Statically-typed NSUserDefaults
Statically-typed NSUserDefaults •
I'm trying to re-compile SwiftyUserDefaults( to add Carthage support, but on attempt to compile I see following error:
Ambiguous type name 'Proxy' in 'NSUserDefaults'
for following code
public func ?= (proxy: NSUserDefaults.Proxy, @autoclosure expr: () -> Any) {
if !proxy.defaults.hasKey(proxy.key) {
proxy.defaults[proxy.key] = expr()
'Proxy' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context
public subscript(key: String) -> Proxy {
return Proxy(self, key)
As I understand - problem is with class Proxy, that's embedded in extension.
public extension NSUserDefaults {
class Proxy {
private let defaults: NSUserDefaults
private let key: String
private init(_ defaults: NSUserDefaults, _ key: String) {
self.defaults = defaults
self.key = key
// MARK: Getters
public var object: NSObject? {
return defaults.objectForKey(key) as? NSObject
// ..................................
I've looked for documentation, but there isn't any reference that a class can be used in extension.
Is it right?
Source: (StackOverflow)