

A collection of PHP-powered tools that are designed to decrease css devolopment time and web developer headache. TurbineCSS

Spring Boot + Eureka Server + Hystrix with Turbine: empty turbine.stream

I'm trying to run Spring Boot (with Spring Cloud) + Eureka Server + Hystrix Dashboard and Turbine stream, but I run into a problem I couldn't find any solution so far. I use Spring Boot 1.2.1.RELEASE and Spring Cloud 1.0.0.RC2. Here is what I have:

The first instance is running Eureka server and Hystrix dashboard:

class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run Application, args

Here you can find build.gradle for that instance - https://gist.github.com/wololock/570272ad7cf2d14a4d3c

Eureka server is running ok, I can see registered instances on eureka server dashboard, I can also use LoadBalancer to get the URL to registered instance using its id. So far everything is ok.

I have a few instances that are run with @EnableHystrix annotation and use @HystrixCommand to define which methods have to be monitored by Hystrix. When I pass URL to hystrix.stream of single instance to Hystrix dashboard, I can see it running with no problem.

I have also separate Turbine server, not complicated one:

class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run Application, args

Here you can find build.gradle for Turbine server instance - https://gist.github.com/wololock/ff0d855b8a890232851e

It uses very simple configuration, build mostly on the one provided by sample turbine app - https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/turbine

  component: Turbine

    enabled: true
    enabled: true

  appConfig: pdf-creator-service

  impl: io.spring.platform.netflix.turbine.EurekaInstanceDiscovery

  port: 8989

  port: 8990

    leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10
      defaultZone: ${vcap.services.${PREFIX:}eureka.credentials.uri:http://user:password@localhost:8761}/eureka/

After running those instances in order:

  1. eureka server
  2. turbine server
  3. discover client instance,

I have 2nd and 3rd instance registered in eureka server, turbine server log says, that there is one instance up:

[2015-02-06 12:35:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Fetching instance list for apps: [pdf-creator-service]
[2015-02-06 12:35:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Fetching instances for app: pdf-creator-service
[2015-02-06 12:35:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Received instance list for app: pdf-creator-service = 1
[2015-02-06 12:35:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- InstanceObservable: Retrieved hosts from InstanceDiscovery: 1
[2015-02-06 12:35:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- InstanceObservable: Found hosts that have been previously terminated: 0
[2015-02-06 12:35:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- InstanceObservable: Hosts up:1, hosts down: 0
[2015-02-06 12:36:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Fetching instance list for apps: [pdf-creator-service]
[2015-02-06 12:36:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Fetching instances for app: pdf-creator-service
[2015-02-06 12:36:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Received instance list for app: pdf-creator-service = 1
[2015-02-06 12:36:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- InstanceObservable: Retrieved hosts from InstanceDiscovery: 1
[2015-02-06 12:36:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- InstanceObservable: Found hosts that have been previously terminated: 0
[2015-02-06 12:36:04.162] boot - 20495  INFO [Timer-0] --- InstanceObservable: Hosts up:1, hosts down: 0

Calling hystrix.stream from a single instance works, e.g. curl http://localhost:8885/hystrix.stream returns:

