
trello-cards interview questions

Top trello-cards frequently asked interview questions

What is the quickest way to add a trello card to the top of a list, rather than bottom?

What is the quickest way to add a new trello card to the top of a list?

Clicking add to card on the bottom and dragging to the top seems a bit slow

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any way to view/show card numbers on every card?

It would be easier to refer to a card using the card number. I see that when you open a card, it shows a number at the bottom right. Is there a way to see this number when the cards are shown on the board. Also, does a similar functionality exits on the Android app ?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Can you link Trello cards / boards?

Is it possible to allow for cards to be linked?

For example, when a feature becomes a saga and therefore the card generates its own "board" (perhaps in a different organisation—if the feature is being "outsourced") such that the smaller components of the feature appear on that.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Trello card due dates - show day of the week

Is there a way to show the day of the week for a card's due date? For example, "Mon Jan 14" instead of just Jan 14?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I see in Trello who visited or viewed board in my organisation

I added a person to my Organisation Trello board. He has left but I forgot to remove him from Trello.

Is it possible to see if he has viewed our Boards / Cards after he has left?

I mean I have not still removed him. Is there any way I can get some alert if he views it so I can catch him? Any logs, etc.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the difference between subscribing to a Board vs subscribing to a card?

Will subscribing to a Board provide the same notifications as if you subscribed to every card within a board? If not, what is the difference in functionality here?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I generate a Trello card from a template via URL?

Is there a URL I can create that will take a Trello Card I use as a template and populate its contents based on the URL (an URL wherein I could manipulate the parameters for to generate the desired out comes)? If so, can I then... using the same URL have that "now populated" card moved to a specific board > list?

Source: (StackOverflow)

vote number on trello cards

I have a trello card which has only one member, but a vote count of 1/2. It would make some sense if there are two members, and only one voted. However, this can't be the case given there is only one member.

What does the 2 in the denominator mean if not members?

I think I got confused. what I wanted to ask is why I am getting "2 votes (with you)".

does it mean I voted twice somehow? I can't seem to get it to say 1 vote by cancelling the vote. It is always 2 or nothing.

and what does (with you) mean?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Trello Fine Tuned Permissions

Is there any way to fine-tune the permissions for board members? For example, I want to allow board members to create cards and comment on cards, but not move cards between lists or alter lists.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Subscribing to Trello Boards or Cards not giving notifications

I am not getting email notifications from Boards or from Cards I subscribe to.

I have subscribed to cards on boards I have also subscribed to (so doubly subscribed). I only see the notifications if I go to Trello in my browser.

Anyone else experience this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Trello: Subscribe function

Can one ensure that certain people subscribe to a particular card in Trello?

If not, one has to add a FYI or a cc to a list of people in each message.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Recurring cards on a monthly basis in Trello

Is there a way to create recurring cards/tasks in Trello? This is the only thing that's preventing our organization from using Trello vs. Producteev.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I remove a sticker in Trello?

How do I remove stickers from cards in Trello?

Adding stickers in Trello is easy enough. Just drag them over from the stickers at the right:

Opening the stickers menu item

Stickers menu item and a card where a sticker has been added to

However, how can a sticker be removed again?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Default card assignment to self

I'm just getting acquainted with Trello and I do not have much experience with other tools. I am looking for a tool that can help me manage several personal projects and I've started out by setting up several boards for them and populating them with cards, some complising multiple steps. I think I'm on the right track in terms of understanding how you intend someone to use this tool, except in my case the number of users = 1.

Is there some way to make the board's owner the default member of all the component cards? Since I'm using this tool primarily for my own personal projects, all of the cards need to be assigned to me and I want to be able to see cards from the different boards show up in the "Cards" space. Maybe I'm missing something? Manually assigning each card to myself seems like the kind of repetitive task that I should be able to avoid.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to automatically count amount of cards in Trello?

How to automatically count amount of cards? In some list, or in the board.

Source: (StackOverflow)