
translation interview questions

Top translation frequently asked interview questions

Improve auto-generated subtitles/CC for YouTube videos that are not mine

Is it possible to edit the auto-generated subtitles/closed captions for a YouTube video from someone else? How?

I found a Dutch video that I want to add English subtitles for, with these steps:

  1. Fix the autogenerated Dutch captions
  2. Use those for automatic translation to English
  3. Fix the English translation

My guess is that this is the fastest way, and in the meantime I'll contribute to the Dutch subtitles as well.

But I'm stuck on the first step.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Any web applications which translates my articles in other languages? [closed]

I have a website and the articles are written in English. Is there any web app that can translate my articles in other languages? (Possibly in the same or in a new web page.)

Source: (StackOverflow)


Prohibit the translation of pieces of text in Google Translate

How do I Google Translate such that all desired texts are left untranslated?

For example, when translating “Have you tried the Clipboard History window” to Hindi, the “Clipboard History Window” is translated to Hindi instead of being left as it is, as it is a technical term.

I have tried <span class=notranslate> but as it should be, it is valid only in HTML.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any Social Translation web site? [closed]

Is there any web app that people can translate texts (articles, movie subtitles, etc) together?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I translate Trello into other languages, specifically French?

Is there a way to translate Trello in other languages? I'm looking for French translation in particular.

Or is it possible to do this translation myself?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Online translation web applications [closed]

Which online translation web applications are most popular (something like Google translate)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to stop Bing translations in Twitter?

I noticed during the last days that Twitter adds a “translation” from Bing Translate to tweets when I expand a tweet in the web interface. This happens even on my own tweets.

screenshot of poor translation example

Is there a way to turn the automatic translations off?

The translations are so bad, they aren’t even funny anymore.

What I have tried already

  • I searched in twitter.com/settings/account for a translation checkbox.
  • Switched the interface language from German to English (I post in both languages). This switches just the languages that get translated; it doesn’t stop the translations.
  • I checked twitter.com/settings/applications for a Bing app or something similar.
  • Searched the Twitter support pages for “Bing”. No useful result.
  • Asked the German and the English Twitter accounts.
  • Sent a message to Twitter via the feedback form.

I might get a feedback from Twitter later. I will update this question then. But for now, I don’t see how to turn it off.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Translation Crowdsourcing for JavaScript apps? [closed]

There seem to be a good number of translation web services popping up that allow for crowdsourcing of applications and provide APIs to keep language files (primarily po and yaml) in sync.

For us JavaScript developers however, the market seems immature. I've looked at projects such as "Webtranslateit", "99translations" and "Transifex" but none provide a good example of integration with a JavaScript i18n library.

What I'm looking for is a good example of a Translation Dashboard (web service) that can export to a format (json) used by any JavaScript translation library.

Please suggest good starting points for any such (preferably tested) workflows!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Conversational Translation

I'm looking for a website that easily allows translation in both directions. Specifically, I want a website that I can bring up when I am trying to comminicate with someone who speaks another language.

Most translation websites, you have one choice for source and destination... what I want is a site that translates in both directions, depending on which side you type in. So I can type something, and it translates it one way, then we can put the cursor in the other input box and it will translate what they type back to my language.

Current translation sites are annoying in this regard; they make you pick one direction for the translation, and when the person you are communicating with wants to reply, you have to change the language settings back and forth every line of the conversation. This is far from convenient or friendly.

Does anyone have any better ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Collaborative translation tool [closed]

Do you know any collaborative translation tool?

I've seen the suggestions in this answer, but I'm specifically searching for a tool to translate books (so large documents made of paragraphs, mostly), with possibility for other users to check/correct/validate other users' translations, roles (admins, validators...), and if possible something that has a nice API so I can convert the result into LaTeX to publish the book.

The tool could be SaaS (preferably free) or open-source (to be hosted on LAMP or similar).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Translate to multiple languages [closed]

Is there a service that allows the simultaneous translation to multiple languages?

For example I would type in a word and get it translated to the 20 most common languages.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Reading/translating an attached document without downloading it

Is it possible to read an attached document, written in Nepali, in Gmail, without downloading it? And if yes, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Translator for learning to pronounce correctly [closed]

I am trying to figure out a good way for a non native English speaker to become proficient in pronunciations.

Google Translator on Chrome seems like a good option. It lets a person read out and it would process the speech and add text to the textbox.

I was looking for a logical extension to it. Is there an app which presents a text to read. As long as you read and pronounce correctly, it'll keep updating the completed status and wait on a particular word if you don't pronounce it correctly?

If this place is not the right place to ask this question, I apologize.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I stop Google from translating its pages? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How to stop Gmail from serving us auto translations based on our IP address?

This is annoying me to no end.

Edit: Google is translating its pages and serving them translated. This not happening on client side (Chrome).

I live in Czech Republic and everytime I visit a Google page like gmail.com, market.android.com etc. It shows up in Czech language.

Even worse, for some reason google.cz is default search in Chrome. I would really like google.com and no other.

Even though I speak Czech it bothers me. I wonder why this is?

I have English Windows, English Regional Setttings, English Chrome. I think it looks up geographic location and sees I'm in Czech Republic.

What about people who don't speak Czech? I imagine this must be a pain.

So the question is, how do I turn translating off?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to prevent Google from translating familiar pronouns into respectful pronouns?

When translating via Google from German to French, it always translates the familiar "Du" into the more formal "vous".

For example, "Wo bist Du?" is translated to "Où êtes-vous?", instead of "Où es-tu?"

Google seems to this for all languages which have a distinction between familiar and respectful form (so-called "T-V-distinction") - I checked it for several other languages.

Is it possible to change this behaviour ?

Source: (StackOverflow)