data: {"type":"HystrixCommand","name":"post","group":"PdfController","currentTime":1423223614259,"isCircuitBreakerOpen":false,"errorPercentage":0,"errorCount":0,"requestCount":0,"rollingCountCollapsedRequests":0,"rollingCountExceptionsThrown":0,"rollingCountFailure":0,"rollingCountFallbackFailure":0,"rollingCountFallbackRejection":0,"rollingCountFallbackSuccess":0,"rollingCountResponsesFromCache":0,"rollingCountSemaphoreRejected":0,"rollingCountShortCircuited":0,"rollingCountSuccess":0,"rollingCountThreadPoolRejected":0,"rollingCountTimeout":0,"currentConcurrentExecutionCount":0,"latencyExecute_mean":0,"latencyExecute":{"0":0,"25":0,"50":0,"75":0,"90":0,"95":0,"99":0,"99.5":0,"100":0},"latencyTotal_mean":0,"latencyTotal":{"0":0,"25":0,"50":0,"75":0,"90":0,"95":0,"99":0,"99.5":0,"100":0},"propertyValue_circuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold":20,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds":5000,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerErrorThresholdPercentage":50,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerForceOpen":false,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerForceClosed":false,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerEnabled":true,"propertyValue_executionIsolationStrategy":"THREAD","propertyValue_executionIsolationThreadTimeoutInMilliseconds":8000,"propertyValue_executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout":true,"propertyValue_executionIsolationThreadPoolKeyOverride":null,"propertyValue_executionIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests":10,"propertyValue_fallbackIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests":10,"propertyValue_metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds":10000,"propertyValue_requestCacheEnabled":true,"propertyValue_requestLogEnabled":true,"reportingHosts":1}

data: {"type":"HystrixCommand","name":"generate","group":"WkHtmlToPdfGenerator","currentTime":1423223614259,"isCircuitBreakerOpen":false,"errorPercentage":0,"errorCount":0,"requestCount":0,"rollingCountCollapsedRequests":0,"rollingCountExceptionsThrown":0,"rollingCountFailure":0,"rollingCountFallbackFailure":0,"rollingCountFallbackRejection":0,"rollingCountFallbackSuccess":0,"rollingCountResponsesFromCache":0,"rollingCountSemaphoreRejected":0,"rollingCountShortCircuited":0,"rollingCountSuccess":0,"rollingCountThreadPoolRejected":0,"rollingCountTimeout":0,"currentConcurrentExecutionCount":0,"latencyExecute_mean":0,"latencyExecute":{"0":0,"25":0,"50":0,"75":0,"90":0,"95":0,"99":0,"99.5":0,"100":0},"latencyTotal_mean":0,"latencyTotal":{"0":0,"25":0,"50":0,"75":0,"90":0,"95":0,"99":0,"99.5":0,"100":0},"propertyValue_circuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold":20,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds":5000,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerErrorThresholdPercentage":50,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerForceOpen":false,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerForceClosed":false,"propertyValue_circuitBreakerEnabled":true,"propertyValue_executionIsolationStrategy":"THREAD","propertyValue_executionIsolationThreadTimeoutInMilliseconds":8000,"propertyValue_executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout":true,"propertyValue_executionIsolationThreadPoolKeyOverride":null,"propertyValue_executionIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests":10,"propertyValue_fallbackIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests":10,"propertyValue_metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds":10000,"propertyValue_requestCacheEnabled":true,"propertyValue_requestLogEnabled":true,"reportingHosts":1}

data: {"type":"HystrixThreadPool","name":"PdfController","currentTime":1423223614259,"currentActiveCount":0,"currentCompletedTaskCount":4,"currentCorePoolSize":10,"currentLargestPoolSize":4,"currentMaximumPoolSize":10,"currentPoolSize":4,"currentQueueSize":0,"currentTaskCount":4,"rollingCountThreadsExecuted":0,"rollingMaxActiveThreads":0,"propertyValue_queueSizeRejectionThreshold":5,"propertyValue_metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds":10000,"reportingHosts":1}

But when I attach turbine.stream to hystrix dashboard, I get nothing. Logs say:

