
textmate interview questions

Top textmate frequently asked interview questions

Markdown Live Preview Editor?

I am currently using Textmate to create Markdown documents, but it requires me to press CtrlOptionCmd + P everytime I want to 'update' the Markdown output window. Essentially I am using it like a word processor.

Is there a Markdown editor for Mac OS X which supports wysiwig/live update of the content? Perhaps Textmate already does this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I let TextMate show line numbers when I'm coding C++?

How can I let TextMate show line numbers when I'm coding C++?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is there a way to line wrap selected text in TextMate?

I sometimes write long comments in my code. I hate manually wrapping them after 80 characters, and rewrapping them if I edit the comment. Is there a way (or a bundle) that will apply an 80 character line wrap to some selected text?

Source: (StackOverflow)

TextMate 2: can the file browser [project drawer] be put on the right side?

in TextMate 2, can the file browser be put on the right side?

the old textmate solution does not seem to work.

Source: (StackOverflow)

how to insert the date and time with a shortcut in textmate?

I would like to insert the current date and time pressing a single key shortcut in TextMate. Any ideas how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Textmate: How to export Themes?

I created a new theme in textmate in preferences->fonts & colors, and I would like to share it with my friend. But I don't know how to export it.

It would be logical to save my theme automatically to Applications/Textmate/Contents/ShareSupport/Themes but I can't find my new theme there.

So how can I create a my_theme_name.tmTheme file from my theme ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Vim's insert mode, how can you go to the end of the line and insert a newline?

In TextMate, when you're not at the end of a line and you want to enter a newline, you can type Cmd-Return.

Is there an equivalent for this in Vim, when you're in insert mode?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to "Execute and update '# => ' markers" in Sublime Text 2?

This is my most favourite feature from ruby bundle in TextMate. Unfortunately, I can't find how to do the same in ST2. It still inserts the marker when you press TAB after the # symbol, so, I hope, the ability to run ruby code and update such markers is there, but is well hidden.

For non-users of TextMate: let's assume we have typed this code

a = 10
b = 30
a + b # => 

Then, upon pressing a shortcut (ctrl+cmd+shift+E by default), textmate executes this code and inserts value of corresponding lines after # => markers. In this instance, the result will look like this:

a = 10
b = 30
a + b # => 40

It's super handy for quickly trying out things and posting nice snippets to stackoverflow. Now I need ST2 to do this. :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I install the C# TextMate bundle?

I found two C# text mate bundles.

My questions are

  1. What is the "official" C# text mate bundle?
  2. If csharp-tmbundle is the only one to use for C#, how can I install it without the .tmbundle format?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I read a text file's hidden characters?

I've created a text file from an application that I developed.

When I send the text file to a SYSTEM validation, they (third-party system) say that the file is invalid and that the file contains three characters in the beginning of the file that are not allowed as well special characters are not correct.

They also say I need to use either ISO 8859-1 or PC850.

Well, I'm using Notepad++, and I can't see that at all! What is the best text file reader for these kind of problems?

Alt text

I also have a Mac and just thought I remembered opening in TextMate ... WOW! Now I know what they are talking about!

How can I have the same in Windows?

Alt text

Source: (StackOverflow)

Open several windows of the same file in Textmate?

do you know how can one in Textmate open several windows for the same file?

So I can at the same time look and compare different parts of the same file.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to open file using TextMate with new tab

Everytime i open a file with text mate and it is by default in new window, is it possible to open in new tab so I don't need to mess with the windows?

I am using latest textmate2 downloaded from github.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Textmate add multiline text at end of line

In Textmate, I am able to add text to several lines at once by clicking and holding the Option key and dragging with the mouse. say I have the following lines:

foo 1: 
foo 2:
foo 3:

I can easily click and hold option and then drag down with the lines to select the text at the end of each line, and then type "bar" once and it will be added to all lines, as such:

foo 1: bar
foo 2: bar
foo 3: bar


The problem I run into, is when my lines aren't the same length, as such

foo 19: 
foo 37842342346: 
foo 503: 

Now if I want to add text to the end of each line, I have to either do it manually, or choose enough space so that the longest line is not overwritten, as such:

foo 19:          bar
foo 37842342346: bar 
foo 503:         bar

This results in a lot of unwanted whitespace in lines that don't need it. Granted, I could easily run a regular expression search to replace all multiple occurrences of a space with a single one, but I was wondering if there's a way to select all ending of lines at once without having to do that.

Any idea?


Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I make Vim beautiful (read: Textmate font/color ) on Mac OS X Lion? [closed]

I am just starting to make the Textmate to Vim switch. I love it, but it's so ugly.

I'm running Mac OS X Lion and needed Ruby support so I am using Vim 7.3 as installed via Homebrew not the Vim Lion ships with.

Then I see Corey Haines doing his fast specs talk and his Vim is... it's just gorgeous. http://confreaks.net/videos/641-gogaruco2011-fast-rails-tests

I look at his GitHub dotfiles, there's a note to use a repo called Vimlander2 the quickening. Following the instructions there and I have a different looking but still ugly Vim. https://github.com/spicycode/Vimlander-2-The-Quickening

I am brand new to Vim so there's probably something silly I'm missing-- I upgraded to Lion specifically because the terminal could handle the colors, but something is still off.

I am getting better and better with Vim everyday and am really liking it, but I opened Textmate the other day to do a project wide search and, well I was swayed briefly by the beauty just before I caught myself typing :wq

I would really appreciate your Vim beauty tips--thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Text Editor that hilights all instances of selection for Mac

On Windows, I use Notepad++ which has the great feature of when I select a word, all instances of that word are also highlighted in the same document. I have found it very helpful for finding patterns in giant log files.

I am wondering if there is a similar feature in a text editor on the Mac. I have looked into the documentation for TextWrangler and TextMate to no avail. Hopefully there is a way to do this so I can be more productive when working on a Mac.


Note: in Notepad++ you do not have to do a keyboard shortcut to make this work... you just select some text and it does the highlighting for you automatically.

Source: (StackOverflow)