
system-installation interview questions

Top system-installation frequently asked interview questions

What's your recommendation on drive partitioning schemes for a desktop and home server? [closed]

What partitioning scheme do you recommend for a desktop? I've always created three or four primary partitions -- root, swap, home, and sometimes a separate boot partition. Ubuntu's default install offers LVMs. I've never had to add additional drives or space, so it never seemed like a big deal. Whenever I do a fresh install, though, I always think there might be a better way.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I pre-install Ubuntu for someone (OEM install)?

I would like to pre-install Ubuntu on a computer for someone. I may want to customize it for them, but in the end they need to be able to choose a username, password, etc. when they first boot it up. (Also called an OEM install).

How do I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


When installing I'm given the option of encrypting my home folder -- what does this do?

  • Does encrypting my home folder make my computer more secure?
  • Do I have to enter my password more if my home folder is encrypted?
  • What else should I know about encrypting my home folder?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does the "Basic Ubuntu Server" package contain in software selection during installation?

I'm installing Ubuntu from an Ubuntu Minimal image, and I've gotten to the software selection part. What I'm wondering is, which packages are included in the "Basic Ubuntu Server" option?

enter image description here

I'm assuming it's a bundle of packages, but which exactly are included in it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I install Ubuntu without removing Windows?

I need my pre-installed version of Windows 7 (or any other version of Windows), how could I install Ubuntu without erasing it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Dual boot Surface Pro with Ubuntu?

How could I setup a dual boot for Ubuntu and Windows 8 on my Microsoft Surface Pro with 128 GB.

Note: My dual boot solution is below.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I install on a non-PAE CPU? (error "Kernel requires features not present on the CPU: PAE")

After burning Ubuntu 12.04 to a CD, I tried booting and got the message:

This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU:

Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.

What does this mean?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which computers are guaranteed to work? [closed]

Before I buy my next laptop, I'd like to make sure that it will work perfectly with Ubuntu. Is there a list of completely supported computers anywhere?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 10 with UEFI

I'm absolutely new to Linux. I have been using Windows for all my life, but I have read about Ubuntu (and Linux in general) and I think I'll like it, so I wanted to know how to install Ubuntu on my PC with a Pre-Installed Windows 8 or later on it.

Can I do it with Wubi or through the Live USB/DVD?

What steps do I need to take to correctly install Ubuntu?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I install Windows after I've installed Ubuntu?

I have Ubuntu on my laptop. Now I want install Windows 7 in a dual-boot. How can I do this?

I can't lose my Ubuntu files, and I'm afraid that I might break GRUB.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I install Ubuntu?

I would like to see a full how-to guide on how to install Ubuntu.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I tell what date Ubuntu was installed?

is there a command which will output the date that ubuntu (or any distribution) was installed?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to create a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive from terminal?

Is there any way to create a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive from the terminal without using any third-party applications like YUMI,Unetbootin, etc.

I tried to create a bootable Ubuntu flash drive with dd method,

sudo umount /dev/sdb
sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M

It create files on the USB disk, but when I try to boot the USB disk it shows a Operating System Not Found error.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I install Ubuntu to a USB key? (without using Startup Disk Creator)

If you are hurrying to reply, System → Administration → StartUp Disk Creator -- no, that's not what I'm talking about.

I want to try Ubuntu 11.04's Unity without touching my existing Ubuntu install.

To do this, I need to install the nVidia drivers first (sigh).

To do this, I need changes to persist a reboot.

To do this, I need to really install Ubuntu on a USB key.

How do you do that?

What I tried

  1. I tried to make a USB key from Testdrive, then boot from it, then choose "Install Ubuntu." The installer refused to install to the installation media itself.

  2. I tried, from my installed copy of Ubuntu:

    sudo kvm /dev/sdb --cdrom .cache/testdrive/iso/ubuntu_natty-desktop-i386.iso

    ...but the installer didn't detect the disk properly.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I create a completely unattended install of Ubuntu?

I need a CD or USB stick, that will install Ubuntu on a completely headless machine. Stick CD in and restart, no keyboard or screen should be involved.

There are a few obstacles:

  1. The language selection menu when you first boot the CD.
  2. The fact that the CD menu waits.
  3. The installer's asking questions during installation.

Source: (StackOverflow)