

JavaScript Application Framework - JS library only SproutCore a framework for building fast, desktop caliber web applications.

SproutCore and Cappuccino [closed]

I'm about to build a web app and I would like to use either SproutCore or Cappuccino. Only thing is, I can't figure out which one to use...

I've been reading about them, and they seem to share the same goals (MVC on the client, with a thin REST server). I understand that they differ in their implementation (Obj-C vs JS), but I'm having a lot of trouble quantifying the differences and weighing them.

Can I get some help solving this dillema?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Accessibility and all these JavaScript frameworks

I've been investigating a few of the JavaScript frameworks such as Backbone.js and Batman.js for a while and whilst I really like them, I have one niggling thing that I keep coming back to. That issue is accessibility.

As a web developer I've always tried to make my websites and applications with accessibility in mind, especially using the idea of progressive enhancement.

Clearly out of the box these new JS frameworks don't gracefully degrade, so I was wondering what are other developers thoughts on this issue and what are you doing about it. After all the accessibility of a website / app isn't really an optional thing as it's part of the law in many countries.

Maybe I'm just being overly zealous on this subject, and not appreciating how far things have come in terms of accessibility.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to push/pop arrays in Ember.js?

I can include an array in an Ember object, and display the contents using Handlebars. However, I can only replace the array contents using set(). How can I modify the array contents using push/pop/etc. and still have the UI bindings update?

// JS
App.obj = Ember.Object.create({
    "things": ["1", "2"],
App.obj.set("things", ["1", "2", "3"]); // Works
App.obj.things.push("3"); // Doesn't Work

// HTML + Handlebars
{{#with App.obj}}
    {{#each things}}

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to do commenting in emberjs script handlebars?

Can anybody tell me how to include commented code in emberjs handlebars templates?

  <script id="restaurantDetail" data-template-name='restaurantDetail' type="text/x-handlebars">
//Commented code goes here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Writing custom controls in Sproutcore 2

I'm fairly new to Sproutcore, but I am familiar with Handlebars. I have walked through the Todo tutorial and checked out a few other samples as well.

I love everything about it and would like to use it over Backbone, but I am having a hard time understanding how to wire up custom controls. I can see where some of the data will play into the bindings, but triggering events I get lost in.

As an example, if I had a link list that I would like to use to filter data below it, how to do I tie into the events? I know in backbone you would use the event and selector: "click .link"

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Source: (StackOverflow)

SproutCore vs. Cappuccino

Aside from the language differences Javascript vs. Objective-J what benefits does Cappuccino provide over SproutCore and vice-versa in your experiences?

In terms of a long-term forecast, is SproutCore more "supported" than Cappuccino because it is backed by Apple?

I am trying to choose between the two. I am both familiar with JavaScript and Objective-C.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which web application framework? [closed]

From the following list of frameworks, which one would you use to develop a rich web application and why would you choose it over the others?

Sproutcore GWT ExtJS GXT SmartGWT Dojo / Dijit Flex Capuccino Grails

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to write a modular JavaScript application?

I am planning to rewrite an existing Silverlight application using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. This will be a rich internet application connecting to a server only for data (JSON based web services) - so there will be no server-side presentation framework such as JSP or ASP.NET. The application consists of about 8 screens, most of them in a tabbed layout. The question is...

What is the best way to write such an application in a modular fashion? I would like to write the individual screens as standalone modules communicating with each other only via events. I would also like to use some sort of an MVC framework to decouple the presentation layer from the model.

Any thoughts on which frameworks I should look at? Have you had a good experience using them? I am starting to look at Backbone.js, JavaScriptMVC and SproutCore. Am I missing anything that is worth considering?

Thanks in advance for your time.

P.S. If you'd like to see the application that I am trying to rewrite, an online demo is available here - it is a realistic trading application built for learning and comparing technologies.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cappuccino, Spoutcore or Homegrown solution for web based drawing application?

I'm currently looking at building an application for drawing entity relationships (data models).

Looking at both Sproutcore and Cappuccino they both look beefy enough to handle that kind of thing (see 280 slides for cappuccino example)...

