
trello-boards interview questions

Top trello-boards frequently asked interview questions

Can I remove the My Boards organization

Altough I really doubt it is possible, can I remove the "My Boards" organization in trello? This is where all boards are created by default but since I am very organized and order my boards by organizations this one is always on top, empty and anoying to me.

If I can't completely remove it for design reasons such as which organizatyion would be taken by default when I create a board, can I at least hide it somehow from my left side panel or boards overview?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to view all todos in all my boards?

I want to view all "to do" or "doing" categories in my all boards. My goal is to view all "to do" items in one big picture.

Any suggestions ?


Source: (StackOverflow)


Can you link Trello cards / boards?

Is it possible to allow for cards to be linked?

For example, when a feature becomes a saga and therefore the card generates its own "board" (perhaps in a different organisation—if the feature is being "outsourced") such that the smaller components of the feature appear on that.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Member of organization, how to join a board created by other member?

A member of my organization created a new Trello board. I went to go join it, but I only see the option to subscribe, which does not add me to the board, such that I can join cards and such. However, I can see the settings (greyed out) that state members of the organization can join the board without an invitation.

Am I missing a giant "join board" button or menu option in the UI somewhere?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Subscribing to Trello Boards or Cards not giving notifications

I am not getting email notifications from Boards or from Cards I subscribe to.

I have subscribed to cards on boards I have also subscribed to (so doubly subscribed). I only see the notifications if I go to Trello in my browser.

Anyone else experience this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Trello board is missing description button

All I want to do is edit the description of my boards. However the little pencil icon that used to appear on all boards now only appears on boards that have descriptions.

Here is an example without a button:

enter image description here

How can I change the board description?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Board doesn't look the same

I have 5 boards and all of the sudden one does not look the same as the others, as it always has. It now has a dark blue banner on the left side of the screen that allows you to click on header name for lists and move between them. And the right side no longer has the grey banner that shows members for the board, filter cards, and recent activity on the board.

How do I get it back to the way it was? I need the grey banner back on the right of the screen.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Default card assignment to self

I'm just getting acquainted with Trello and I do not have much experience with other tools. I am looking for a tool that can help me manage several personal projects and I've started out by setting up several boards for them and populating them with cards, some complising multiple steps. I think I'm on the right track in terms of understanding how you intend someone to use this tool, except in my case the number of users = 1.

Is there some way to make the board's owner the default member of all the component cards? Since I'm using this tool primarily for my own personal projects, all of the cards need to be assigned to me and I want to be able to see cards from the different boards show up in the "Cards" space. Maybe I'm missing something? Manually assigning each card to myself seems like the kind of repetitive task that I should be able to avoid.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I make a second board a sub-board of another?

Can I make another board a sub-board of an existing one?

It's purely because I am doing other school projects as well so I would like to have all of them in their respective subjects (one board is not enough for a subject).

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I communicate with all the users of a Trello board inside Trello?

I am using Trello to manage a project that I am doing with some of my students and I am finding that there are times when it would be useful to send a message to all of the users of the board about some change that was made to the board (i.e., meta-Trello).

Is it possible to send a message to board members that is not associated with a specific card? (I know I can use @user within card comments)

If it is not, what is the best way to deal with meta-Trello issues?

(I can always just email everyone but I would like to keep it in Trello if possible.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Trello: How can a board be copied including all activities/comments?

As I copy the boards with the standard Trello function, the comments/activities are not copied with it. Only the board itself, the tasks, attachments and tags are copied but the comments not. Does anybody know whether I have overseen something or is Trello still working on this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What to do if someone keeps adding me to a trello board without my knowledge?

I am new to trello. Adding members to trello seems too easy, that I really think I have to ask about it here. I was reading this: http://help.trello.com/article/717-adding-people-to-a-board and realized that just choosing someone by name is enough to add them into our board. Because there is no "invitation" system, where a trello board admin sends a message inviting a participant and the participant having to accept the invitation to join the board, people can anonymously add others into a trello board and literally "spam" them with messages.

Isn't it insecure to be able to add anyone without their permission? I am thinking about creating a team project, but unfortunately my team members can't visit me often as they are far away from my home. So I'll be needing a secure, free, teem management software, and I came across trello.

Note: I am new to trello and I haven't used it before. I have just signed into it, and have no experience using it. I am only asking this because, it seems too easy to add people into this trello board that I think it could be a good advantage for potential spammers and malicious advertising.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to create unlisted (but public) boards in Trello?

Is it possible to create a public Trello board, but only allow those with the link to view it (i.e., it does not show up in Search Engines)?

The need here is to have a somewhat private board (without sensitive information, but not applicable to the outside world), but reduce the friction from requiring every single stakeholder interested in the board to need to create an account and sign in every time.

This is similar to YouTube's unlisted option:

YouTube Privacy Options

Trello has the following privacy options:

Trello Privacy Options

Can you add a robots tag to a public board?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I move a list to another board in Trello (now it's been implemented)?

I see from a previous question that this feature has now been implemented.

But although the provided link takes me to the Feature card in Trello development, I can't decipher (in plain English), what I'm supposed to do to get my list to move from one board to another.

Is anyone able to shed light on this?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Organizing Boards

It seems that Trello automatically organizes boards based on alphabetical order, but we would like to sort based on priority or be able to drag and drop, similar to cards.

Is there a way to organize boards like that?

Source: (StackOverflow)