
twitter-api interview questions

Top twitter-api frequently asked interview questions

Pull Twitter Posts into Google Spreadsheets

I would like to set-up a Google Spreadsheet that automatically pulls Twitter search results into the cells. For instance, I'd like to search for "pizza" near "baltimore" and then have any pizza mentions near baltimore populate into my Google Spreadsheet.

Twitter has changed their API a couple times. I haven't found anything that works.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Twitter Tweet Button don't use built in URL Shortener?

I am using the following code to generate a Tweet Button on my site.

<a rel='nofollow' href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="http://mysite.com/asdf" data-text="Description about my the page" data-count="horizontal">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"> 

Works great, however when twitter I click on the button like a user would to tweet, it automatically shortens the URL using their http://t.co domain. I do not want this to happen as the data-url is going to be short enough as is.

Basically I want to still use the Tweet Button at some level, but don't want Twitter automatically shortening my URLs. Is this possible? Is there a different button/script I should look at?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Does the Twitter-API support the ability to search your own home timeline?

A few months ago, Erik Michaels-Ober asked for:

Search APIs that can be scoped to a particular user's timeline. For example, I frequently want to search only the Tweets that appeared within my own timeline.

On February 12th of this year, @ahsteele asked for a similar feature:

I'd like to specify a Twitter list to search for a specified hash tag.

Searching by a hash tag is easy: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23geocamsu will search all of Twitter for the #geocamsu hash tag. I'd like to limit that search to a particular list but do not see an option for doing so on their advanced search page.

Is there something I'm missing that allows for specifying a list?

Finally, if you've made a search query on either Twitter.com or the Twitter iPhone app recently, you might've noticed that Twitter's 'Phoenix Search' is clearly placing tweets from those that you follow near the top of the search results.

My Question:

  • Does the Twitter-API support the ability to search your own home timeline (or any defined list)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to manage who I'm following on Twitter

Currently I'm following almost 2k users on Twitter, I wish to review my followings and remove some of them, but it's very time consuming to check all of those one by one!

Basically I need to unfollow these users:

  1. Who are not active anymore and have no tweets in last 2 month.
  2. Who unfollowed me.
  3. Users that appears that their account got hacked, and who send spammy DMs.

It would be very useful if I could have a list to see users profile, website, their last tweet and an unfollow button, all next to each other. is there any trustworthy ready-to-use application available or can I make something with Twitter API?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Find tweets by app

I need to find all tweets made by a defined app.

I discovered the "source" search operator that allows to do that.

For example, here is the URL of the search to find all tweets made with Tweetbot for iOS: https://twitter.com/#!/search/source%3ATweetbot_for_iOS

The problem is I need to get the result as JSON or XML. Here is what is indicated on the Twitter search API documentation

  1. Run your search on twitter.com/search.
  2. Copy the URL. For example: https://twitter.com/#!/search/%40twitterapi
  3. Replace https://twitter.com/#!/search/ with http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=. For example: http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=%40twitterapi

It gives us http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=source%3ATweetbot_for_iOS which returns

error: "Invalid query"

Any idea?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Twitter say I've got tweets, but then pull the football away?

My site (listed on my user's page) shows this on my twitter widget when I hover: "This page has been shared 15 times. View these tweets"

This actually makes sense, because I have mentioned it in about that many tweets. However, when I click the link to view those tweets, though, the page navigated to says, "Results for [my site]: No Tweet results for [my site].

Does it hide self-tweets? Or what is the issue here?

Source: (StackOverflow)

how can i connect to twitter api via proxy? [closed]

i am starter and i need to connect twitter api via proxy. and twitt : Hello World?

my web site is dot net. C# . and i want to twit events of my site to twitter via twitter api.

please give me an easy summarize instruction note to do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Twitter offer a "Tweet box api" that can be installed on any blogs and used by Twitter users?

I was wondering if Twitter offers any api that can be installed on my blog, so Twitter users can tweet from my blog when browsing my blog.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Search for "google+" on Twitter without regular "google" in results

How do you search for "google+" on Twitter without results also showing the form without the plus sign (+)?

I want to search for the literal google+ on Twitter. Unfortunately, the plus gets encoded and the Twitter search API does not find any results. Results appear the same as if there was no plus sign.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is Twitter not shortening my URL; which share functionality should I use?

I am currently using the share functionality of Twitter, but for some reason it's not shortening my URL. Why? And how can I fix this?

For example, if you click the link below you will see that my URL is not being shortened:

https://twitter.com/share?url=http://example.com/really-long-url-that-does-not-get-shortened&text=Random text here for sure..

How do I get Twitter to shorten it automatically?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Getting insights data from LinkedIn and Twitter

Is there any way to get insights data from Twitter and LinkedIn company/brand pages as Facebook provides?

Data like:

  • negative feedback;
  • comment/wall posts;
  • likes, shares, follows, re-tweets etc

And insights like:

  • Monthly active users;
  • Page views;
  • User demographics etc

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get all my Twitter related activity in counts?

How can I get all my Twitter related activity in counts? Example: my tweet count is 50; my favorite is 10. I need counts of following: mentions, favorites, retweets, liststatus, hometimeline, direct messages, followers, and users I follow.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Find Out the Exact Time of a Tweet on Twitter [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

When viewing a tweet on Twitter, it only allows you to see the hour and the min (9:26AM). Is there a way to find out the exact timestamp of that tweet, in milliseconds?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Follow users by criteria on Twitter

Keeping in mind Twitter's Following rules and best practices, I've tried Crowdfireapp's Keyword follow and I find it very powerful because:

  1. I can easily list many users whose profile or tweets match a keyword or hashtag, with a filter by location (e.g. country);
  2. I can follow them massively with a simple click, the list shifts to hide followed users so I don't need to even move the mouse (or I can autoclick thousands times with a certain delay and go have lunch);
  3. I can easily reduce noise later, by unfollowing the users who didn't follow back etc., because previous follows will be hidden next time (it doesn't look good if you continuously follow and unfollow a user).

However I'd like to narrow down the accounts returned by the search, with some further criteria like:

  1. sort by relevance, list first the users who used the keyword most often;
  2. filter by user statistics, e.g. min/max number of followers or tweets, difference between followers and following;
  3. filter by negative keyword, to exclude those who have some word(s) in their bio (and tweets?).

Search results are seemingly limited to one week's tweets; mass inspection of tweets over a period of months would require analysis of the twitterstream dumps.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Count of Twitter hashtags in a 24-hour period?

How do I get a count of the number of times a Twitter hashtag is used or mentioned in a 24-hour period?

An example use is the Livestrong/BreakCancer world record attempt. I'd like to tally the number of times the use of a hashtag is made in order to have some record on its proliferation.

Source: (StackOverflow)