Ideally I need a framework which lets users drag and drop components and then link them together and then when the user is done to be able to "freeze dry" these objects as JSON ready to be stored in some kind of database so they can be loaded again...

Which of the mentioned frameworks are more geared towards that already?

Or is the easiest to extend in the places where its lacking?

Or would it be easier in the long run to make my own using jQuery/prototype?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Current Status of Sproutcore/Ember/Blossom/Sencha and Mobile devices (or alt frameworks)

I've been looking over Sproutcore, Ember and Blossom and other competitive framework efforts (e.g. Sencha) to select for a HTML5 client side application project. The state, information, and documentation from these projects is a bit fragmented and in need of clarity, so I am presenting this to the community.

My project is to be a native-like HTML5 application with desktop level complexity in need of a complete application framework, that will work well on desktops and run with good speed on mobile devices with touch awareness. The widgets should be native-like (not web-like), but customizable so to be unique to the application.

Questions/framework Requirement:

  1. Native vs. Web style Applications. Framework should make it easy to build native-like user experiences with the ability to make a custom native feel (not just wholly imitating mac/win/iOS). Some of the text surrounding Ember indicates it is really meant for web-style apps - which given no UI layer maybe goes without saying. Frameworks like Sencha, can it easily accommodate custom widgets?
  2. Mobile Appropreatness. Framework should be appropreate for mobile devices and have facilities for touch input and gestures.Several notes I've seen in my research indicate that Sproutcore and Blossom aren't very appropreate for mobile, and that Ember is better geared towards mobile (size?). It isn't clear whether the touch/mobile libraries are very developed in Sproutcore/Blossom and if they will be supported it the current state going forward. (and blossom compile to native is not acceptable). On the otherhand, Frameworks like Sencha, do they have the facility to work well on desktop as well as mobile?
  3. Framework Completeness. The framework should be a fairly complete application framework, with desktop-like OO expectations and management for automatically and efficiently syncing, managing, and serializing the data model with the server. Not sure if there is much difference between Ember and Sproutcore, how do other efforts like Sencha stack up?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Identifying objects generated through framework and not built through raw HTML

I have a scenario where i am unable to identify some of my objects on page. They don't have a unique identifier (like name, class, id). Our Dev team uses a JS framework which generates models, views, controllers etc and assigns id's dynamically. Also there are many children views which get dynamically generated with dynamic id's.

So i cannot use id's as it changes. I don't want to use xpath as it is not the industry standard. I tried css-selector but it gives me a long path not sure if that's a right way.

I wanted to know from all of you, is it a right practice to add extra attributes to an object in the development code for testing purpose ? Or is there any better way of handling these scenarios?

Source: (StackOverflow)

sproutcore or cappucino for web app development?

I recently found out about the sproutcore and capuccino frameworks for web app development as proper MVC approach to creating Desktop-like applications.

As far as I could understand, the main difference between the two frameworks is that Cappucino abstracts away the HTML+CSS+Javascript to Objective-J - a new programming language developed be the creators of Capuccino that adds OO capabilities to Javascript, whereas Sproutcore uses HTML5,CSS,Javascript.

After lots of pondering, I thought it's probably best to go with technologies we know, so I downloaded the Sproutcore tools and did the tutorials, and I have to say I was very impressed. Just the kind of thing I was looking for, for organizing a complex web app.

However, I just stumbled across the following link: http://charlesjolley.sys-con.com/node/1341228

in which Charles Jolley (the creator of Sproutcore) syas that he's tired of waiting for the HTML5 and ECMAScript5 specs to get finalized, and announces that from version 1.1 onwards they will be switching to Objective-J !

So now the question is - what will actually differentiate Sproutcore and Capuccino - and which one should I choose now?

Kind Regards


Source: (StackOverflow)

A good editor/add-on for Sproutcore?

Is there a good editor/ide/add-on for sproutcore out there?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Proxying HTTPS requests with sc-server

I don't seem to be able to proxy an https (SSL) request with sc-server. The server keeps saying REDIRECTING TO, but I get no results whatsoever, because the request gets canceled

I hope there is some configuration possible.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sproutcore and JSON Data

How can i read JSON data in Sproutcore?

Source: (StackOverflow)