taskbar interview questions
Top taskbar frequently asked interview questions
There are three options for customizing taskbar buttons in Windows 7:
- Always combine, hide labels
- Combine when taskbar is full
- Never combine
Is there any way to hide labels and not combine taskbar buttons? Or even better, to exclude only certain applications from combining?
My main problem is that I switch a lot between two instances of a single application, and having to hover over combined icon and then choosing the correct one. Alt-Tabbing is not a good alternative when I'm switching between more than three applications; clicking on taskbar only once is what I'm looking for.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I mostly like the improvements in Windows 7, but am pretty annoyed with the new Taskbar... particularly its habit of always keeping items grouped.
Is there any way to ungroup the taskbar items in Windows?
And just for the record, "Never combine" does not work. True, setting this option creates a separate button for each instance of an application... but it still groups all the running instances together. For instance, all Explorer Windows are grouped together beside each other, and they can only be dragged around as a group---not as individual items.
Source: (StackOverflow)
Is there a way to arrange windows within the same application in the taskbar of Windows 7?
Right now we can freely adjust each application's position in the taskbar, but within the app itself the windows can't be reordered, for example multiple windows of firefox or chrome.
Source: (StackOverflow)
Is it possible to display the clock on the taskbar on each screen in Windows 8, preferably without 3rd-party tools?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I use Notepad++ for a bunch of text files. I like to pin my frequently used text files to the Notepad++ icon on the taskbar. There seems to be a limit of 18 items visible. I can pin more than 18 files but I can't see them. I have plenty of screen real estate so the jumplist/pinned list could be a lot taller. How can I increase the size of the "Pinned" portion of the jump list in Windows 7?
Note that I am NOT talking about the increasing the size of the "recent" portion of the jump list (I have that set to zero). I can find plenty of hits on adjusting the size of that, but nothing on adjusting the size of the "Pinned" list.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have a program pinned to the taskbar. After I upgraded the program (I think) the icon broke. What I get now is what you see below; that ugly default application icon thing.

If I unpin it, I get the correct icon. If I then right-click on it, the icon breaks again. If I pin it again, still the broken icon. Unpin again and back to good icon. Very annoying. How can I fix this?
Source: (StackOverflow)
We are having trouble adding our batch scripts to the Windows 7, 8 or 10 taskbar or start menu.
Our batchfiles take some arguments and just execute other application based on those arguments .
To keep it simple, we created some shortcuts for our customers which they just need to click in order to get everything running.
The question here is: How can we pin those shortcuts or batch files to the taskbar or start menu?
(The customers aren't supposed to access the file system and that's why they can only see the taskbar)
Source: (StackOverflow)
Outlook has a nice envelope icon that displays on top of the taskbar icon when I have new mail. Sometimes this icon comes up when I get a new message, but then doesn't go away when the message is marked as read.
The only ways I know of to get rid of it is to close and reopen Outlook, or get a new email. Although sometimes if I'm unlucky the same thing will happen with the new email.
Here are two screenshots of what I'm talking about. You can clearly see the new mail icon along with an empty inbox.
(Click image to enlarge)

Just to be clear, there really isn't any unread email (none in other folders, junk etc.).
How can I get Outlook to actually recognize when I have no new mail?
Source: (StackOverflow)
This question already has an answer here:
It seems like Microsoft goofed up again and did not include a feature in Windows 7 to order taskbar items. To clarify, you can now order the groups, but not the items within the groups.
So let's say I have 10 Windows Explorer taskbar items open and would like to order those taskbar items. What software would I use for Windows 7 to order taskbar items?
Software mentioned in this post "Does any software exist for Windows XP to change the order of items in the taskbar?", does not mention Windows 7 support or specifically says that Windows 7 is not supported.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have my Taskbar moved to the left side of the screen. How do I show the date below the clock on the system tray?
Windows 10 is quite new, so there isn't much on the internet about it.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have a .jar that I run frequently, and I'd like to pin it to the taskbar. I've tried pinning the .jar itself, and I've tried pinning a .bat file that has the command to run the .jar, but it doesn't work either. Is there a way to accomplish this?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I recently upgraded to Windows 7 and need the date displayed with the time. This works, but only if I use large icons in the taskbar settings which is quite ugly.
Any ideas how to display the time and date when only using small taskbar icons?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Windows 7 has a new "Show Desktop" button all the way at the edge of the system tray area. Is there any way to get rid of it?
I never use it because I just press Win+D instead, and it's kind of annoying to me.
Source: (StackOverflow)