
synergy interview questions

Top synergy frequently asked interview questions

Synergy Linux Keyboard '@' Problem

Im using Fedora 10 with Synergy from Windows 7

When ever i use my keyboard through synergy and type @ i get the Omega Sign

Any ideas, or someone had similar problems?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synergy broken on Windows 8.1 + HDPI

When I run synergy and move the cursor to a client, the cursor goes invisible and sticks to the bottom right corner of the screen (triggering windows peek). This renders all computers useless until the clients and servers are killed.

I get dropped bogus delta motion errors on the server and CALV/CNOP no-ops on the client.

I'm running the absolute latest windows 8.1Update with the latest updates. I'm also running the latest Synergy 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 Nightly (tried all permutations). This worked before I left for a week and now it's broken. I have no idea why.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Play system sounds from one computer through another computer's speakers?

I have a Mac and a Windows PC at work. I use both at the same time with Synergy and SynergyKM, which is a great setup for me.

The Mac has built-in speakers and the PC has a sound card, but no speakers. I don't want to get speakers for use at work; instead I'd rather just have all sounds from both computers play through the Mac's speakers. Is there some sort of audio service I can run on each computer to accomplish that?

I would want:

  • System alert sounds, like you configure in the Control Panel
  • Sounds from videos in a web browser, including from Flash

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows are acting as if they are "always on top"

I'm running Windows 8.1 x64 (Verssion 6.3, Build 9600). Starting yesterday and ever since (despite restarts and so on), my windows have been almost-constantly behaving as if they are set to "always on top." At first I thought this was limited to Google Chrome, until I noticed practically every window (Visual Studio, Outlook, Notepad++, HipChat, Remote Desktop instances) was behaving this way.

Following advice from this question (pressing ctrl+alt+esc to remove the "super state" from a window, restarting explorer.exe, etc) provide temporary fixes, but it doesn't take long for the problem to resurface again. Unlike that question, though, my problem is not caused by use of "Show Desktop." It just happens.

What on earth is going on? This is a very frustrating issue.

UPDATE: It very may well be Synergy that's causing my issue, not Widnows (as the KB update is not on my machines but it still happens, and force-closing Synergy from Task Manager makes the problem go away).

UPDATE 2: Since Synergy was my cause, I have selected an Answer for this post. However, as pointed out, if you don't have Synergy there are other potential causes of this issue.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synergy client drops and reconnects at UAC dialog

I've been using Synergy for a while at work to connect my XP machine (the host) to my Win 7 laptop (the client). I previously was having issues with using Synergy and the UAC prompt, as described in this question, and have had no issues since, until recently.

I upgraded to Synergy 1.4.10 and now am seeing odd behavior whenever a UAC prompt appears on my laptop.

When the UAC prompt appears on my laptop, Synergy momentarily drops its connection to my laptop, causing my mouse and keyboard focus to revert to my host machine (the XP machine). After about a second or so, though, the connection gets re-established and I am able to type and use the mouse buttons in the UAC prompt. Once the prompt clears, the connection drops again for a second, and then gets re-established again.

Is this something to do with configuration or perhaps should I just chalk it up to a change in behavior in version 1.4.10?

EDIT: Updated to 1.4.11. Still the same issue. Now it's with a Windows 8 Pro 64-bit client and a CentOS 6.4 server.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synergy 1.4.14 fails with "Protocol error"

Server: Debian testing, with the 1.4.14 deb downloaded and installed. Client: Windows 7, with 1.4.14 downloaded and installed. Both are Premium.

On Debian, start the server with synergys -f -c synergy.conf, because running it from the KDE menu makes it give an error "Option not supported on Linux: --enable-drag-drop" (and incidentally I can't find any file that might be telling it to use that option).

On Windows, run the client. Both are using encryption, with a simple password to be sure it's correct. The client says "WARNING: failed to connect to server: Protocol error from server", and the server says "NOTE: new client disconnected".

I haven't changed any configuration except the password, and 1.4.12 worked on the same machines just minutes ago.

Source: (StackOverflow)

When using synergy, it lags sometimes

I use synergy. My linux desktop acts as the server, and my macbook connects as a client. While using synergy, they are both connected to a linksys WRT-45GL router, both using a wired connection.

Sometimes, when I first mouse over to my macbook, the connection will lag. For example, I'll move the mouse but the cursor won't move for 2 or 3 seconds. Or I'll type something, it won't show up for a bit. It happens sporadically. Generally only for the first minute or so of switching over to the mac, but not necessarily.

What can I do to fix this?

I've tried checking the CPU usage on both machines, and haven't seen a spike there that matchs with the lag. I assume the bottleneck is in the network traffic, but I don't know how to confirm this or how to fix it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synergy and IE problem with new tab pages

I'm running Win7 and IE8.

In IE8, when I CTRL-CLICK a link to open a new tab, if Synergy+ Server is running, the link opens in a new window, not a new tab. If I stop the Synergy service, normal behavior returns. If I start the service again, the problem returns.