[2015-02-06 12:42:48.922] boot - 24816  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Received instance list for app: pdf-creator-service = 1
[2015-02-06 12:42:48.922] boot - 24816  INFO [Timer-0] --- InstanceObservable: Retrieved hosts from InstanceDiscovery: 1
[2015-02-06 12:42:48.922] boot - 24816  INFO [Timer-0] --- InstanceObservable: Found hosts that have been previously terminated: 0
[2015-02-06 12:42:48.922] boot - 24816  INFO [Timer-0] --- InstanceObservable: Hosts up:1, hosts down: 0
[2015-02-06 12:43:26.237] boot - 24816  INFO [XNIO-2 task-4] --- TurbineStreamServlet: FilterCriteria: []
[2015-02-06 12:43:26.237] boot - 24816  INFO [XNIO-2 task-4] --- TurbineStreamServlet: StatsType filters: []
[2015-02-06 12:43:26.237] boot - 24816  INFO [XNIO-2 task-4] --- TurbineStreamingConnection: Relevance config: []
[2015-02-06 12:43:26.237] boot - 24816  INFO [XNIO-2 task-4] --- TurbineStreamingConnection: Relevance metrics config: {}
[2015-02-06 12:43:26.237] boot - 24816  INFO [XNIO-2 task-4] --- ClusterMonitor: Registering event handler for cluster monitor: StreamingHandler_f1308dda-58c5-47a5-b1e2-5a0bea32226b
[2015-02-06 12:43:26.237] boot - 24816  INFO [XNIO-2 task-4] --- TurbineDataDispatcher: 

Just added and starting handler tuple: StreamingHandler_f1308dda-58c5-47a5-b1e2-5a0bea32226b
[2015-02-06 12:43:26.238] boot - 24816  INFO [XNIO-2 task-4] --- AggDataFromCluster: Per handler dispacher started for: StreamingHandler_f1308dda-58c5-47a5-b1e2-5a0bea32226b
[2015-02-06 12:43:26.238] boot - 24816  INFO [XNIO-2 task-4] --- ClusterMonitor: All event handlers for cluster monitor: [StreamingHandler_637572ab-acda-4bf4-81cd-6a658adb73eb, StreamingHandler_f1308dda-58c5-47a5-b1e2-5a0bea32226b, StaticListener_For_Aggregator, StreamingHandler_5ec12ee8-3fcd-4a6f-9006-d2a6ecc309d0, StreamingHandler_72d7b9e2-ad98-42a0-9ac3-abe4aa57cc7a]
[2015-02-06 12:43:26.238] boot - 24816  INFO [XNIO-2 task-4] --- ClusterMonitor: Starting up the cluster monitor for default_agg

If I do curl http://localhost:8989/turbine.stream I get only:

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223006935}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223010935}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223013936}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223017936}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223020937}

: ping
: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223024937}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223028938}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223032938}

: ping
: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223036938}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223039939}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223043939}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223046940}

: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223050940}

: ping
: ping
data: {"reportingHostsLast10Seconds":0,"name":"meta","type":"meta","timestamp":1423223054941}

My question is: do I missed something in setting it up and running? Previously I tried to manage this by having eureka and turbine server in single instance, but in that case turbine couldn't even find the registered application in eureka using proper application name. I made a progress after splitting eureka and turbine, but it still does not work correctly.

I will be grateful for any suggestion. If you need more information, just let me know, I might miss something important.

UPDATE 20150209

Following Dave's suggestion I applied small changes in application.yml file of turbine-server. Now the file contains only:

  component: Turbine

  appConfig: pdf-creator-service
  clusterNameExpression: 'default'

  port: 8989

  port: 8990

    leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10
      defaultZone: ${vcap.services.${PREFIX:}eureka.credentials.uri:http://user:password@localhost:8761}/eureka/

But it doesn't make turbine.stream working. After turbine-server gets aware of registered client in eureka server, it fails with given exception:

