
sync interview questions

Top sync frequently asked interview questions

How do I sync multiple g-calendars to the new Windows 8 Calendar?

I'm able to add multiple g-calendars from multiple accounts, but it appears that only the root calendar is synced with Windows 8's Metro Calendar app. Is there a way to sync all gmail calendars?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What approach should I take to export my iPhone contacts to Gmail?

I'm on the iPhone OS3, I want to get my contacts on my phone in sync with my Google contacts, but I don't want to lose what is currently in my phone. So far I have been under the impression that by just turning the Google Sync on that it will overwrite the info on my phone. I don't currently have all the info on my phone in Google contacts so this would not be desired.

Other than manually inputting all the info from my phone into my Google Contacts, what approach could I take to get that info on the Google cloud so that I can turn on sync without fear of losing any information?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Dropbox-Like File Sync without a central server [closed]

I'm looking for a way to sync the secondary drives on my two Macs across the internet. I have consistent VPN connectivity between the two macs, and I can access them as if they are sitting right next to each other.

I'm looking for a way to implement a Dropbox-like experience where if I modify a file on one Mac, the file would get pushed to the other Mac (and vice-versa). I also need the ability to throttle the bandwidth (so our little 1 megabit upload pipe doesn't get overloaded). Any suggestions?

Oh, and using dropbox is kind of out of the question at the moment since my drive is 500GB. Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I synchronise two folders in real-time in Windows 7?

I want to synchronise two folders in real time under Windows 7.

Basically, I want to monitor a folder and synchronise each change (new files, changed files, deleted files) to another drive. It has to be in real time, so it gets synchronised instantly when a change happens. A one-direction synchronisation is enough.

I tried Microsoft's SyncToy, but it does only syncing by hand or scheduled (thus not satisfying the "real-time" requirement).

Can this be achieved with Windows 7 itself? If not, are there other methods of doing this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to sync bookmarks between Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on multiple computers?

There are some similar question on bookmark syncing, but most answers point to Delicious or Google bookmarks. However, as Chrome doesn't have the Google toolbar, how would those sync? I use several computers and different browsers on them so I would like a easy solution to keep all of the bookmarks in sync on various computers and browsers in the same organizational structure throughout.

Also, I would prefer to have my bookmarks only synced to my account, not necessarily visible to the whole world as on Delicious. Is there any service that could handle this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sync left pane in Windows 7 Explorer with the opened folder

When using the explorer in vista (and xp) if I drill into a folder in right pane of explorer, the folder view stays synchronised. However in Windows-7 I cannot see a simple way of forcing it to do the same.

Anyone have any ideas please?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Sync Thunderbird Contacts with Gmail Contacts

I have thunderbird 3.0 with the Zindus plugin. However it seems that Zindus syncs one way.

For example I type a new email address into thunderbird and then go to my gmail account and it has no record of this contact.

So is there a plugin or some setting that will make Zindus work both ways?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I sync Android with iTunes?

I have just bought a shiny new HTC Hero. Is there any way to get it to sync with iTunes. In particular I'm looking at Podcast management.

Same question targeted at the Zune Sync Android with Zune

Update I am running Windows, but I feel that Mac users would appreciate this too.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Picasa 3.5: how to share the tagged faces from one PC to another

At home, we share our photos from a server. I've been tagging the faces in Picasa 3.5 in one PC, but in the other PC the same photos needs to be retagged.

Where is this info stored so it can be shared between computers?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to keep iTunes libraries in sync?

I have a couple of PCs and a Mac that I have my music libraries on them. Occasionally, I add files, edit artworks and ID3 tags on one of them. I want to keep them synchronized on all of my computer. Any organizational change I make (e.g. update album name, which will reorganize the folder structure) should automatically propagate to others.

What's the best way to do that? Please suggest a free (as in beer) solution (bonus points if it's free as in speech). Better yet, one that doesn't require third party software.

Note that sharing iTunes libraries is not a solution for me as I want to have all my files when I take only one of them and go out.

