
username interview questions

Top username frequently asked interview questions

Is there any way to change my Facebook username more than once?

I was wondering if there was some way I could go into the site's code and directly edit the variable for my username? Or anything like that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What happens to my old email username after I close down my account?

What happens to my web based email (i.e. Gmail, Yahoo) username after I completely close down my account? Is the username I closed down made available to new users or is it retired for good?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why does Wikipedia capitalize usernames?

From their page about username policies:

Wikipedia usernames are case sensitive, but the first letter is always automatically capitalized.

But I've also noticed that, even though I always login by typing "matt" (not actually my username, of course), I can still login, even though they change it to "Matt". So is it really case-sensitive? And why do they do this? I've never seen any other site capitalize the first letter of a username before.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to not be shown in the list of potential users in Trello?

Is there any way of preventing being listed in the user suggestions list when adding some to a project?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Manage users in Trac

Is there a convenient way to manage users (add user, change passwords, etc.) with Trac?


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to leave empty last name or both in Google Mail?

For some services it is useful to have one name in the email header. When you create an email account, Google by default does not allow to leave the name field empty.

How to leave empty last name or both in Google Mail?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I change my username on Trello after I set up my account with my Google account?

I set up my Trello account by using the "Log In With Google Account" option. That created a username for me.

I don't like that username.

Can it be changed? If so, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change Facebook username to the previous one [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I had changed my Facebook username (once) and Facebook doesn't allow me to change it twice. So I want to change it back to the old one. Is this possible? Or, are there any methods to change the username twice?

Source: (StackOverflow)

I want a new unique online identity - how to find one? [closed]

I want to start a new online identity and use a single common identifier on as many sites as possible. What web apps or other methods are available for me to check if my proposed nickname is already in use? I definitely want to avoid any service that might start cybersquatting on the name, if any are suspected of doing that.

Edit: agreed, this does make my online presence very searchable, and I'll give that some more thought.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any way to claim an abandoned Twitter name?

I've been in the process of trying to switch over my username on various online services to a common name. I've been fortunate to get most of the ones I want (GMail, Facebook) but one that has eluded me is Twitter. The user on twitter having the username I want sent a single tweet over two years ago and nothing else. He doesn't follow anyone, and doesn't have any followers. Even the account that he replied to no longer exists.

By and large, it's a waste of a perfectly good Twitter handle, one which I would very much like to use. Is there any way to get Twitter to release the name so that I can use it for myself?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove Facebook username and return to profile ID?

I want to remove (not change) my Facebook username, so that my profile page should be accessible from my ID number. Is this even possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Changing your username on Delicious

Is it possible to change your username on Delicious? I have an old account with all my bookmarks and I would like to change my username.

Is the only solution exporting your existing bookmarks from your old account and importing them in your new account? Anyone has experience with this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I reclaim my old Gmail username?

I'm looking to recover the username from a Google Account that I deleted a couple years ago.

The username is stevenheidel. All I want is the name, don't require any information from the account. This is the username I use for everything, so it'd be great if I could have the @gmail.com address back.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change my Gmail sender address from firstname.lastname to firstnamelastname

When I created my Gmail account, I used firstname.lastname as my username.
But now I would prefer to use firstnamelastname (without the dot in between) for everything - so it's the very same username according to Gmail's own rules.

I know that this doesn't make any difference for receiving mails (I know that mails to fi.RstnAm.elAs.tnaMe would be delivered to me as well)

How do I change the sender/"from" address in Gmail?

When I send mails, the sender displayed is always firstname.lastname. I tried to set up firstnamelastname as a sender in Gmail, but Gmail doesn't let me.

The error message is:

You can't send mails from firstnamelastname@gmail.com.

Setting up different senders works perfectly with addresses from other domains (I have set up a few successfully), but apparently Gmail doesn't allow to set up different "spellings" of the same Gmail username as senders.

Any idea if this is possible at all?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I create a Facebook page for a company who's name less than 5 characters long?

I would like to know the right procedure for a companies that have less that 5 characters to register their page username.

Facebook Pages have this restriction "Usernames must be at least 5 characters long" but there are lots with less chars like https://www.facebook.com/ford or https://www.facebook.com/nba

Any clue?

Source: (StackOverflow)