[2015-02-09 21:25:03.516] boot - 4808  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Fetching instance list for apps: [pdf-creator-service]
[2015-02-09 21:25:03.516] boot - 4808  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Fetching instances for app: pdf-creator-service
[2015-02-09 21:25:03.516] boot - 4808  INFO [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Received instance list for app: pdf-creator-service = 1
[2015-02-09 21:25:03.520] boot - 4808 ERROR [Timer-0] --- EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Failed to fetch instances for app: pdf-creator-service, retrying once more
org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1008E:(pos 0): Property or field 'default' cannot be found on object of type 'com.netflix.appinfo.InstanceInfo' - maybe not public?
    at org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference.readProperty(PropertyOrFieldReference.java:226)
    at org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference.getValueInternal(PropertyOrFieldReference.java:93)
    at org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference.getValueInternal(PropertyOrFieldReference.java:81)
    at org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.SpelNodeImpl.getValue(SpelNodeImpl.java:120)
    at org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpression.getValue(SpelExpression.java:242)
    at org.springframework.cloud.netflix.turbine.EurekaInstanceDiscovery.getClusterName(EurekaInstanceDiscovery.java:183)
    at org.springframework.cloud.netflix.turbine.EurekaInstanceDiscovery.marshallInstanceInfo(EurekaInstanceDiscovery.java:141)
    at org.springframework.cloud.netflix.turbine.EurekaInstanceDiscovery.getInstancesForApp(EurekaInstanceDiscovery.java:123)
    at org.springframework.cloud.netflix.turbine.EurekaInstanceDiscovery.getInstanceList(EurekaInstanceDiscovery.java:88)
    at com.netflix.turbine.discovery.InstanceObservable.getInstanceList(InstanceObservable.java:327)
    at com.netflix.turbine.discovery.InstanceObservable.access$500(InstanceObservable.java:66)
    at com.netflix.turbine.discovery.InstanceObservable$1.run(InstanceObservable.java:258)
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:555)
    at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:505)

I tried writting 'default' as well as default, but the result is unfortunately the same.


Thanks Dave Syer for finding the proper solution. Basically what did the trick was adding:

    clusterNameExpression: new String("default")

to application.yml file in turbine server application instance. It might look weird, I didn't believe it will work, but it does. Now when I call my hystrix client application I get the proper information in hystrix.stream that is served by this application and in turbine.stream of Turbine server as well. My current application.yml in turbine server looks as follows:

  component: Turbine

  clusterNameExpression: new String("default")
  appConfig: pdf-creator-service

  port: 8989

  port: 8990

    leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10
      defaultZone: ${vcap.services.${PREFIX:}eureka.credentials.uri:http://user:password@localhost:8761}/eureka/

turbine.appConfig holds the information about the hystrix clients (by their IDs). To add another client to your turbine server you will have to simply put another instance id, coma separated with the previous one. And that's all folks :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

MVC 3 versus MVC Turbine

I have implemented my own inversion of control methodology in MVC 2. I was thinking of reviewing MVC Turbine and possibly switch to that. However, I noticed today that MVC 3 Preview 1 has been released and has new inversion of control support built in. I know it will be a while before it is released, but wanted to see if anyone knows if the new inversion of control support will basically make MVC Turbine unnecessary.

What do you think?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Where to call RouteDebugger.RewriteRoutesForTesting() when route registration is injected?

As Phil Haack explains on his blog entry, the Route Debugger helps visualizing your routing tables.
My site however gets it's routing injected by the MVCTurbine dependency injection (using Unity) like so:

public class DefaultRoutRegistration : IRouteRegistrator
    public void Register(RouteCollection routes)

            new { controller = "Account", action = "Index" }

            "Default",                                              // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                           // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }  // Parameter defaults

Where exactly can I throw in the the RouteDebug.RouteDebugger.RewriteRoutesForTesting(RouteTable.Routes); to rewrite my routing table?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Built with optimizations enabled or without debug information

I'm currently trying to find out why my InjectableAttributes never get to the filter part.
Therefor I linked in the source project directly so I could easily put breakpoints etc.
When I build however I get the following message:

The following module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information: 
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\[a bunch of randomly named directories]\assembly\[more random names]\MvcTurbine.Web.DLL]

To debug this module, change its project build configuration to Debug mode. To suppress this message, disable the 'Warn if no user code on launch' debugger option.

I checked the project's properties. It's configuration is set to "Active(Debug)" and the "Optimize code" check box is unchecked.

I checked again if I didn't by accident include the file rather then the project, but the references seem correct.
Just to be sure I also removed all existing bins so that all libraries are definitely rebuild somewhere, but to no avail.

