
svg interview questions

Top svg frequently asked interview questions

SVG Positioning

I'm having a play with SVG and am having a few problems with positioning. I have a series of shapes which are contained in the g group tag. I was hoping to use it like a container, so I could set its x position and then all the elements in that group would also move. But that doesn't seem to be possible.

  1. How do most people go about positioning a group of elements which you wish to move in tandem?
  2. Is there any concept of relative positioning? e.g. relative to its parent

Source: (StackOverflow)

SVG: text inside rect

I want to display some text inside SVG rect. Is it possible?

I tried

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="red" >
  <text x="0" y="10" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55" fill="blue" > Hello </text>

but it does not work

Source: (StackOverflow)


PNG vs. GIF vs. JPEG vs. SVG - When best to use?

When should certain image filetypes be used when building websites or interfaces, etc?

What are their points of strength and weakness?

I know that PNG & GIF are lossless, while JPEG is lossy.
But what is the main difference between PNG & GIF?
Why should I prefer one over the other? What is SVG and when should I use it?

If you don't care about each and every pixel, should you always use JPEG since it's the "lightest" one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

jQuery SVG vs. Raphael [closed]

I'm working on an interactive interface using SVG and JavaScript/jQuery, and I'm trying to decide between Raphael and jQuery SVG. I'd like to know

  1. What the trade-offs are between the two
  2. Where the development momentum seems to be.

I don't need the VML/IE support in Raphael, or the plotting abilities of jQuery SVG. I'm primarily interested in the most elegant way to create, animate, and manipulate individual items on an SVG canvas.

Source: (StackOverflow)

SVG fill color transparency / alpha?

Is it possible to set a transparency or alpha level on SVG fill colours?

I've tried adding two values to the fill tag (changing it from fill="#044B94" to fill="#044B9466"), but this doesn't work.

Source: (StackOverflow)

jQuery SVG, why can't I addClass?

I am using jQuery SVG. I can't add or remove a class to an object. Anyone know my mistake?

The SVG:

<rect class="jimmy" id="p5" x="200" y="200" width="100" height="100" />

The jQuery that won't add the class:

$(".jimmy").click(function() {

I know the SVG and jQuery are working together fine because I can target the object and fire an alert when it's clicked:

$(".jimmy").click(function() {
    alert('Handler for .click() called.');

Source: (StackOverflow)

Detect iPad Mini in HTML5

Apple's iPad Mini is a smaller clone of the iPad 2 in more ways than we'd want. In JavaScript, the window.navigator object exposes the same values for the Mini and iPad 2. My tests so far to detect the difference have not lead to success.

Why is this important?

As the iPad Mini and iPad 2 screens are identical in pixels but vary in actual size (inches / centimeters), they vary in PPI (pixels per inch).

For web applications and games to offer a friendly user interface, certain elements are adjusted in size relative to a user's thumb or finger position, thus, we may want to scale certain images or buttons to provide for that better user experience.

Things I have tried so far (including some pretty obvious approaches):

  • window.devicepixelratio
  • CSS element width in cm unit
  • CSS media queries (such as resolution and -webkit-device-pixel-ratio)
  • SVG drawings in similar units
  • Doing all sorts of CSS webkit transforms for a set time and counting rendered frames with requestAnimFrame (I was hoping to detect a measurable difference)

I'm fresh out of ideas. How about you?

Update Thanks for the responses so far. I would like to comment on people voting against detecting iPad mini versus 2 as Apple has uhm, one guideline to rule them all. Okay, here's my reasoning why I feel it really makes all sense in the world to know if a person is using an iPad mini or a 2. And do with my reasoning what you like.

The iPad mini is not only a much smaller device (9.7 inch versus 7.9 inch), but its form factor allows for a different usage. The iPad 2 is usually held with two hands when gaming unless you're Chuck Norris. The mini is smaller, but it is also much lighter and allows for gameplay where you hold it in one hand and use another to swipe or tap or whatnot. As a game designer and developer myself, I'd just like to know if it's a mini so I can choose to provide the player with a different controlscheme if I want (for instance after A/B testing with a group of players).

