
tweet interview questions

Top tweet frequently asked interview questions

How to see all tweets to a particular user

I am following a certain person on twitter. I then started following another person who is also following him. I noticed that after I did this I could see the tweets that this person was making to that person which I did not see previously.

How can I see all the tweets that people are making to a particular individual? Do I have to follow all of his followers, or is there an easier way?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I send a tweet to someone specific?

As an example, on the Science Friday radio show and podcast, the host says every week "tweet your questions and comments to us." The same phrase is used on the show's website at http://www.sciencefriday.com/about/contact/. I don't understand how to do that. How do I direct a tweet so that someone who is not following me receives it and my followers do not receive it?

As another example, a company I do business with is asking that technical support questions be directed to their Twitter handle.

It does not seem like Twitter is designed for this. Am I missing something? Or are they asking for something else?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I see who Retweeted my tweets - 2013 edition [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

Yes, this was answered in 2011, but the Twitter interface keeps changing, and changing, and changing. As of 1 July 2013, how do I see who retweeted my tweets on twitter.com?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I modify the format of the text used to post to Twitter by Typepad?

I dislike the format that Typepad uses when posting to Twitter to alert my followers that I've created a new blog post. Is there a mechanism to change the format?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to display/retrieve the number of "original" tweets a user posted?

On Twitter, when viewing a user’s page, the number of tweets he or she posted so far is displayed:

Number of tweets displayed on user page

But it does not tell if those tweets were original tweets or just answers or retweets and how often this person posts original tweets. This is a stat that I would consider when I ask myself if I should or not follow someone.

So, is there a way to know those kind of statistics?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Autotweeting below the limits still results in denied tweets

Here's the issue: I am using SocialOomph to setup and execute auto tweets on my account. I know the rules, 1k per day, no duplicate tweets/links etc. Here's the problem: I am following those rules, the account is set up to tweet no more than 6 tweets per hour which equals 144 per day (at most, but i tweet more around 90 per day as of now) SPREAD through out the day, which is WAY under the limit, I'm not tweeting like a complete maniac and the API has been denying a 3rd of them. I've spoke with SocialOomph, they told me that Twitter is getting the updates, but are either denying them or they are "getting lost". Why is Twitter doing that when I am following the regulations?

Do I need to find a better Auto Tweet service? Is this a glitch on Twitter's end?

I've read the API limits on tweeting and I am staying within the limits (far below them) and I cannot figure out why a good portion of my scheduled tweets are being denied.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Twitter retweets vs. replies

What's the difference between a retweet and reply? A retweet looks just like a reply with a quote of what was replied to. Is there anything else different.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Retweets of retweets, and what happens when they are undone

I have a question about retweets on Twitter. Imagine Bob posts a tweet. Then Sue retweets the message. Finally, Sara retweets Sue's retweet. What happens to Sara's retweet if Sue "undoes" her retweet? Does Sara's go away as well, because she RTed from Sue? Or, because the Tweet still remains, does Sara's RT stay?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Twitter updates of the people I follow

Does Twitter operate on the principle that people with whom we interact (the most) only their updates are shown in our timeline?

One of my fiends is tweeting but am not getting his/her tweets. Whereas other friends' tweets are showing in my timeline.

Or has it to do with the handle me and my friends follow (in common) and my friend replies to them will show in my timeline? And the ones which we don't follow in common will not show in my timeline?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tweets don't show up in search

I'm having a problem with my Twitter account, it was running smoothly since 2012 but I started to notice (from over a year by now) that my tweets are not showing in the search results as well as the hashtags search not under the (Top tweets, All tweets) when I search for them from another account, however I can see them when I use my own account. To clarify this more MY ACCOUNT IS ACTING AS IF IT WAS PRIVATE, and it's not. I tried to change passwords, deactivation & reactivation but nothing worked & yes I contacted the support multiple times with no reply. So if anyone can help I appreciate it because I don't want to lose my 15k followers by creating a new account.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can a person whom you follow but who does not follow you reply back when your tweets are protected?

Can a person whom you follow but who does not follow you reply back (not only seen) when your tweets are protected?

Suppose my tweets are protected and there is another tweeter user whom I follow but who does not follow me and whose tweets are not protected. So then if I tweet to that person by using the twitter handle @userwhodoesnotfollowme, can that person reply back to the tweet I sent?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sending a tweet to somebody I follow but he doesn't follow me

Suppose I follow person B who doesn't follow me. If I want to send to person B a tweet of person C from an unrelated conversation, how do I do it? I tried "reply @B" but it didn't show the link. I tried "retweet" but I can only retweet to myself.

Source: (StackOverflow)

My tweets aren't showing in anyone's replies? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I have 2 twitter accounts, for different reasons. The problem is with the 2nd account. I had it since 2013 but I only started using it again recently, the email is also verified on there. But anyway whenever I reply on like a popular person's tweets, I'd be like the 4th or 5th reply under their tweet. But on my 1st account when I go to look at the replies under the popular person's tweets, my replies from the 2nd account aren't there. They're completely invisible, like I never even tweeted them, so I'm really confused. Why can't my tweets from the 2nd account be seen? I also asked a couple people if they've seen my tweets, but they haven't either. No one is getting notifications when I tag them in tweets either. I can't find anything in the Twitter Help Section or on Google. I emailed Twitter but I highly doubt they're going to reply. Can anyone help me solve the problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

If i delete a reply to a tweet that was accidentally sent within 10s, will the user still receive notifications on it (with my username)? [duplicate]

If I delete a reply to a tweet that was accidentally sent within 10 seconds, will the user still receive notifications on it (with my username)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I take my tweets OFF private?

I don't know why but some of my tweets have a lock beside them and people can't retweet them. My accounts isn't on private and not all of my tweets have a lock icon. So how do I get rid of it?

Source: (StackOverflow)