In the advanced Build window the Debug output is set to Full and all options are identical to projects that are building debug info.
The config manager shows that the project is being built and has the exact same settings as all the other options.

In the Debug->Windows-Modules window the symbol status for the turbine library is PDB file does not match image I removed all corresponding pdb files on my entire system to make sure it gets re-generated, but to no avail.
To make sure I also searched for the dll on my entire system and removed them. Nothing.

What can be preventing VS from creating debug information?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add into Turbine additional Hystrix metrics aggregations

My setup is spring boot cloud using netflix library I managed to have Turbine aggregating Hystrix metrics from one service. However when I add more services I cant see them.

This is my setup (also uploaded this into github at: Project On Github

Service 1:


public class FlightIntegrationApplication {


  port: 0

    leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10
      instanceId: ${vcap.application.instance_id:${spring.application.name}:${spring.application.instance_id:${random.value}}}
    registryFetchIntervalSeconds: 5


    name: flight-integration-service

service 2:

Coupon service:

public class CouponServiceApp {

application yaml:

  port: 0

    leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10
      instanceId: ${vcap.application.instance_id:${spring.application.name}:${spring.application.instance_id:${random.value}}}
    registryFetchIntervalSeconds: 5

Eureka app service:

public class EurekaApplication  {

Hystrix dashboard service:

    public class HystrixDashboardApplication  {


  component: Hystrix Dashboard

    enabled: true
    enabled: true

  port: 7979

    org.springframework.web: DEBUG

    region: default

    preferSameZone: false

      availabilityZones: default

    virtualHostName: ${spring.application.name}


    name: hystrixdashboard

and finally Turbine-service:

    public class TurbineApplication {


  component: Turbine


    enabled: true
    enabled: true

  port: 8989

  port: 8990

    leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 10
        defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/

 # aggregator:
  #appConfig: flight-integration-service,coupon-service

#  clusterNameExpression: 'default'
 # appConfig: flight-integration-service,coupon-service

  appConfig: coupon-service,flight-integration-service
  clusterNameExpression: new String('default')

#As you can see I tried diff configurations.

What am i doing wrong? why I cant actually aggregate both services hystrix metrics(flight-integration service,coupon-service) Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Spring Cloud Turbine - Unable to handle multiple clients?

I’m having a bit of trouble getting Turbine to work in Spring Cloud. In a nutshell, I can’t determine how to configure it to aggregate circuits from more than one application at a time.

I have 6 separate services, a eureka server, and a turbine server running in standalone mode. I can see from my Eureka server that all of the services are registered, including turbine. My turbine server is up and running, and I can see its /hystrix page without issue. But when I try to use it to examine turbine.stream, I only see the FIRST server that is listed in turbine.appConfig, the rest are ignored.

This is my Turbine server’s application.yml, or at least the relevant parts:

      defaultZone: http://localhost:8010/eureka/
  port: 8030
  component: Turbine
  clusterNameExpression: new String(“default”)
  appConfig: sentence,subject,verb,article,adjective,noun
  port: 8990  

When I run this and access the hystrix dashboard on my turbine instance, asking for the turbine.stream, the ONLY circuit breakers listed in the output are for the first service listed in appConfig, the “sentence” service in this case. Curiously, if I re-arrange the order of these services and put another one first (like “noun”), I see only the circuits for THAT service. Only the first service in the list is displayed.

I’ll admit to being a little confused on some of the terminology, like streams, clusters, etc., so I could be missing some basic concept here, but my understanding is that Turbine could digest streams from more than one service and aggregate them in a single display. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Am I wrong in wanting to roll my own Authenticate / Authorize system given the following requirements?

