
start-menu interview questions

Top start-menu frequently asked interview questions

Start button doesn't work anymore

I'm using Windows 8.1. I don't know why, but the start button doesn't work properly anymore. In order to open the Start screen I have to use the keyboard shortcut, which is really annoying me.

For what is worth, I've been using Windows 8.1 for a week now (it came pre-installed in the laptop I bought), and I don't think I've changed any settings.

How can I restore the original behavior?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 Start Menu Dividers

Is it possible to put dividers in the Windows 7 start menu? If so, how?

I'd like to put dividers in the same location as the red line.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I turn off Modern UI and get the old Start Menu back in Windows 8?

I just bought a new Windows 8 laptop, but I want to get rid of the new "Modern UI" Start Screen, and get the old Start Menu back. How do I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Increase the number of 'Most used' applications in Windows 10

How can I increase the number of applications which are displayed under 'Most used' from the default 6 apps?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to shut down a Windows 8.1 Pro computer in remote session?

When you right click the Windows 8.1 "start" button, you get some options to quickly perform common tasks, e.g. to shut down, reboot, or put the computer to sleep.

But when you're using the computer in a remote session, all of the shut down options are removed. You can't shut it down, you can't reboot, and you can't put it to sleep! All you can do is disconnect from the remote session.

Using Windows 8.1 Pro in local session.


Using Windows 8.1 Pro in remote session.


What's the reasoning behind this? Are there security reasons for why Microsoft has decided to remove these options from the "new" (reinvented) Start button? Have they overlooked this? And can I somehow add these options back, e.g. through some security policy edit maybe?

Besides the paranormal way of starting the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and using the shutdown command, are there any other normal (user friendly) ways to shut down, reboot, or put the computer to sleep graphically (point and click)?

Update 1 - Group policy

There is actually a group policy that can remove the "Disconnect" option from the Shut down menu on Start button. You can find it in Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Remote Desktop Services, Remote Desktop Session Host, Remote Session Environment. The name of the policy is "Remove "Disconnect" option from Shut Down dialog".


This will also remove the Disconnect option from the Shut Down Windows dialog (i.e. Alt+F4).

This is quite the opposite of what I wanted. But is there perhaps another set of policy rules that will allow me to add the options Sleep, Shutdown and Restart to the Shut down menu on Start button?

Update 2 - Shortcuts

I ended up creating some shortcuts to the shutdown command on the remote desktop.

For shutting down...

C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 20 -c "Bye bye!" -f -d p:0:0

For rebooting...

C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -r -t 20 -c "See you later alligator!" -f -d p:0:0

If shit happens...

C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -a

I have them sitting in the upper right corner of the desktop. Hopefully I won't trigger them accidentally. But if I do there is the abort command. Here's what it looks like.


It would have been nice if I could add these shortcuts to the Shut down menu on the so called "Start" button. But this will do the job. It's a pity that it's not as easy as changing a group policy rule.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to fix missing icons in the taskbar and start menu? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I installed Visual Studio 2012 yesterday and during the install my path somehow got screwed up1. Since then, the icons for applications that are part of Windows are the default "unknown" icon, but other icons are fine. The applications that the shortcuts link to launch fine when the icons are clicked on.



Start Menu:

Start Menu

I have fixed my path, but the icons still show incorrectly.

Any ideas on how to flush what appears to be a set of cached icons?

1 Something took a path of A;B;C;D; and turned it into A;B;C;D;A;B;C;D;E;F; - duplicating a large part of it to that point that no more characters were available to type in the edit box in system properties. This had the side-effect of Windows reporting that it couldn't find %windir%.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I restore the start menu after killing explorer.exe?

In Windows 7 64 bit, I killed explorer.exe, and then via the task manager do file->run "."

This method has always caused the start menu to reappear, but right now it doesn't.

After killing a rogue explorer.exe process, what's the best way to restore the start menu?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can't Pin Some Applications to Start Menu in Windows 10

When I right click on certain shortcut and click "Pin to Start Menu," it does not appear on my start menu. When I right click them again it still says "Pin to..." instead of "Unpin...".

The thing is it works for most shortcuts, just not some random ones.

The applications I'm unable to pin are Visual Studio 2015 and WinSCP. Why can't I pin these items?

Also another quirk, I am unable to pin anything to the start menu by dragging and dropping it in. My cursor looks like this when I try:

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where do Start Menu\All Programs shortcuts reside?

What is the Windows 7 equivalent of each these Windows XP locations?

  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\

  • C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\

  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\

  • C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\


Source: (StackOverflow)

Add programs to start menu search without adding a tile

In Windows 7, I had many portable software programs like KeePass, PDF X-change, or Chrome application shortcuts that I used the portable version rather than full install. With these I was able to add a shortcut to my start menu that would hide in the All Programs list, but come up if I hit Windows and started typing.

I am trying to get the same functionality with Windows 8. I can pin programs to the start menu and have the tile for them, but for most of them I don't really need or want a tile. I just want Windows to know they are programs when I hit Windows and start typing. When I pin it to the start menu, it works. When I remove it, it doesn't.

Is there a way to add programs to the hidden part of the start menu. I've noticed that other programs I install have shortcuts that work without having a dedicated tile on the start screen. How can I get the same functionality with my own custom applications

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 10: Pin an item to left side of Start Menu?

Has anyone figured out how to pin an item to the left side of the start menu? Articles online about this are referencing an older version of 10 where this was possible.

  • No matter the size of Start, clicking Pin to Start Menu will create another column and pin a tile there
  • Cannot drag from right side to left, or from anywhere for that matter

Here's how my Start appears, after removing Most Used and Recently Added. Simply want an app pinned anywhere in the gray area:

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I revert back to the old Start menu in Windows 8 Preview?

I don't like the new Metro UI.

Is there any way to get rid of the new Metro UI in Windows 8 Preview and go back to the old Aero UI with its' Start Menu?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I set a custom image as the Windows 8 Start Menu background?

I was talking to a developer the other day and they hit the Windows key to show their start menu - and there it was! A Calvin and Hobbes background to their Start Menu.

Does anyone know how I can set a custom image as the Windows 8 Start Menu background?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Start Menu search is very slow in Windows 8.1

Not sure what is causing this and was wondering if anyone else had this problem with any way to fix it? It takes about 2-5 seconds after hitting the windows key and starting to type for the search bar on the side to come up. The start menu will appear immediately and I'm running a SSD so I really don't think it is hardware. Thanks for any help in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I mark all items in the Start Menu as "not new"?

How do I mark all items in the Start Menu as "not new"?

There are a half-dozen programs in my start menu (at least) that aren't really that new but it thinks they are because I "haven't used them yet". How can I fix this?

Source: (StackOverflow)