
ubuntu-gnome interview questions

Top ubuntu-gnome frequently asked interview questions

Will the upcoming "Gnomebuntu" be an official variant?

I have heard some things about Gnomebuntu which is to be a new Ubuntu variant, although that may not be its final name. There is an article at world of gnome, which describes it as a community developed variant (much like Xubuntu), but will it be classed as an official variant like Xubuntu? I wonder if anyone else had any more information on the project?

Thanks izx, we might as well leave the question open so people can add more information as the project develops.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Remove ubuntu-gnome-desktop?

I've recently installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop on my Ubuntu 12.10 32 bit system. It all worked, but now I would like to remove it again, since I like Unity better. This includes undoing all changes like getting GRUB back to a purple background and having the original Unity login screen.


Source: (StackOverflow)


Renaming files on Ubuntu-GNOME appears weird instead of blue

When I try to rename a folder, the selected content looks weird. The selected text should have become white with blue background. Instead it becomes like this :

enter image description here

I just installed Ubuntu-GNOME and I am getting this. I am using all default themes .

Source: (StackOverflow)

Install Gnome Software Center

I installed Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 and then upgraded the Gnome version to 3.10. But, all new apps in 3.10 such as Gnome Software Center, Maps, Weather etc are not included. So now, I wonder how to get and install these apps, especially Gnome Software Center?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Bash history not saved after closing terminal

I recently replaced my Ubuntu 14.04 installation with Ubuntu Gnome (which comes with Gnome DE). But I noticed that bash history is not saved once the terminal session is closed. Once I close a terminal session and open a new one, and run the command history it does not show anything other than the history command itself. Is there any way to solve this issue?

Thank you

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why won't my Ubuntu GNOME accept my google password?

I am using Ubuntu GNOME 14.04. I integrated my Google account with it. But every time I login GNOME asks for my google account password. But when I give it, it simply wont accept it! I am 100% sure I am typing the right password for my google account(It doesn't have 2 step verification at present. I was using it before but not now.) Since it didn't work I tried my login password but that too didn't work. Then I removed integration for that account from "Online Accounts" then removed all my cache and tried integrating again. It integrates, but again, if I type in my password when asked for, the same issue persists. Here is a screen shot:

(asking for password:)

enter image description here

(after right password is given:)

enter image description here

I tried following this answer partly(I deleted goa-1.0 but not evolution since it would delete my evolution configuration which I want!) But deleting goa-1.0 didn't let me integrate my google account at all and so it doesn't work!(I recreated goa-1.0 and now I can reintegrate my account but the password issue persists).

So now my question is: How do I integrate my google account with my Ubuntu GNOME without any such issues as explained above?

PS:- Should I be doing something with seahorse here? I dunno how it works and all and so if I have to use it, tell me what to do elaborately.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rhythmbox doesn't add/import MP3s from ~/Music on Ubuntu Gnome 15.04

I just installed Ubuntu Gnome 15.04, all my music is located in /home/user/Music/, e.g. /home/user/Music/Back to The Future.

I run Rhythmbox and try to import all MP3s to the player, but nothing happens. I selected the path /home/user/Music/, but Import x listed tracks remains disabled. I checked the preferences, the parameter Music files are placed in has the right value: file:///home/user/Music. Why can't Rhythmbox just import my MP3s? What should I do in order to see these files inside Rhythmbox library?

All needed codecs are installed already. When I click on MP3-file it's opened with video player and played there. I paid attention that Gnome Music also doesn't display MP3s inside of ~/Music, probably, there is the same root of these two problems.

Execution of

ls -l ~/.local/share/rhythmbox


total 132
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   1386 May  3 22:20 playlists.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user      0 May  3 21:31 podcast-timestamp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 129653 May  3 22:16 rhythmdb.xml

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 Disable Touchpad While Typing Not Working

I am using Ubuntu GNOME 14.04.

The "disable touchpad while typing" setting in the system settings does not work.

Any permutation of the "syndaemon" command does not work.

It is really annoying, when I am typing all of a sudden the focus will be on a new window, or a large chunk of text will be gone, etc.

I am using a Dell Inspiron 14 5000 series laptop, no proprietary drivers being used.

I also tried installing Pointing Devices from the Software Center and disabling from there. Did not work either.

There's the answer to this question: Touchpad issue: jumping cursor while typing (Ubuntu 14.04), syndaemon don't help but I don't want to try recompiling drivers unless there is definitely no other solution. Also there's this: https://gist.github.com/silverhammermba/a231c8156ecaa63c86f1 but this also involves patching drivers (also not clear how to apply it).

How can I get this to work?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ubuntu 16.04 Gnome Conky does not work right

I downloaded and installed Ubuntu gnome 16.04 and I installed icon and theme and much. Finally I installed conky-manager but it doesn't work correct like this.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gnome 3.16 HiDPI scaling only accepts integers

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 15.04 with Gnome 3.16, which is working really great on my machine (despite what I found on many forums around the web). Having a high DPI screen however (13.3" with 1920x1080) I need to scale the entire system to use it. There is a setting for that in the TweakTool, but it only seems to accept integers as scaling factor.

enter image description here

Does anybody know about a workaround for this? Scaling by two is way too large for my screen. The value I want is closer to 1.2

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Resolution changes after startup/login

I have been trying to use Gnome 3.8 / 3.10 / 3.12 since Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 and no matter what I do it changes the screen resolution to 720p, instead of 1080p, so I have to manually set 1080p every time I start the PC!