In my pet project I want to have a user system with the following requirements:

  • It needs to work with Db4o as a persistance model
  • I want to use DI (by means of Turbine) to deliver the needed dependencies to my user model
  • It needs to be easy to plug in to asp.net-mvc
  • It needs to be testable without much hassle
  • It needs to support anonymous users much like SO does
  • I want Authentication and Authorization separated (the first can live without the second)
  • It needs to be safe

I'm aware I'm putting a few technologies before functionalities here, but as it is a pet project and I want to learn some new stuff I think it is reasonable to include them as requirements.

Halfway in rolling my own I realized I am probably suffering some NIH syndrome.
As I don't really like how needlessly complex the existing user framework in asp.net is, it is actually mostly only all the more complicated stuff regarding security that's now giving me some doubts. Would it be defendable to go on and roll my own? If not how would you go about fulfilling all the above requirements with the existing IPrinciple based framework?

Source: (StackOverflow)

ASP.NET MVC 1: "No parameterless constructor"-error after moving to VS2010 (using MVCTurbines)

Our current project is written in ASP.NET MVC 1 using mvc-turbines (and unity) for IOC/DI.

When I try to start the application from 2008 everything works fine, but from 2010 I keep getting the "No parameterless constructor"-error.

Why? Both are targeting the same .Net framework. The VS 2010 solution keeps using the default controller factory. Any suggestions to debug this?

[MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.]
   System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck) +0
   System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache) +86
   System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache) +230
   System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic) +67
   System.Web.Mvc.DefaultControllerFactory.GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType) +80

[InvalidOperationException: An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'CommonProject.Web.Shared.Controllers.MyController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor.]
   System.Web.Mvc.DefaultControllerFactory.GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType) +190
   System.Web.Mvc.DefaultControllerFactory.CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, String controllerName) +68
   System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler.ProcessRequestInit(HttpContextBase httpContext, IController& controller, IControllerFactory& factory) +118
   System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase httpContext) +46
   System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext httpContext) +57
   System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler.System.Web.IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext httpContext) +7
   System.Web.Mvc.MvcHttpHandler.VerifyAndProcessRequest(IHttpHandler httpHandler, HttpContextBase httpContext) +61
   System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase httpContext) +111
   System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext httpContext) +40
   System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingHandler.System.Web.IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +7
   CommonProject.Web._Default.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in 

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is MVC Turbine

where we can use MVC Turbine?how can we implement this with ASP.NET MVC?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Inject into attribute?

I have a [Logger] attribute for my asp.net-mvc projects. This LoggerAttribute takes a ILoggerService in it's constructor.

For regular objects (e.g. my controllers) it works, but attributes don't seem to be resolved.

How can I have Turbine inject the ILoggerService?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Turbine syntax highlighting

I'm trying to get Turbine CSS syntax highlighting (for the cssp files) in netbeans but i've been not able to find any highlighter or way to do it.

Do you have any idea of how to do it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

InjectableFilterAttribute never hits the Filter

On my base controller I have placed the Logger attribute. This LoggerAttribute looks like this:

public class LoggerAttribute: InjectableFilterAttribute
    public override Type FilterType
        get { return typeof (LoggerActionFilter); }

The ctor on this loggerattribute gets hit, but the FilterType getter not.

The relevant part of the filter itself looks like this:

public class LoggerActionFilter: IActionFilter
    private readonly ILoggerService logger;

    public LoggerActionFilter (ILoggerService logger)
        this.logger = logger;
    <IActionFilter Implementeation>

The filter's ctor never gets hit either.

For the wiring of my services and instantiation of servicelocator check here
The registration of the ILoggerService can be found here

What am I missing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Spring Cloud and Hystrix, possible to monitor 2 kinds of applications on a single dashboard?

I'm actually trying Microservices using Spring Cloud. I have 2 kinds of applications (mysolution and mysolution-identity-provider). Both of them have Hystrix and Actuator enabled and provide information via hystrix.stream endpoint. I also make full use of Eureka, Ribbon and Feign for inter communication.

