

Tempo is an easy, intuitive JavaScript rendering engine that enables you to craft data templates in pure HTML. Tempo :: The Intuitive JavaScript Template Engine by Twigkit

Need Android equivalent of AudioInputStream

I'm trying to write an Android app that analyzes content from the user's music library. Let's assume that these are mp3 files on the SD drive, for starters. I'm able to find Java algorithms to analyze music files, but I can't find an API to read and decode the files (not play them. There's an API to play the files, and even classes for audio effects, but I don't see any way for an app to get to the decoded data from a music file. I can read from microphone.

J2SE has a class AudoInputStream,but it's not part of Android. Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

music beat detection in iphone

please anyone know is there any sample code for beat detection iPhone?.How to implement fft algorithm in iphone to detect music beats?.I see in one forum that apple's sample code auriotouch doing the beat detection, is it correct?.


Source: (StackOverflow)


How can i make a metronome with jQuery

This doesn't have to be with a clicking sound. I need something to visualize a certain tempo/ metronome

how can i make a sound or image appear on a certain tempo? So maybe with fade or toggle() but then with a tempo wich you can adjust in a inputfield.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

CoreAudio tempo change (iOS)

I'm very new to audio programming, but I know this must be possible. (This is an iOS/iPhone related question).

How would I go about changing the tempo of a loaded audio file without changing the pitch, and then playing it back?

I think I need to delve into the CoreAudio framework, but I'm not sure where to begin.

If anyone could let me know what classes I need to look at, or the general process involved, that would help me get started and I'd really appreciate it!


Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the simplest way to play a sample/tone with given tempo in SuperCollider

I'm curious what is the easiest way to play a sound file or some frequency with given tempo. The easiest metronome you can implement. Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Emacs tempo mode does not work on the first line

I'm loading tempo for Emacs:

(require 'tempo)

I can expand templates just fine, however not when the cursor is position on the beginning of the first line in the buffer.

I'm running Ubuntu with GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.18.0) of 2009-09-27 on crested, modified by Debian.

How can I use templates when the file is empty?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Detect Tempo of a Music File in c#

For my University Project I am developing a music comparison c# Application. In order to finish my project I have to take the TEMPO of a music file(WAVE FILE). Also I am getting help of the NAUDIO Library for my project. Can anyone one help me to identify/Detect TEMPO? I have tried several times but still I can not get TEMPO.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Max MSP. How I initialize a BPM counter/ tempo recognizer with a massage if bmp changes?

i need a bpm counter witch send a message if a tempo of incoming Audiosignal changes. Have anyone an idee?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does it make sense that these high numbers are midi tempo?

I am using midi library for as3 and receive these values as tempo (to the left the timeline and to the right the tempo)

1712 11424264

3632 11424264

3670 2325000

3708 1417992

Assuming that at time=0 the tempo=500000. The first valus is 200 times higher, how come it is too high? Perhaps I am reading it wrong? When I try to calculate the real time of notes using that tempo I get high values, which are probably incorrect.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to display a multi dimensional array as a table?

This problem's been haunting me for days... I have the following JSON that I'm trying to render as a table using Tempo.js but keep getting nothing rendered:

      "name":"Family One",
        "name":"John Doe",
              "name":"Fabrice A",
              "description":"Good kid",
        "name":"Jane Doe",
              "name":"Maurice A",
              "description":"Bad kid",
      "name":"Family Two",
        "name":"Sonny Doe",
              "name":"Juan B",
              "description":"Good kid",
              "name":"Alberto B",
              "description":"Fine kid",
              "name":"Roberto B",
              "description":"Medium kid",

The table is supposed to look like this:

| Family One  | John Doe    | Fabrice A  | Good kid          | 20        | 60           |
|             |''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
|             | Jane Doe    | Maurice A  | Bad kid           | 22        | 50           |
| Family Two  | Sonny Doe   | Juan B     | Good kid          | 30        | 70           |
|             |             | Alberto B  | Fine kid          | 20        | 60           |
|             |             | Roberto B  | Medium kid        | 10        | 50           |

Please notice how the family cell stretches to house more than one parent rows, and the parent cell streches to house more than one children rows. I prepare the JSON in js in a variable called familyTree, and then call Tempo.prepare('family-list').render(familyTree); No I've read all of the documentation for tempo.js (which wasn't too long), but I still haven't found a way of rendering the table properly. Here's what I got so far:

<div id="family-list">
   <table id="families">
       <tr data-before-template='data-before-template'>
           FAMILY NAME
           CHILD NAME
           CHILD AGE
           CHILD WEIGHT
   <tr data-template='data-template'>
       <td id="family-column">
       <td id="parent-column" data-template-for='parents'>
       <td colspan="4">
           <table id='children-table' data-template-for="children">

I've used tempo before. I've even mixed it with wkhtmltopdf to render some nice-looking pdf files. But I just cannot solve this. If any of you out there has been through anything similar..would you please share your experience? Thanks so much in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Audio Pitch and Tempo modification

I need to modify pitch or tempo of an audio, but need to do them separately. Is there any example in Android for that or any library which provides support for Android.

I want to avoid using NDK/JNI for this, since I am not that good into it.

I have already seen Many libraries, although they have a nice tutorial, but I am unable to import them to Eclipse Android project. Help is appreciated :-)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Possible to Log work with REST and Tempo?

Working on a small multi-platform python program for displaying issues assigned to the user whom logs into this application and gives that user the ability to log work against that issue. The server we're using has Tempo and that seems to be the way that management wants to log time.

Is there a way to use REST with Tempo to log work? Or should I just use the Tempo API to log work?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get BPM and tempo audio features in Python

I am involved in a project which requires me to extract song features like beats per minute (BPM), tempo, etc. However, I have not found a suitable Python library that can accurately detect these features.

Does anyone have any advice?

(In Matlab, I do know of a project called Mirtoolbox, which can give the BPM and tempo information after processing the local mp3 file.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Modify audio pitch / tempo while encoding with android MediaCodec

I'm using AudioRecord to get audio in real-time from the device microphone, and encoding / saving it to file in the background using the MediaCodec and MediaMuxer classes.

Is there any way to change the Pitch and (or) Tempo of the audio stream before it is saved to file?

Source: (StackOverflow)

C# Audio - How to time stretch (different tempo, same pitch)

I'm trying to make a winform app in C# (VS2008) that can load an mp3 (other formats would be nice, but mp3 at a minimum) and be able to adjust the playback speed (tempo) without affecting pitch. I really don't need any other audio effects. I tried using DirectShow but that doesn't seem to offer time stretch capabilities. I was able to incorporate irrklang but that does not seem to have the time stretch capability either. So now I've moved on to SoundTouch. That certainly has the capabilities but I'm very unclear on how to implement in C#.

After a few days of this, about all I've accomplished is using DLLImport on the SoundTouch DLL and am able to successfully retrieve a version number. At this point, I'm not even sure if I can do what I'm trying to do with SoundTouch. Can anyone offer some guidance either on how to implement SoundTouch or a different library with the capabilities that I'm looking for? Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)