
trim interview questions

Top trim frequently asked interview questions

How can I see if Windows 7 is using TRIM for my SSD drive?

I recently upgraded the firmware on my SSD to support TRIM and upgraded to Windows 7. How can I tell whether Windows is recognizing the drive as SSD and using TRIM correctly?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to TRIM/DISCARD a whole SSD partition on Linux?

My partition /dev/sda3 on an SSD drive doesn't contain any filesystem, but it contains garbage. How do I do a TRIM/DISCARD operation on the whole partition?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is there Linux support for TRIM on SSD drives?

Does any know if there is a way to enable TRIM support on Linux for SSDs? This is included with Windows 7, and I was surprised that I couldn't find much information about it under Linux.

Info on SSD and TRIM can be found here - http://www.anandtech.com/storage/showdoc.aspx?i=3531&p=10

Source: (StackOverflow)

Best program to trim silence beginning and end of mp3 files? [closed]

I have a bunch of mp3 files that have silence at the beginnings and ends, is there any program to trim this automatically? I would prefer that I can just give it a list of files to trim as opposed to having to do them individually.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Virtual machines and TRIM

Although TRIM support was introduced to make SSD work better, it should also help virtual machines optimizing virtual disks (for example to know which parts of virtual disks needs no storage on physical partitions). Does any VM machine use TRIM this way?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does VmWare Workstation perform with SSD drives?

I have read a lot of information on using SSD drives in virtualization environment and the possible problems with not supported TRIM command. I fully understand what the TRIM is, what the problems with passing TRIM down to the drive are and so on.

What I didn't find is clear answer on the question: "is there any way to use SSD drive in guest OS without affecting its performance (associated with lack of the TRIM command)".

For example.. is the solution to connect the SSD drive in RAW mode to the guest machine? If not, why? Are there any other harder to implement options just to "make it right".

Source: (StackOverflow)

How badly do SSDs degrade without TRIM?

SSDs have been out for a few years, and have seen all kinds of usage patterns. Windows and Linux support the TRIM command, with Mac OS still trailing behind here. Update (2011): It appears OSX Snow Leopard has support for TRIM in Apple-branded SSDs. There is a utility that enables TRIM in non-Apple SSDs

I'm sure plenty of Mac users (and pre-TRIM version of Win/Linux) have SSDs. So, to you folks: have you noticed a degradation of SSD performance during its lifetime? How long have you been using the SSD, and how bad is the degradation?

I'm assuming that even at its most degraded state, a modern SSD would still smoke a traditional hard drive in terms of performance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Photoshop: Trim a photo so it contains no transparent pixels?

In Photoshop, I've put together some panorama photos using the Photomerge tool and the resulting image contains a lot of transparent pixels. Also, because it's put together of multiple photos the alignment can be off. What I'd like to do is cut the image down to the largest box which contains no transparent pixels at all. It's similar to the Trim tool, but this would remove a number of non-transparent pixels. Is there anything like this?

enter image description here

Basically something which would automatically crop the above image to the selection box there: a rectangle with no transparent pixels.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How should my computing tendencies change after installing a SSD?

I am about to install an Intel X25-M SSD in my MacBook. What should I know beforehand?

I understand that you do not need to defrag the drive as it does not increase performance and decreases drive life.

Is it correct that Mac OS X does not support TRIM? Does this mean I will need to reformat the drive every few months to keep maximum performance? Can I just use Disk Utility? Can anyone with a SSD in a Mac comment on this?

Anything else I should be aware of?

Source: (StackOverflow)

SSD: "The volume is too fragmented to complete this operation"

I am currently configuring a Thinkpad E540, having inserted a 256 GB M.2 SSD into the corresponding slot, in order to run Windows 8 from the SSD instead of using the preconfigured 16 GB SSD as a cache for the hard drive.

All was well at first, but now any attempt to install software will result in the error message

Windows API error 302: This volume is too fragmented to complete this operation.

Needless to say, on an SSD fragmentation shouldn't be an issue. I tried running the drive optimization tool of Windows 8 (which defragments HDDs, and sends TRIM commands to SSDs) but it helped only briefly (so briefly actually, that it might have been mere coincidence that there was any effect at all).

Any idea what might be causing this?

*edit* Some new insights that I have gained since:

  • Rebooting temporarily removed the issue. Running the optimizer tool is not required.
  • It reappears after some time.
  • Note that the drive has 140 GB of which only 60 GB have been used. Trim shouldn't be an issue yet!
  • On the other drive E:, also on the SSD, I have not seen the issue yet.
  • Moving data to the C: drive works fine under Linux.
  • Even echo test > test may fail on C: (in the home directory)
  • Even reading the event log may fail at that point.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Linux support TRIM for SSDs on LVM?

I am getting a SSD and need to know, does Linux support TRIM if I set up LVM on top of the SSD? I'm finding conflicting information. I'm currently running Ubuntu 10.10 with kernel 2.6.35-28.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is TRIM supported on RAID 0 configurations for SSD drives in Windows 7?

I know this question has probably been asked at some point in the past, but I am trying to figure out if Windows 7 supports passing TRIM commands through RAID controllers yet.

I am trying to decide between buying a single SSD drive and utilizing TRIM or Buying two SSD drives and putting them in RAID 0 configuration

What is the fastest current configuration I can set up?

I want my development machine to be BLAZING fast.

KronoS wants an update on this:

I'm looking to see if there's an update on this, as I currently have a RAID 0 setup with two SSD drives. Will a TRIM supported SSD in RAID0 array correctly pass the TRIM command?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is TRIM exactly?

From the Wikipedia page of TRIM I get the impression that TRIM was introduced to lower the writes to a SSD, but letter the file system taking case of which blocks are unused.

If that is correct, does that mean, that SSD's that don't use TRIM writes zeros to the blocks, when a file is deleted, to let the SSD know the blocks are free?

Reading this

File systems within a guest tend to not reuse blocks which means that even if a file system remains small relative to the virtual image size, the actual image size tends to grow until it reaches the maximum size.

leads me to think, SSD's don't overwrite with zeros? Or are file systems in guests, something completely different?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does SSD TRIM work with a 'Boot from VHD' scenario?

I have recently purchased an Intel X-25 G2 SSD (160GB) as an extra drive for my laptop.

I created a fixed size disk virtual disk (40GB) and have installed Windows Server 2008 R2 onto this VHD. I now 'boot to VHD'.

(I want multiple development environments, therefore separate VHD's are the way to go for me.)

This works great and fast. No complaints.

Just a nagging feeling. How does TRIM work in this scenario? Am I potentially trashing my SSD by using it like this?

I couldn't find any definitive answers via Google.. I ran "fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify" and it returned '0'. However this is apparently not definitive.

I ran the defragmentation program, and it seems the SSD drive is available for this task.

Is there:

1) Any way I can determine TRIM is working? 2) If not, how do I enable?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I verify that TRIM is activated? (Linux)

I have kernel*.32 and I use ext4 on my drive. Now I just don't know how to check if trim support is enabled?

Found this: http://blog.patshead.com/blog/2009/12/a-quick-and-dirty-wipersh-fix-for-intel-x25-m.html

Source: (StackOverflow)