I'm trying to setup HystrixDashboard and Turbine on a separate server. Here's my application.yml :

    appConfig: mysolution,mysolution-identity-provider

When I start the Turbine server, it successfully finds the instances of my 2 applications by using Eureka. But it only retrieves the Hystrix Stream from one of the apps (mysolution).

Here's the log :

EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Fetching instance list for apps: [mysolution, mysolution-identity-provider]
EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Fetching instances for app: mysolution
EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Received instance list for app: mysolution, size=1
EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Fetching instances for app: mysolution-identity-provider
EurekaInstanceDiscovery: Received instance list for app: mysolution-identity-provider, size=1
InstanceObservable: Retrieved hosts from InstanceDiscovery: 2
InstanceObservable: Found hosts that have been previously terminated: 0
InstanceObservable: Hosts up:2, hosts down: 0
InstanceMonitor: Url for host: http://mac-mini.local:8080/hystrix.stream MYSOLUTION

Is there a way to make Turbine retrieve streams from both applications ? I successfully followed the Spring Cloud documentation until now, the the part about Hystrix Turbine (without AMQP) remains... cloudy...

Source: (StackOverflow)

Parameterized controller constructor never gets hit

With my pet project I'm trying to learn to use Turbine as a DI container.

I'm registering unity as locatorprovider as such:

static MvcApplication()
    ServiceLocatorManager.SetLocatorProvider(() => new UnityServiceLocator());

My user repository has a parameterless constructor and I'm registering it as such:

public class UserRepositoryRegistration : IServiceRegistration
    public void Register(IServiceLocator locator)
        locator.Register<IUserRepository, UserRepository>();

Then I have my HomeController which should accept an IUserRepository

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly IUserRepository userRepository;

    public HomeController(IUserRepository repository)
        userRepository = repository;

If I leave out the parameterless ctor (like in the above code snippet) I get this (full here):

 Server Error in '/' Application.
 No parameterless constructor defined for this object.   
 Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.  
 Exception Details: System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.  
 [InvalidOperationException: An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'Boris.BeekProject.Guis.Web.Controllers.HomeController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor.]

So my HomeController is obligated to have a parless ctor. It seems it's not the Unity controller factory that's instantiating, but rather the default one.

My MVCApplication is inheriting TurbineApplication and since the RouteRegistration is picked up just fine I think the problem lies somewhere else.

As suggested by Thomas Eyde I wanted to override the TurbineApplication.AutoComponent method, but checking the Object Browser, I can't see any reference to this method. Furthermore when I look at the NerdDinner example, it doesn't seem to override this method either. After checking the online documentation about it I failed to get any the wiser and following the link to documentation about doing the registration manually serves me a placeholder page. Can anybody fill me on on what I'm doing wrong?

Am I missing something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

MVC Turbine routes not registering

I've been setting up a project to run with MVC Turbine and have been having issues getting the IRouteRegistrators to be called. Another person on my team has had this issue in the past, but he can't remember what he had to do to resolve it.

The code for the setup is temporarily all in the Global.asax.cs file until this is worked out. The code I'm using looks similar to every tutorial I have seen, but it's included below anyways.

   public class MvcApplication : TurbineApplication
      static MvcApplication()
         ServiceLocatorManager.SetLocatorProvider (() => new StructureMapServiceLocator ());

      protected void Application_Start ()
         DeployDbMigrations ();

      private void DeployDbMigrations ()

   public class RouteRegistration : IRouteRegistrator
      public void Register (RouteCollection routes)
         routes.IgnoreRoute ("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}");

         routes.MapRoute (
             "Default", // Route name
             "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
             new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults


As I said, the IRouteRegistrator is not being called, so when I go to the home page, I will get a 404, even though the proper controller and view is set up.

The annoying thing is that I can create a similar project outside the current solution and it will work, but it will not work in the solution. (Although, I have tried copy-pasting the working project into the solution and that worked. But, that's no longer an option, since someone else has done some more work on the web project while I was figuring this out.)

Has anyone encountered this problem in the past, and/or know how to fix it?

Source: (StackOverflow)