
tortoise-svn interview questions

Top tortoise-svn frequently asked interview questions

How to use VisualSVN Server and TortoiseSVN client

I will soon start working on a project and the source code is on a remote location. However, I have got the source code on my C drive in a folder. I have VisualSVN server and TortoiseSVN client on my machine. I will be controlling the project work with two other people working on the same project. How do I create a repository on Visual SVN from the local folder?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Want to delete revisions from my SVN repository

The latest revisions in my code repo has been corrupted and has destabilized my app. I want to revert to an earlier revision.

But I don't want to simply use 'revert' on my working copy; I actually want to delete my head revision and several revisions prior in my repo, thereby 'reverting' my repo to an earlier revision, which would become the head revision. Anyone know how I would do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Prevent tsvncache from running

I use TortoiseSVN on Windows Xp. But there's a process called tsvncache.exe which always runs in the background and specially locks USB drives.how do I prevent tsvncache from running? Do I need to disable the entire Tortoise shell extension.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to install both TortoiseSVN version 1.6 and 1.7 together in Windows 7?

Currently installing 1.7 will remove 1.6.

Since svn 1.7 is not stable for all svn server (one of my server keep getting errors on authentication as my post here), I want to use both Tortoise 1.7 and 1.6 together.

Is it possible? If yes, please share me how. Thank you!

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Installed Tortoise on Win 2008 64 bit

I do not get context menu, I do not see Tortoise commands when I right click.

I installed TortoiseSVN-


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to convert TortoiseSVN to TortoiseGit

I am currently using TortoiseSVN for version control. I want to convert to Git so I though TortoiseGit would be the easiest move.

How do I convert my repository to a Git one while preserving all history?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How secure is the Subversion connection to an https URL

I'm using TortoiseSVN as my subversion client on Windows 7. My subversion repository has an https URL.

I'm on a public network and I'd like to make sure that my connection to the server is secure. I wonder if TortoiseSVN encrypts my password when it talks to my repository.

Source: (StackOverflow)

TortoiseSVN shell overlays only showing for medium and large icons in explorer

I have one computer where the TortoiseSVN shell icon overlays only display for medium and large icons in the Explorer on Windows 10. If I change to small icons or detailed view they disappear in the main window. The strange part is that the icons appear on in the favorites on the left hand side.

I have updated the registry to prefix the TortoiseSVN icons with two spaces in:


I have cleared the cache and restarted.

Any ideas on what to try next?

Source: (StackOverflow)

TortoiseSVN and Mac OS

I'm working with other developers - who are on a Windows environment using TortoiseSVN and I need to be able to work with them from my MAC.

Will the SVN Client SCplugin be able to interface with the windows clients?

Source: (StackOverflow)

TortoiseSVN Commits failing: "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable", "Attempt to write a readonly database"

I have been using tortoise svn for a couple weeks now.

I get errors very often. Almost everything I do creates an error. this is with repositories on the internet, locally on my machine or a machine on the network. So I started to keep track. Some examples are below.


Can't move 'C:\Users\jisaacks\Desktop\my branch test.svn\tmp\entries' to 'C:\Users\jisaacks\Desktop\my branch test.svn\entries': The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.


Commit failed (details follow): Server sent unexpected return value (405 Method Not Allowed) in response to MKCOL request for '/svn/kranichs-svn/!svn/wrk/b316f15e-0869-4644-9c53-87aa0103506b/branches'


Can't move 'C:\Users\jisaacks\Desktop\DVD Catalog\vendors.svn\tmp\entries' to 'C:\Users\jisaacks\Desktop\DVD Catalog\vendors.svn\entries': The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.


Can't move 'C:\Users\jisaacks\Desktop\DVD Catalog\cake\tests\test_app\views\layouts.svn\tmp\entries' to 'C:\Users\jisaacks\Desktop\DVD Catalog\cake\tests\test_app\views\layouts.svn\entries': The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.


