
ubuntu-11.04 interview questions

Top ubuntu-11.04 frequently asked interview questions

cat: /tmp/st.socket No such device or address

I am getting this report when i use the cat to view files within the /tmp directory.

cat /tmp/st.socket

cat: /tmp/st.socket No such device or address


Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I disable the wheel-button paste feature in Ubuntu?

In Ubuntu, the mouse middle-button (wheel-button) pastes the clipboard contents when clicked. When I'm scrolling it keeps pasting things between my codes and most times I don't notice. I can solve this problem temporarily with doing this. But whenever I reboot the my computer, the behavior comes back.

How can I disable this behavior permanently? I don't want my wheel-button to paste.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Natty freezes constantly after install

I've just installed 11.04 and now at random everything freezes. The keyboard responds but the only thing that seems to unlock it is a reisub. I never had this problem before and I've had this computer for almost a year. I'm using gnome 3 but it also happens when I'm using unity. Even if I don't have any programs running soon or later it freezes. I've seen some similar questions here like this and this but no solution.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I open gnome-terminal in a maximized window by default?

I am using Ubuntu 11.04. When I launch gnome-terminal, how do I make it open in a maximized window by default?

Currently it's only taking part of the screen and I always have to maximise the window.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Newly upgraded Ubuntu 11.04 VM not booting

I have just upgraded to 11.04 on my VirtualBox VM, and after I start it, it begins to load, but it stops at the line * Checking battery state... [ OK ]

I have tried the recovery mode, but to no avail. I can access the boot commands and the command line, but I have no idea what to do from either.

Before the above line, there is a highlighted line
* PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions
saned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned

Source: (StackOverflow)

I accidentally chmodded the file system root - how can I revert this?

I am using Ubuntu 11.04.

I mistyped and wrote sudo chmod 444 / instead of writing /home.

Everything went blank and icons started disappearing, and now when I try to run Ubuntu, it hangs on the initial Ubuntu sign.

I know that I have changed the permissions for root itself, but is there any way I can revert back?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Icons in Ubuntu 11.04 + Unity are wrong

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 Desktop (32-bit) in a virtual box instance. I have the VM running with the new Unity desktop and it working fine except the icon set and the toolbar are showing up as the default GNOME matte gray interface.

What the heck is going on?

How do I get sleek black Ubuntu theme and Icons back?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to install the latest version of Ruby and Ruby on Rails in Ubuntu?

I installed Ruby with the command apt-get install ruby1.9.1, but when I enter ruby in the console, nothing happens.

I have to use the command


ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [i686-linux]

But how do I call it with ruby and not ruby1.9.1? And how do I install Rails?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does the Latest Ubuntu Download (.iso file) contain latest fixes?

If I go to the website and download the ISO file is it the exact same one that was released in April or will it contain the latest patches (e.g. security fixes, etc) that have been release since then?

If it doesn't I suppose I'll have to download the entire ISO file, install the OS, and then have another couple hundred MB to download which is not what I'd prefer.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Re-enable editable file path in Nautilus

I'm using Gnome Shell with Ubuntu 11.04. I'm liking it a lot so far, but the only issue is the fact I can't type a file path into Nautilus; I only get the silly breadcrumb buttons. Can someone point me to a solution on how to revert back to having a nice, normal, useful address bar please?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use arrow keys while navigating through file tree?

How can I use the arrow keys (right and left) to fold or unfold directories (tree nodes) within e.g. Nautilus or Eclipse instead of using the space bar?

Is it possible to bind this? (Note: This is very helpful if you want to fold a parent node while traversing in its child nodes.)

Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gnome: Change title of current terminal from bash command line

I know there are options to start a new terminal with a specified title, and that is is possible to change the title from a terminal using the menu: 'Terminal' -> Set Title.

However, I want to change it for a current terminal from command line. How can I change the title for an existing Gnome terminal from command line?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Bitcoin synchronization freezes my computer

I've a fairly decent laptop, with good CPU, 4Go of ram and a SSD harddrive. Nevertheless, when I run the bitcoin client (0.4 or 0.5), the whole computer freezes for several minutes then is usable for a few minutes then freezes again, etc.

I've monitored: CPU is low (bitcoin uses 10%), memory is low (bitcoin uses 3%), network isnormal (bitcoin uses 50/100Kb/s).

I'm wondering: am I alone experiencing this? Is there any way to be able to use a computer while, at the same time, having the bitcoin client running?


PS: I'm currently using Fedora 16 but I had the same problem with Ubuntu 11.10 and 11.04.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Quickly view PDF files in directory

Is there a way to view/browse PDF files/graphs quickly while flipping through them in Ubuntu Narwhal (kind of like in OS X's Finder where it shows an "image" of the pdf when you select it without actually opening it, or you can press spacebar when the file is highlighted and it shows you some quick view of it)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to search for files with Linux?

Do you know a good way to find a file or content by name recursively similar to the ms-windows function search with Linux? I can do find . | grep test.html suspecting it's not the best. Thanks for any answer.

For instance, running find . | grep terms.htmlgives my expected result while locate terms.html doesn't even though locate gets updated db - it might have to do with that it's an USB stick the file is on?

Source: (StackOverflow)