
ubuntu-touch interview questions

Top ubuntu-touch frequently asked interview questions

Where can I find the changelog for Ubuntu Touch?

I am using Ubuntu on my Nexus phone and I would like to know where I can find updates to what is changing on the device so I can follow along with development.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you package HTML applications for Ubuntu Touch?

Gomobile talks about HTML5 applications but doesn't explain how to package or install them on Ubuntu Phone/Touch.

Is the "Unity Webapps" stuff webapps the same for Ubuntu Touch? (API documentation here appears to be missing.)

Or are there any differences we should be aware of? Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why is Canonical choosing QT over GTK for Unity's next generation?

So much has been written that I'm kind of confused, but if I'm not mistaken Canonical is building the next generation of Unity for mobile devices with Qt, and in the near future the desktop will also be migrated to qt.

I just wanted to know the technical and/or political reasons driving this decision, and what consequences could it mean for the currently existing Ubuntu desktop applications.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Would Android apps be able to run in Ubuntu touch natively?

I'm wondering why Android apps won't be able to be run natively on Ubuntu Touch. I mean, isn't it all just Linux?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are some tablets that can run Ubuntu? [closed]

I can't believe I'm actually asking this, but what are some good, cheap tablets that can run Ubuntu? I'm considering getting a tablet, but I don't really want an expensive one like an iPad. And I love Ubuntu. So what tablets are out there that are cheap, but can also run Ubuntu 12.04 without much lag if it's installed after purchase? Personal anecdotes would be appreciated! Note: I'm not asking you to help me shop, just to formulate a list of tablets (+personal preference) that can use Ubuntu.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What hardware does Ubuntu Touch support?

With the announcement of the Ubuntu Phone OS I'd like to know what phone (and tablet) models are supported at this time.

Note from foss & Oli: We are making this the master question for all future "Will this work on <insert random tablet/phone/device here>?!" questions

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is Ubuntu Touch (Ubuntu for Phones)

Following up on Canonical's announcement, what is Ubuntu for phones, where can I download a copy of the OS to run on my phone? And how do I know if it's compatible with my phone?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I go about porting Ubuntu Touch to different devices?

I would like to port Ubuntu Touch to a device that is currently not supported. What are the requirements for doing this and where do I begin?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can Ubuntu run on a Microsoft Surface with Windows RT?

My family might be buying a Windows Surface tablet with Windows RT (Nvidia)? I was wondering if I can run Ubuntu or WUBI on it for my homework?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there an Ubuntu Touch emulator or a way to install it in a VM?

Is there any way to install Ubuntu Touch inside a virtual machine on a regular Ubuntu computer instead of on a phone or tablet? Or is there an emulator, like the one the Android SDK comes with?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Install with sudo app-get install doesn't work, "Not using locking for read only file /var/lib/dpkg/lock"

I just installed Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 7.

Unfortunately I can't install anything from the terminal app:

If I enter:

sudo apt-get install yasm -y git make g++ build-essential libminiupnpc-dev

I get:

W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

I've rebooted the device & googled but wasn't successful yet.

Can anyone help me please?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Where can I get a device with 'Ubuntu for phones' pre-installed?

Canonical has recently announced Ubuntu for phones, which is Ubuntu with a specific interface for mobile devices.

Where can I get phones with this version of Ubuntu pre-installed? If no devices are available yet, where can I pre-order one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to lock ubuntu device orientation in portrait or landscape from user input?

I am working on a reader app to be used on Ubuntu-Touch. When reading books from the app it would be a helpful feature to lock the orientation in either portrait or landscape. This would be useful when reading in bed sideways.

I've tried to use automaticOrientation = false or true, however, the SDK currently locks the orientation in portrait when set to false.

Is there a way to lock the orientation of the device screen in one or the other and have it stay locked?


Newer releases of Ubuntu for Phone have a global option to lock orientation, however, I would still like to do this at the app level.

I am still looking for a way to do this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I develop ubuntu for phones apps in Python? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

Does anyone know if we can develop apps for ubuntu for phones in Python ?

PyQT / PySide would seem to support also QML. But can we use them on the phones ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get started with developing apps for Ubuntu Touch? [closed]

I am interested in trying the new Ubuntu for phones OS development. (I am not an Ubuntu developer, I am new to Ubuntu. Impressed by the Ubuntu Touch preview, I got interested in learning how to develop for it).

Where can I start with it? I can't find any guidance on the Ubuntu site.

Source: (StackOverflow)