

A Javascript library for working with native objects. Sugar: A Javascript library for working with native objects.

How to use sugar.js with CasperJS?

To be clear, I want to use sugar.js extensions in my casperJS script (as distinct from it being part of the web site being tested).

I am using casperJS in test mode (i.e. casperjs test myscript.js) if that makes any difference.

Source: (StackOverflow)

sugar.js together with require.js, backbone.js and underscore.js

i am using sugar.js together with require.js, backbone.js and underscore.js. For making ajax calls in IE, i am using xdr.js.

In IE9, my application works perfectly. This is repeated in the other major browsers. However, my application fails in IE8. The ajax calls are not made at all!.

When i remove sugar completely, there is no error.

Can you help me out please?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to use sugar.js in nodejs?


It's a libary so I can load it in browser directly. It's also a npm package, but how can I use it as a moudule?

In browser, load a js file will change the objects easily, but is not the same while working in nodejs, and I can't figure it out.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable Button After Click for 60 Seconds Even If Browser Refreshes Using Meteor

I have been searching, with tons of trial and error, yet to find a solution for this issue. I have found solutions but nothing that I have been successful at implementing.

I am using Meteor and want to create an input/button that is disabled for 60 seconds once clicked. I can make this part happen but my biggest issue is that refreshing the browser makes the button clickable again.

Is there any way to tie the timer to the user id? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I was reading about Date.now(); and Sugar JS, but was not able to make them work for my application.

Source: (StackOverflow)

coffeescript and sugarjs ~ issue with number (50).pad(5)

I am using sugarjs. When using the numbers api it doesn't go well with coffeescript. I am thinking it is the brackets..what is a better way to do this.

(50).pad(5) gets transalated to 50..pad(5)

how to keep the brackets intact.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I combine successive Sugar.js calls to Array.map?

For example, if my array is multi-dimensional:

var myArray = [
        key1: {
            key2: 1,
        key1: {
            key2: 2,

= 3

This could also be


but is there a way to combine them into one call to map?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to write overwrite custom javascript for save button in quick create form

I want to do some validation for my custom quick create form.

I have added some JS code in full form. its working fine in full form. but same thing is not working in quick form.

'customCode' => '<input title="Save [Alt+S]" accessKey="S" class="button" onclick="this.form.action.value=\'Save\'; return test();" type="submit" name="button" value="Save">'

Source: (StackOverflow)

In sugar.js, how do you find an Array's "last index of" by filtering (not exact match)?

It looks like the original functionality of Array.lastIndexOf was what I'm looking for, but it was changed. Any idea how to replicate the old functionality?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Best practices for maintaining javascript libraries in repositories?

When developing javascript code, what are the best practices for maintaining the code in repositories?

For example, suppose I develop a set of useful functions and put them in a script called "sugar.js". In the code repository I put them in c:/codebase/suger.js.

Now I want to use the script in a web site being developed and I locate it at c:\mywebsite\sugar.js (ready for uploading to a server)

Do I keep a copy of sugar.js? What if I fix sugar.js in one location - it won't be synchronized with the other?

What if I build a second web site that also uses sugar.js? Do I take another copy located at, say, c:\mywebsite2\sugar.js?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I use sugar.js to search arrays in objects?

I have an array of objects. Each object is a municipality, with it's name, an alternate spelling, and an identifying number.

var munis = [
        name: 'St. Louis Hills',
        alt: 'Saint Louis Hills',
        nhdNum: 992
        name: 'Mount Pleasant',
        alt: 'Mt. Pleasant',
        nhdNum: 1004

In my application, users can type a name. Then I use Sugar.js to search this array and return the particular object which matches what they typed, like this:

var theMatch = munis.find(function(el) { 
    return el.name === userInput || el.alt === userInput; 

This works well, but only allows me to use one canonical name and one alternate spelling. I'd like to have multiple alternates, like this:

    name: 'Mount Pleasant',
    alt: ['Mt. Pleasant','Mt Pleasant'],
    nhdNum: 1004

But I can't figure out how to adapt Sugar's .find() to search this structure. Can anyone help?

Source: (StackOverflow)

SugarCRM Email Dashlet Error Message

I am unable to get my Email dashlet to update. When I run 'repair and build' I get the error messages shown below. I have checked ownership and permission and all are correct. Any advice would be gratefully received. I am a bit of a newbie.

Version 7.2.1 Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() occurred in /htdocs/crm/include/externalAPI/ExternalAPIFactory.php on line 109 [2015-05-19 15:21:53] display_stack_trace caller, file: /htdocs/crm/include/utils.php line#: 3254

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sugar.js not working

I have this lngArr:

        "data": {
            "18746": 20.75,
            "id": "18746",
            "impression": 20.75
        "name": "Missing"
        "data": {
            "18748": 77.91,
            "id": "18748",
            "impression": 77.91
        "name": "English"
        "data": {
            "18749": 0.02,
            "id": "18749",
            "impression": 0.02
        "name": "Spanish"
        "data": {
            "18751": 0.31,
            "id": "18751",
            "impression": 0.31
        "name": "Arabic"
        "data": {
            "18753": 0.01,
            "id": "18753",
            "impression": 0.01
        "name": "Chinese"
        "data": {
            "18757": 0.01,
            "id": "18757",
            "impression": 0.01
        "name": "Dutch"
        "data": {
            "18760": 0.01,
            "id": "18760",
            "impression": 0.01
        "name": "French"
        "data": {
            "18763": 0.69,
            "id": "18763",
            "impression": 0.69
        "name": "Hebrew"
        "data": {
            "18764": 0.08,
            "id": "18764",
            "impression": 0.08
        "name": "Hindi"
        "data": {
            "18771": 0.2,
            "id": "18771",
            "impression": 0.2
        "name": "Korean"
        "data": {
            "18772": 0.01,
            "id": "18772",
            "impression": 0.01
        "name": "Latvian"
        "data": {
            "18786": 0.01,
            "id": "18786",
            "impression": 0.01
        "name": "Turkish"

and here is my sorting code:

lngArr.sortBy(function(lng) {
                return -lng.data.impression;

I don't know why it is not working. here is the documentation.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Use Date.js parse method not for the current date

I want to use a javascript library(like Date.js) to parse natural language expressions such as "next tuesday" or "tommorow" but it seems that it evaluates the expression based on current date for example:

Given today's date is: Mon Mar 09 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)

Input: Date.parse('next tuesday');

Output: Tue Mar 10 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)

I would like to parse the expression "next tuesday" given a specific date. Is there a way how one can achieve this using date.js or any other Javascript Library(I tried sugarjs too)? Am I missing something here?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I replace prototype on a single page of my rails 2.3 application?

I'm trying to use sugar.js, but Prototype's camelize method is getting in the way of sugar's. Any alternative solutions are welcome. Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

A file downloads when an HTML address is entered. How do I automate this?

Sorry but I don't know all the correct terminology, so I'll explain it the best I can.

I have an HTML link: http://my.website.com/index.sjs?f=DownloadFile&data_id=16

I've stored it as a bookmark, and when I select that bookmark a file automatically downloads while a blank page opens in my browser.

I want to download this file once a day, so I'd like to do this via a CRON job. I'm writing a Python program that will deal with this file later.

What UNIX commands would I use to do this? Since the link doesn't actually point to a file, I don't think I can use CURL or WGET. Hopefully I'm wrong. Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)