Why? Well, it's a proven fact that the majority of users tend to go with the default settings, so leaving out a virtual thumbstick and putting some other tap-based control on the screen (just giving an arbitrary example here) when the player loads up the game for the first time is what I, and probably other game designers, would love to be able to do.

So IMHO this goes beyond the thick fingers / guidelines discussions and is just something Apple and all other vendors ought to do: allow us to uniquely identify your device and think different instead of following guidelines.

Source: (StackOverflow)

HTML5 Canvas vs. SVG vs. div

What is the best approach for creating elements on the fly and being able to move them around? For example, let's say I want to create a rectangle, circle and polygon and then select those objects and move them around.

I understand that HTML5 provides three elements that can make this possible: svg, canvas and div. For what I want to do, which one of those elements will provide the best performance?

To compare these approaches, I was thinking of creating three visually identical web pages that each have a header, footer, widget and text content in them. The widget in the first page would be created entirely with the canvas element, the second entirely with the svg element, and the third with the plain div element, HTML and CSS.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Do I use , , or for SVG files?

Should I use <img>, <object>, or <embed> for loading SVG files into a page in a way similar to loading a jpg, gif or png?

What is the code for each to ensure it works as well as possible? (I'm seeing references to including the mimetype or pointing to fallback SVG renderers in my research and not seeing a good state of the art reference).

Assume I am checking for SVG support with Modernizr and falling back (probably doing a replacement with a plain <img> tag)for non SVG-capable browsers.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I create a teardrop in HTML?

How do I create a shape like this to display on a webpage?

I don't want to use images since they would get blurry on scaling

Teardrop shape I need to make with HTML, CSS or SVG

I tried with CSS:

.tear {
  display: inline-block;
  transform: rotate(-30deg);
  border: 5px solid green;
  width: 50px;
  height: 100px;
  border-top-left-radius: 50%;
  border-bottom-left-radius: 50%;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 50%;
<div class="tear">

That turned out really screwed.

And then I tried with SVG:

<svg viewBox="0 100 100">
  <polygon points="50,0 100,70 50,100 0,70"/>

It did get the shape, but the bottom part wasn't curved.

Is there a way to create this shape so it can be used in an HTML page?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change color of SVG image using CSS (jQuery SVG image replacement)?

This is a self Q&A of a handy piece of code I came up with.

Currently, there isn't an easy way to embed an SVG image and then have access to the SVG elements via CSS. There are various methods of using JS SVG frameworks, but they are overly complicated if all you are doing is making a simple icon with a rollover state.

So here is what I came up with, which I think is by far the easiest way to use SVG files on a website. It takes its concept from the early text-to-image replacement methods, but as far as I am aware has never been done for SVGs.

This is the question:

How do I embed an SVG and change its color in CSS without using a JS-SVG framework?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Convert SVG to image (JPEG, PNG, etc.) in the browser [closed]

I want to convert SVG into bitmap images (like JPEG, PNG, etc.) through JavaScript.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Convert PNG to SVG

How could I convert a PNG image to a SVG?

Source: (StackOverflow)

jquery's append not working with svg element?

Assuming this:

 <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript">
  $("svg").append('<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red"/>');
 <svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 200 100" width="200px" height="100px">

Why don't I see anything?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to convert a SVG to a PNG with Image Magick?

I have a SVG file which has a defined size of 16x16. When I use Image Magick's convert program to convert it into a PNG then I get a 16x16 pixel PNG which is way too small:

convert test.svg test.png

I need to specify the pixel size of the output PNG. -size parameter seems to be ignored, -scale parameter scales the PNG after it has been converted to PNG. The best result up to now I got by using the -density parameter:

convert -density 1200 test.svg test.png

But I'm not satisfied because I want to specify the output size in pixels without doing math to calculate the density value. So I want to do something like this:

convert -setTheOutputSizeOfThePng 1024x1024 test.svg test.png

So what is the magic parameter I have to use here?

Source: (StackOverflow)