
text-editors interview questions

Top text-editors frequently asked interview questions

How do you reuse a visual mode selection?

Often when editing code, I'll select a block in visual mode and do a search and replace over the block. After I make the changes, however, it leaves visual mode. How do you do a new find and replace over the same selection?

Source: (StackOverflow)

It's All Text for Chrome?

I'm a big fan of It's All Text for Firefox, as it's really helpful to be able to quickly open up gvim and write out code, wiki markup, etc in a powerful editor rather than trying to do edits in a large text box. Is there a similar plugin for Chrome? I'm looking for a cross-platform solution, or at least something that will work on Linux.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I record and run multiple find/replace with Sublime Text 2?

How do I record and run multiple find/replace with Sublime Text 2? I tried recording a macro but, as it seems, Sublime won't record find/replace, only text input etc.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I do multi-line editing in Atom editor?

I've been reading all over and I can't find anything on how to do this in Atom on Windows? And by multi-line editing, I mean being able to expand your cursor across multiple-lines, and being able to type, and that whatever you have typed replicates over all lines you have selected

Source: (StackOverflow)

Show/Hide function folding margin on Notepad++

Is it possible to get rid of the function folding margin on Notepad++? It seems like the sort of thing that should be in the prefs but I'm not seeing it anywhere.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I use custom colours in the Microsoft VBA editor?

I'm working on a few projects for work using Excel and VBA, so I have no choice but to use the Microsoft Visual Basic editor. I normally wouldn't mind, but I can't figure out how to set a custom colour for the editor (I can only choose from the default palette).

To change the colour currently, I go to Tools -> Options -> Editor Format... However, your choices are only limited to the default (and basic) 16 colours - and when I say basic, I mean basic, like pink, blue, black, white, etc...

Does anyone know how to either specify a custom colour, or at the very least, change some of the colours that show up in the default palette?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Edit one file in two different buffers in emacs

I would like to open the file foo.bar twice (or more) in emacs, so I can edit two different parts of it simultaneously. Is it possible? Probably the better question is, how to do it? Is there a way to open each instance in its own buffer/frame?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I let TextMate show line numbers when I'm coding C++?

How can I let TextMate show line numbers when I'm coding C++?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Notepad2 or Notepad++ and why? [closed]

Why should I choose one over the other, or should I go another way?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the edit command for 64-bit Windows 7?

I am using Windows 7 64-bit. I could not find a command that enables me to write a text file in the command prompt. Is there a command for this on Windows 7 x64? I tried edit but it is not supported by Windows 7 x64. Is there another command to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Light text editor for CSV file? [closed]

Could anybody suggest a light (small, fast) text editor that can

  • handle columnar view of csv files?
  • save quote character to all fields, even if not 'necessary'

OpenOffice Calc is bit big for my old laptop. My favourite Notepad++ cannot present a columnar view. And it seems to me that Sharp Tools Spreadsheet cannot import CSV files. Google Docs converts some date fields by default, which I do not want and it is really slow.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Highlight all occurrences of a word in Github's Atom text editor

In Sublime Text, if you double-click a word in file, all occurrences of that word are highlighted on the page, giving at-a-glance orientation of how a variable or other text is used in the file.

Is there an equivalent shortcut in the Atom text editor?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I get Google Drive to open text files with arbitrary extensions as text files?

I have text files on Google Drive that do not end with the .txt suffix (such as: .r, .bas, .awk...).
I want to view them using the Drive Notepad app, but it does not recognize the files as text.
Is there a way I can get these files to be recognized as text?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a Linux equivalent of Programmer's Notepad or Notepad++

I've recently switched over to Ubuntu from Windows and love it. One thing I miss is my Programmer's Notepad. I haven't found anything similar yet for Linux. Eclipse is way too big and involved for what I need.


Specifically I'm looking for -

  • a diff tool (I know about Meld, but am looking for built-in or plug-in rather than a separate tool);

  • ftp;

  • html/xml tag-matching;

  • and the big one - find in files - search for a term or regex in a user-specific group of files, or recursively through directories, and return a highlighted, clickable list of results.

Edited again (04/05/2011) I did end up trying most of the suggestions below, but what I ended up with is Komodo Edit. It does everything I wanted, and it's available on all three platforms, so now that I'm on a Mac at work, I don't have to learn another new IDE. It's build on Mozilla, so there are add-ons (and you can create your own) which can be updated the same way Firefox add-ons are.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows-style, terminal based, text editor for linux

Every once in a while, I find myself editing some text file on a remote Linux server. Most of the time, I do my best to avoid this, because I'm used to, and like, the windows way of editing files:

  • Shift+arrows to highlight text
  • Ctrl-X,C,V for cut/copy/paste
  • Tab/Shift Tab to indent/dedent highlighted text
  • etc...

I'm not saying that vi and emacs are bad, it's just that I'm not used to them. Right now nano is my editor of choice, but it has very limited support of cut and paste, no smart indent, and some unusual shortcuts.

so my question is: it there an editor that feels like Notepad++/Notepad2/eclipse/kate/gedit but can run on a linux terminal?
Alternatively, is there a way to configure vi/emacs/nano to feel more like those apps?

And please, no "you should really learn vi" answers. Tried that, didn't take.

UPDATE: I was suffering from keyword blockage. Googling for "linux console text editors" gets much better results than "linux terminal text editors".

Source: (StackOverflow)