The issue is resolved with the advent of iTunes 9.0.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I synchronise my Outlook Calendar with Google Calendar (preferably using a free/open source tool)? [closed]

How can I synchronise my desktop Outlook calendar with my Google Calendar (Outlook -> Google)?

I saw the question Free tool for Synchronizing Google Contacts and Calendar with Outlook, but the solution that was suggested there is no longer available - Google Sync End of Life.

There are tools that required a payment, like SyncMyCal, gSyncit and OggSync, but I am looking for a free / open source solution.

One can download Google sync, but when trying to use it there's an error:

Enter image description here

For now, I use OggSync to synchronise, but as a freeware it allows to synchronise manually only, not automatically, so I have to remember to synchronise after every change.

I checked Mozilla Sunbird, but I couldn't find any relative posts on how to synchronise Outlook -> Google using it.

Just to be clear: I'm not looking for software; I am looking for a solution. What can I do if sometimes software is a solution?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sync Two MySQL Databases

What is a good way to sync two MySQL databases?

I would like to sync the data in my production website's database to my local development database. Right now, I am just using the PHPMyAdmin interface to export it from one, and then I import it into the other.

These would be user-initiated sync's, not necessarily periodic or automated (something like a one-click sync).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows Alternative to Rsync? [closed]

I'm trying to setup a file sync between the file server at my house and the one at my brother's so that we each have offsite backups of important data. Both systems are running Windows (XP on one, 7 on the other).
I like the fact that rsync will only transfer part of a file, the part that has changed, and not the whole thing...saving a lot of bandwidth. But I have had very little luck getting it to work properly. I tried using DeltaCopy, but it's interface is horrible, and while it will work within my LAN it always fails to connect when remote. (See this question for more details on that)

Is there another alternative program that runs on windows and has similar functionality? So far the only other option I can see is using FTP and something like SyncBackPro...but that is just going to transfer the whole file...and only having 512kbps upload bandwidth makes that a total pain.

Edit: To clarify some more, the backup I'm doing needs to scan several hundreds of thousands of files, adding up to more than 400GB, on each end... which is why I'm not using an intermediary service like LIVE for the transfer...

Edit 2: Also, these backups need to be preformed over a remote connection and without a VPN... Meaning that using Windows File Shares (SMB) is out of the question...

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I keep files synchronized with Amazon Cloud Drive?

I want to begin using Amazon Cloud Drive unlimited, but there is no synchronization available. Using Cloud Drive Desktop there is only an upload. I do not want to keep uploading 1500 gigabytes repeatedly. They discontinued Cloud Drive Sync Application (formerly called the "Cloud Drive desktop application"). Though it can be found and will still work I won't use unsupported software.

I regularly back up my machines to a terabyte drive and when finished I clone that drive to another. I want to begin synchronizing in the cloud. I have a few folders I back up in between full backups and would like to keep those synchronized, too.

The terabyte drive has a lot of old files, archives, and historical stuff as well.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I keep folders synchronized between several machines over my home network?

Like many people I take quite a few photos, and also like quite a few people I don't back up as frequently as I should.

What I'd like to be able to do is automatically synchronize my "to be backed up" folder to some of the other machines that live on my home network.

I need something that:

  • Doesn't require anyone to be logged on
  • Monitors folders and doesn't require a manual start
  • Only sends across what has changed
  • Doesn't force traffic over an Internet connection (The initial sync may be several gigabytes)
  • Isn't limited beyond local available disk space (EDIT: For the sake of argument, assume there is in excess of 50 Gb that I'd like to float around.)
  • Copes if "the other end" goes away unexpectedly, is not available (for instance, If I've taken my laptop to see my parents, I obviously won't be able to see my desktop PC)

Is anyone aware of anything that fits the bill? I've come close, with things like Windows Live Mesh (but that is both limited in quantity, and requires me to be logged on at both ends for the sync to er, sync), but I want to evaluate the options before sitting down and developing something myself if needs be.

Does anyone know of anything that fits my requirements?

Source: (StackOverflow)