Card: Nvidia GTX 550 Driver: all available Distro: Ubuntu 13.10 / 14.04 Gnome Shell: 3.8 / 3.10 / 3.12

Things I tried so far:

  • opening nvidia-settings as root and user
  • changing settings in nvidia-settings= force Powermizer to Maximum / OpenGL settings / Quality Settings - (I have done it all)
  • forcing nvidia-settings to load on startup (Startup Aplications)
  • adding/deleting/changing xorg.conf = "modes" / "metamodes" / "Display" / "EDID" - (I have done it all)
  • adding gdm/init = xrandr output DVI-D-0 --mode
  • installing different Kernels = 3.10 / 3.12 / 3.13 / 3.14
  • installing different Nvidia Drivers= all available for Ubuntu
  • installing Lightdm/MDM = everything breaks down
  • changing cables = DVI / HDMI
  • blocking/changing EDID = blocking the extensions on EDID (maybe the hdmi sound was causing the problem) / "noEDID"- system looses all resolutions

What I learned so far:

  • Whenever I try to force 1080p by adding a command to xorg/gdm/xrandr the screen changes to 1080p for 1sec and then goes back to 720p! ... : (
  • Tested Xubuntu/Kubuntu 14.04 = no resolution problems, just the usual terrible Nvidia performance (no vsync, no vdpau)
  • Just installed Linux Mint yesterday and this problem doesn't happen (MDM), 1080p since the login screen.
  • Tested Gnome 3.10/3.12 on the latest Fedora / Suse / Antergos and the problem persists!

Possible causes:

  • Xserver 3.15 / 3.13 = I tried to replace ubuntu 14.04 xserver (3.15) with ubuntu 12.02 (3.13) cheating the repos and the whole system melted down!

  • I really want Gnome 3 and a supported version of Ubuntu (I am stuck at 13.04)!

  • I am very persistent and have problems taking NO for an answer!
  • I had an ATI HD 4x series and I saved money to buy this Nvidia because gaming on Linux became impossible (missing GL extensions on Legacy drivers)... so .... thinking that it would solve all the video issues I had on Linux with ATI ... but ... how wrong was I ???? Now I have problems with basic functionalities (RESOLUTION / VSYNC / VDPAU) !

....I started using Linux 3 years ago and all these GPUs mess have been a nightmare in my Linux experience! ....It's what makes me think about giving up Linux for all!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hide Title Bar When Maximized in GNOME 3.16

In GNOME 3.14 and 3.12, I had a modification in metacity-theme-3.xml which basically hides the title bar from any window when it's maximized. I preferred this method to the Maximus Two extension because the extension's behavior is inconsistent where sometimes I would see a transparent bar in place of the title bar on maximized windows (usually after resuming from a suspend).

Now, in GNOME 3.16, the metacity tweak doesn't work anymore because GNOME no longer uses it. I've tried custom gtk3 css such as:

.maximized .titlebar {
    display: none;

and variations of that, to no avail. Is this possible to achieve through gtk-3 custom css?

Update: Pixel Saver is a good extension for doing just this without any bugs but I would still like to know if there's a way to do it manually.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I disable touchpad while typing in ubuntu 14.04?

I want the touchpad to get disabled while typing.

Opening the system configuration and selecting "Pointing Devices" I can change only very basic settings, namely the primary and secondary button assignment, double click speed and cursor movement speed.

So, let's google...

I have found this. Further details about reasons or possible fixes are missing.

Some work-arounnds that I have found doesn't work for me. My system doesn't seem to load synaptics driver:

If type synclient I get Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?.

I have also installed synaptiks, but at run it says that it can't find any touchpad.

Nevertheless, the basic functions of the touchpad work.

I don't know if this is relevant: my notebook is an Acer Aspire E 15 ES1-511-C18C and the Ubuntu version is, as I have said in the title, 14.04. If I run the app "Mouse and Touchpad", I can see that the device detected is "PS/2 Elantech Touchpad".

ajh@ANTONIO-ACER:~$ syndaemon 
ajh@ANTONIO-ACER:~$ killall syndaemon
syndaemon: proceso no encontrado
ajh@ANTONIO-ACER:~$ syndaemon -i 1 -K d
ajh@ANTONIO-ACER:~$ killall syndaemon
syndaemon: proceso no encontrado
ajh@ANTONIO-ACER:~$ syndaemon -i 1 -K -d
ajh@ANTONIO-ACER:~$ killall syndaemon
syndaemon: proceso no encontrado

(Note: "Proceso no encontrado" is "process not found" in Spanish).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why did the Ubuntu GNOME logo change in 15.10?

Why did the Ubuntu GNOME logo change in 15.10?

15.04: enter image description here 15.10: enter image description here

(Logos extracted from the plymouth-theme-ubuntu-gnome-logo packages of the respective versions.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Install GNOME Desktop Ubuntu 15.04

How can I install Gnome Desktop on Ubuntu 15.04 with unity? Don't want to make a new clean install-- Any idea? Can't find any information about it!

Source: (StackOverflow)