I thought maybe Synergy was throwing away the CTRL key. However, if I click "Open in new tab" on the context menu, I also get the same incorrect behavior.

Sometimes, not always, if I click the "new tab" tab, nothing happens.

Again, in all these cases, if I stop the Synergy service, normal behavior returns. If I start the service again, the problem returns.

I have not been able to reproduce the problem in Chrome or Firefox.

Does anybody have a solution or explanation for this problem?

Thanks in advance, Steve.

UPDATE: CTRL-ALT-RIGHTARROW in iTunes normally skips forward, with Synergy running, it jumps to next item in the playlist, normally caused by just a RIGHTARROW. So again, it appears that at least part of what Synergy is doing is throwing away control keys.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synergy dual-screen client

I have synergy client 1.4 running on a Linux machine and same version server running on either Linux or Windows laptop (both have the problem described below).

My Linux client is Dual-Monitor setup. There is one video card (NVidia with proprietary driver) which has two monitors connected: one to DVI output another - to HDMI. Dual-Screen is configured via KDE Display configuration and HDMI output is set to be Left-of-DVI. Both monitors have 1920x1080 resolution.

The setup works flawlessly by itself. But when I try to use synergy to control the client, I can only enter one of the screens (The HDMI output) with the mouse cursor.

Relative position of the monitors are as follows:

+--------------+ +--------------+
|              | |              |
|  client 1    | |  client 2    |
|              | |              |
|              | |              |
+--------------+ +--------------+
         |             |
         |   server    |
         |             |

The arrow indicates which monitor is accessible via synergy.

Is there anything that can be done?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Fix Synergy so it works on Login/Locked screen

I like Synergy -- I have it set up on a mac (server) and windows 7 (client), but I have a couple problems with it on windows:

  • I'd like it to start automatically on boot
  • It doesn't work on the login/locked screens

I've seen some sparse mentioning of installing Synergy as a service, so I tried this in the windows command line:

sc create Synergy binPath= "c:\Program Files\path\..." start= auto

This adds the service, but starting the service results in an error: "The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make a linux desktop and mac notebook share keyboard/mouse?

I installed Synergy server onto my Linux system, and installed Synergykm on to my Mac. When I try to connect with Synergykm from my Mac to my Linux system, it always fails to connect.

The error that I am getting is this: WARNING: failed to connect to server: Connection refused, but I can ping both hosts.

Any pointers/workarounds/other tool recommendations?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synergy: Is there a way to push Win+L to all screens, not just the server?

When I hit Win+L on either of my machines I'd ideally like to be able to lock both client and server What happens though is no matter which screen I hit the key combination... it locks the server.

I'm guessing the OS is trapping the key sequence before it can get passed to the app to manage, so I'm happy to use a different key sequence as long as the result will be the same

Synergy 1.4.2 64 bit Beta

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synergy 'Shift' key not working on the Mac

I have Synergy server on a Windows 7 box, and a Mac client connected to it. Most keys work fine, except for the Shift key on the right side. The left Shift key works just fine but not the one on the right side.

Does anybody have the same issue, and what is the resolution?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synergy Windows 7 Screen Saver issue

I have synergy server running on a Windows 7 laptop, I have another laptop running windows XP as the Client. When synergy is first started the Screen Saver will start after the 5 mins of inactivity no problem but after mouse/keyboard input then waiting another 5 minutes + the screen saver will not come back on. The mouse is on the server NOT the client. I have tried unchecking "sync screen savers" I have tried right clicking and running the synergy server as administrator. I have tried versions 1.3.4, 1.3.6, 1.4.2 both 32 bit and 64 bit. I have tried running in XP compatibility mode. I have tried disconnecting the client.

It feels like I've tried everything. The setup is as follows: The server is below the Client, the client is above the server. The server has a secondary monitor attached to it and yes I've tried running without the secondary monitor.

the sever is an acer 5552G-5828.

Any help would be awesome! I love synergy but without the screensavers it is annoying.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Win key replayed when focus changes from Windows to Ubuntu host

I'm running the synergy server (version 1.3.6) on an Ubuntu 11.10 host and the client (version 1.3.8) on a Windows 7 host.

Whenever I use the Win key on the windows client, they key is somehow "replayed" on my Ubuntu server the moment the mouse focus returns to the host (which triggers the dash home). This happens even if there is a long delay between the keypress and the focus change, or if other keys were entered before the focus change.

The opposite does not happen - when I use the Win key on the ubuntu server it is not replayed when I shift the focus to the Windows client.

Any ideas why this is happening? Can I stop this from happening?


I've just notices that when I hold down the Win key while the focus is on the client machine (Win 7), the Unity bar on the host machine (Ubuntu 11.10) also gets triggered! It looks as though Unity is also trapping the keypress even as Synergy sends it to the client.

When I change the hotkey for Unity to something else, say Alt, the same thing happens - using that key on the client will also trigger the Unity bar on the host.

It looks like Unity is stealing keypress events; this problem is not unique to synergy but also happens when running VMs such as VirtualBox and VMWare. Relevant bug reports:

Source: (StackOverflow)