, which is just awesome. However, it concerns me that I can execute shell commands from the browser.. is this exploitable? I'd really hate to get "sudo rm -r /*"'d. I don't know too much about web browsers so I may be worrying about nothing.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Vimperator and Ctrl+K

This is related to my other question about copy/pasting in Vimperator.

In normal Firefox, Ctrl+K gives the focus to the search bar.

How can I do this in Vimperator?

The weird thing is that it doesn't work even in -- PASS THROUGH -- mode. Ctrl+L works in pass through, why is it that Ctrl+K doesn't?

Is there a fix or a patch?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Vimperator - is there any way to edit text?

I'd like to know if there is any way to edit text in Vimperator (for example input boxes or Gmails web interface)? The way one edits text in Vim and can navigate e.g. the use of "p", "yy" and "dd" etc.

If there is any way how to do this in Firefox, please share it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where is _vimperatorrc in windows?

I've been using vimperator and I want to change how copy and paste works, but I don't know where _vimperatorrc is - any help?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hide status line / bottom bar in vimperator?

Is there a way to hide or maybe just autohide the status bar in vimperator?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Copy image location in vimperator

When using vimperator, how do I do the equivalent of right-clicking an image and clicking "copy image location"?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change characters used for link hints in Firefox Vimperator?

Instead of numbers used for link hints in Firefox Vimperator addon, I would like to display characters like in Vimium in Google Chrome.

How can I change this configuration?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get vimperator to scroll more than one line using the j and k keys?

I've tried using the following:

:map j 3j

When I do this and reload the .vimperatorrc file, it actually starts zooming in the page I'm on. The funny thing is, if I type 3j on a page without any mapping, it works. I'm using Vimperator 2.3.1 with Firefox 3.6.3.

Am I missing something?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Commandline vimperator-like browser?

When browsing normally I use Firefox with Vimperator installed, which gives you vim-like key bindings so you can browse without the mouse.

However, every now and again I have to browse from the commandline (often through SSH), and I've been using lynx for this, but it feels horribly inefficient after Vimperator - which would be perfect for doing this. Is there a CLI browser (text only, obviously), that works like Vimperator does?

Source: (StackOverflow)