ubuntu-one interview questions
Top ubuntu-one frequently asked interview questions
Is sudo aptitude purge ubuntuone?
sufficient to remove everything Ubuntu One-related from my system?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I would like to use Ubuntu One on all of my computers, but I don't want all of the files to be synced with every computer. Some of my computers don't have a big enough hard drive to sync everything. I would like to have access to the files in the cloud, without having everything stored on my hard drive. Is this a current or planned feature?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I do not use Ubuntu One but that Ubuntu One ribbon keeps appearing when I open some folders. As I don't use Ubuntu One and don't intend to use it in near future, is there a way that Ubuntu One support completely goes away from my laptop? Something like apt-get remove u1-support
so I no longer see that ribbon nor the preferences menu entry?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I've looked in the Software Center, and there is an entry under Accessories for Ubuntu One, but I'm not sure if that'll actually remove Ubuntu One. On Ubuntu One's website, it gives a bunch of terminal commands to remove it, so should I use those or use the entry in the Software Center?
The reason I'm trying to remove Ubuntu One is because its sync doesn't work with my comp for some reason. It keeps saying that its trying to sync files in the client window, then it stops with the red X next to it after a few seconds. If Ubuntu One is this useless, I see no use for having it on my computer.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I live in Denmark and am exploring the option of using Ubuntu and Ubuntu One in the Danish state schools.
And in this context, I have looked a little into Danish law on cloud servies and data security.
And I would therefore like to know which countries Ubuntu One's U1 servers are located when I'm accessing my Ubuntu One data from Denmark.
And if they are located in multiple data centers/countries, which security methods are used to secure data transfer between them?
Source: (StackOverflow)
The standard audio-format for music in Rhythmbox is Ogg. For some reason none of my music encoded as OggVorbis shows up in the Ubuntu One Mobile Music application on my Android phone. The MP3s do show up. It looks like the Ubuntu One servers are not indexing Ogg-files, although it is THE open format for music with superior quality to MP3 and Ubuntu's Rhythmbox encoded my CDs to that format. Solution?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I've looked for this question and haven't gotten a reasonable answer yet. If I synchronize a folder will it synchronize a symlink? Will it process all the way through the link to all the files within that symlink?
Source: (StackOverflow)
As it says in the title. I want to get rid of this useless application ubuntu one. I've removed the application files from the software centre, but the icon is still shown.

Source: (StackOverflow)
I have two questions...
Firstly, is the communication between my Ubuntu desktop and the Ubuntu One cloud encrypted?
Secondly, are the files, media etc. stored on my Ubuntu one account encrypted on the servers?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Since there is no UbuntuOne client for Mac OSX to download, will there be one in the near future?
Source: (StackOverflow)
In view of the UK government's new internet snooping proposals can anyone answer this question about the physical location of our data?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I occasionally use Ubuntu One for purchase music; I would like to find a way to import my music from the cloud to my MacBook (which of course is not running Ubuntu). I wonder if, for this purpouse, I must download each track individually, or if there is a way to download a whole folder (tipically, the album).
Many thanks in advance ;)
Source: (StackOverflow)
I just wondering why Ubuntu is not developing the Ubuntu One client for Fedora even the closed source one. It will help to broaden the Ubuntu Cloud and revenue generating Ubuntu Music store by introducing the same to Fedora and other Linux distribution. Looking forward to see this happen in near future.
Source: (StackOverflow)