
time-zone interview questions

Top time-zone frequently asked interview questions

Convert time zones with Google?

Can I convert time zone calculations (18:30 CEST to GMT+1 for example) with Google?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What time zone are the main GitHub servers located in?

Which time zone is GitHub working from on their servers?

For example, a commit made on Sun Dec 2 05:01:00 2012 +0200 is interpreted by GitHub as a commit made on 1st December 2012 in the contributions calendar/graph.

Which is the first hour when a new day starts?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to change google time from EST to IST?

When I search something time related in Google like "when will X telecast","X vs Y" like this, the result shows for EST time. I'm in IST timezone and would like to get the result accordingly. My friend get the result in IST but he doesn't know how he gets that. So I'm asking here. Picture for more illustration

enter image description here

I want this All times are in Eastern Time -> All times are in Indian Standard Time

PS : I tried changing time zone from Google Calendar, but same thing is happening.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Twitter time stamps an hour off. Returns to normal after browser refresh

Something strange is going on. The newest posts in my feed always appear to be an hour ahead, but when I hit refresh in Chrome the times return to normal. Has anyone experienced this before? Could this be the result of an overlooked setting somewhere, a bug, or, at worse, a virus that the scans overlooked?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is Gmail showing the wrong date/time for my messages?

Please note that my computer's time is set correctly. Dates and times are correct in all other applications including Google's services such as Google Docs and Google Calendar.

However, messages in Gmail are always showing with a timestamp eight hours into the future. Occasionally, after repeated set/reset cycles in my account settings, I get the correct timestamp but when I log out and log back in timestamps are again eight hours into the future.

I have already inspected the email headers, and the timestamp information (including time zones) is correct at each hop.

There are a number of threads on Google's support forums regarding this and the one that is being monitored by the Google staff seems to be Wrong time posted on all my email - how to fix.

Is anyone aware of a fix or a work-around or at least an explanation of why the timestamps are messed up?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Website for timezone conversion

I am looking for a website that allows me to convert time between different timezones in an ubiquitous way.

Most websites have input restraints that only allow me to type in a specific city or to select a time zone from a pre-determined list. I am searching for something that has a set of features similar to these:

  • Automatically detects my current location
  • I can type in a city and a timezone and it will show the time difference
  • Accepts a broad range of timezone formats (EST, UTC, GMT, etc.)

These are just general guidelines. The basic idea is that I want to know when will something happen without knowing much about timezone abbreviations.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Google Calendar move events in a different (non-DST) timezone 1 hour backward?

I'm currently residing UTC+3: UTC+2 standard time zone, +1 for daylight saving time (DST).

For a trip I'm planning, I'm trying to set a new event in Google Calendar, which takes place in a different timezone, and that different timezone does not have any DST adjustment. However, immediately after I set it it shows the event as being 1 hour earlier.

So I set the event to 13:08 in that other timezone, save, and when I enter the event again it shows it in 12:08, for that same timezone.

If it's an error, how do I solve this? If it isn't, why does it happen and how can I deal with it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

To which timezone does the "date" in Gmail refer?

I use Gmail for my email. I do not understand to which point in time the "date" of an email in Gmail refers: is this the local time when/where I received the email, or is it the local time when/from where the mail has been sent?

Is the "date" of an email, as shown by Gmail, local time of the sender or receiver?

Is it from the moment where it has been sent or received?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is my imported time 668 seconds ahead of the value in the original cell? Is this reproducible?

I wonder if anyone can explain or reproduce the following test case. It demonstrates that GMT-06:00 Central Time - Tegucigalpa is 668 seconds ahead of GMT-06:00 Central Time, which seems like an unreasonable result.

Document 1

Document 1 uses GMT-06:00 Central Time.
Cell A1 in document 1 contains the time value 12:00:00, numeric value 0.5.

Locale: United States
Time zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time
Cell  Format  Value              Formula
A1    Time    12:00:00
A2    Normal  0.5                =A1

Document 2

Document 2 uses GMT-06:00 Central Time - Tegucigalpa.
Cell A1 in document 2 imports cell A1 from document 1.
The resulting time value is 12:11:08, numeric value 0.507731481480732.

Locale: United States
Time zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time - Tegucigalpa
Cell  Format  Value              Formula
A1    Time    12:11:08           =ImportRange( "[key of Doc1]" ; "Sheet1!A1" )
A2    Normal  0.507731481480732  =A1

Old Sheets vs. New Sheets

Google introduced New Sheets after I raised this issue. Apparently New Sheets time zone conversion is incompatible with Old Sheets. Documents which depend on timezone will calculate different results depending on whether they are Old Sheets or New Sheets.

  • If Document 2 is Old Sheets, the result is 12:11:08 regardless of what Document 1 is.
  • If Document 2 is New Sheets, the result is 12:00:00 regardless of what Document 1 is.

External links

Google Sheets Anomaly: Tegucigalpa Time – a public Google Drive folder containing test cases

Source: (StackOverflow)

What happens to my events when I change my time zone on Google Calendar?

I am currently living in the Pacific US time zone, but I may be doing a summer internship in Eastern time zone, which is 3 hours ahead. What will happen to the existing events when I change my time zone on Google Calendar? Will they remain at the same absolute time or will they shift 3 hours forward in absolute time so that they remain at the same clock time in my new time zone?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Specifying time zone in when2meet

Is it possible to specifying time zones in when2meet? I.e. when creating a new event I would like to indicate in which time zone the proposed times are expressed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add more than two time zones to Google Calendar?

I need to add 3 if not 4 time zones to my Google Calendar, but I do not see the option for this.

What would be the way of achieving this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to show Google Calendar events in local time?

AFAICT, in Google Calendar, a calendar has a time zone and an event has a time zone. So you can enter an event and specify that it takes place at, say, 12:00 Eastern Time. If your calendar is also set to Eastern Time, the event will display at 12:00, but if the calendar is in Pacific Time, it will display at 9:00. So far so good.

But, now I'm planning a tour that will go across time zones, and I want to be able to display events in local time, for example: I and my calendar are in Eastern time. I plan an event in Los Angeles that will take place at 12:00 in Los Angeles. I create the event for 12:00 and specify Pacific time for the event.

The problem is: when I view this event in my calendar, it's at 3:00. This is correct in the sense of indicating when the event will be happening relative to New York time, but I would much rather see it relative to the local time in LA. Is there a way to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I get the TripIt calendar to display events (e.g. in google calendar) usually local times?

I've happily added my TripIt calendar to google calendar. Unfortunately, it shows all my flights as beginning and ending at the corresponding local California times. This is useless to me --- I add all my remote events at their actual local times, so flight information doesn't mesh with anything else. Moreover, it's no fun looking at a calendar, seeing that your flight leaves at 4:30pm, then getting to the airport 3 hours early because it's actually leaving at 7:30pm EST. (Yes, I actually did this, before realizing what was going on.)

I understand this is a difficult problem (e.g. flight that cross the dateline can easily arrive "before" they depart, necessitating two separate calendar entries for take off and landing, or just an entry with start and finish times confusingly reversed). Is there a technological fix available? Am I just missing some setting at TripIt that will produce the calendar I want? Could I conceivably find some way to wrap the TripIt calendar in another service, that fixes up the times for me?

Source: (StackOverflow)

A Clock Webapp? [closed]

I tried looking around but couldn't find one.

Is there a nice webapp on the Internet that just shows the clock of the location that you've set?

Basically kind of similar to http://itsalmo.st/, but instead of a countdown, just the time.

Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)