Commit failed (details follow): attempt to write a readonly database attempt to write a readonly database

That last one about the read only database happens every time I commit. Say if I am working on the head revision (7) in a working copy. I make a change and commit it. It gives me this error. But if I look at the log it tells me that there is now a revision 8 (the commit I just made) but I am still on revision 7. So I need to run update to be on the current revision that I just commited. I hope I explained that clearly.

Anyways with all these errors I wonder.. Is TSVN just this unstable, does everyone have these issues. Or is it just me? If just me, what could I be doing wrong?

Source: (StackOverflow)

rsync chokes on read-only files

I'm using rsync on Mac to back up to a USB drive or a network image (also HFS+ formatted). I'm having trouble with files from .svn subdirectories, such as 'all-wcprops' or 'entries' -- when checking out or updating, Subversion marks them as read-only (permissions bits are 444).

My rsync command chokes on that; they are backed up correctly during the first run, but any changes cause "permission denied" errors on target (backup volumes).

Maybe it's an artefact of Tortoise SVN - I'm actually using it from an XP virtual machine to do svn operations. But not using Tortoise is not an option.

How can I fix it? I spent some time trawling through rsync manuals and all the proper flags seem to be set. Can't find anything in Tortoise prefs either to allow me to tell it not to mark these files read only.

Here is my rsync command:

rsync -aNHAX --inplace --verbose --delete --delete-excluded --fileflags --force-change --exclude-from=.rsync/exclude-list ~ $backup_dir

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can't checkout source from Google Code

I'm trying to check out the project source for MoreLINQ

Here's what it says on the site:

Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout http://morelinq.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ morelinq-read-only

I'm using TortoiseSVN UI (not command line tool), and all i get is

Error: URL 'http://morelinq.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/morelinq-read-only' doesn't exist

any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

TortoiseSVN client slows Explorer to a crawl in Windows XP running in Parallels

I thought I'd make my first SuperUser question relatively simple, though it's the kind of question that may not get many responses as I'm not directly involved with the issue.

A colleague does his development in Windows XP running in Parallels on his Mac. We've just migrated our VSS repository to SVN, and we've gone with TortoiseSVN as our client of choice with the Ankhsvn plugin for Visual Studio.

On his XP instance, after installing TortoiseSVN, browsing through folders using Explorer is extremely slow; about 15 - 30 seconds before the contents of the next folder displays. It's the slowest when opening My Computer. Once he reaches a folder that contains the working content of an SVN project, Explorer behaves quickly again as expected. It seems that TortoiseSVN may be spending a bunch of time searching subfolders for stuff so it can do its icon-overlay thing, but that's just a guess.

I've used TortoiseSVN for years on both XP and Vista on far less powerful machines without any issues with Explorer, so I'm attributing the slowness to it being run in a VM, though that may not be the actual issue.

So has anyone encountered similar performance issues, and/or know of a fix? Keep in mind that any requests to make changes to his configuration will need to be communicated and thus my response time might be slow.

Thanks everyone!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using Windows credentials with TortoiseSVN?

We are a bunch of Subversion users logging in on our Windows computers with Windows domain accounts. I can set up a Subversion server on another machine in the same domain. I want to use our Windows accounts to control Subversion repository access with TortoiseSVN. Thus far I've tried the free version of VisualSVN, which works for that purpose, except that TortoiseSVN keeps prompting for the usernames and passwords and I don 't want them to be stored on disk. VisualSVN Enterprise promises to fix it but its price tag is a problem for us.

Are there any alternative solutions to using our Windows domain accounts with a Subversion server? Have you used them yourself?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tortoise SVN, find all non-added files?

I am using Tortoise SVN on Windows.

I have a deep directory structure (using cakephp).

After creating several files I then went through and +added them.

The new files show a ? next to them and a + next to them after set to add so it is easy to tell which files still need to be added. this is the same with folders.

However if a new file is inside an old folder there will still be the green checkmark. You won't have any indicator telling you there is a new file.

So I forgot to add one before a commit. This wouldn't be so bad as I could just add it and recommit. However, I also made this a tag, so I had recommit to the tag and the trunk.

Anyways this wouldn't have been an issue if there was an indicator on existing folders that contain new files.

Is there a way to set this up?

Source: (StackOverflow)