

the Javascript MVC microframework that does just enough Stapes.js - the little Javascript framework that does just enough

Inheritance with Stapes.js

I'm trying to make a parent/child link with the JS framework Stapes.js.

Here is my code:

var Parent = Stapes.subclass({
    constructor: function () {
        this.name = 'syl';

var Child = Parent.subclass({
    constructor: function (value) {
        this.value = value;

        console.log(this.name); // undefined

var child = new Child('a value');

Fiddle here.

How to access to the parent's name property from the child class?

Source: (StackOverflow)

RactiveJS and Stapes model not updating

I am trying to create a filtering for a Stapes object in RactiveJS, but it seem the two way binding is not responding correctly to the update.

I can't work out what is going wrong where as I thought it should just work without any issue, I have created a code example here:


Source: (StackOverflow)


How to get AJAX results first and only then run next function

Ok, Here is the situation, I am validating a form. This form has 4 input boxes. 2 validations are done on this form.One validation checks if 3 boxes have some values(doing this with parsely). One box has some code and I have to send this code to server to run a check if the code is valid. Here is How I am doing this:

(pseudo code)

    var isValid,

    //This is a callback and to get the result of ajax. Ajax function is in different file
    validateCode = function(response){
         isValid = response; // true or false

   isValid = $('#form').parsley('validate');

    //Calling that other file function for ajax result, arguments are passed as object validateCode is function name.
   this.emit('validateCode', {value:promoCodeValue, validate:validateCode});

   // Here in this function, the value of isValid is not updating properly. It is taking the value given by parsley validation.


So my question is, is there any way with the help of which I could wait for the ajax to complete and then run doOtherStuff function.

Source: (StackOverflow)