
spell-check interview questions

Top spell-check frequently asked interview questions

Change the spell-checking language on a PowerPoint presentation

I received a PowerPoint presentation with dozens of slides, each of them with a number of text boxes. Although the presentation is written in English, the language for spell checking is set to Canadian French. I’m trying to change the language to English, but even if I select all the slides and select a new element on the Language dialog box, the language of the text boxes remain the same. So I have to go slide by slide selecting the text boxes and then changing the language individually.

Is there a better way to do this?

The version of PowerPoint I have installed is 2002 SP3.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change the language of the Firefox built in spellcheck from UK English to US English?

For whatever reason, on my Ubuntu install of Firefox, my spellcheck tells me 'flavor' should be 'flavour' and 'initialize' should be 'initialise', etc.. At first, I thought I was crazy and had been spelling it wrong my whole life, but I suddenly realized (ugh there it goes again!) that the spellchecker must be configured for UK English or something. Where can I change this to US English?

Note that I know it is isolated to Firefox, because other applications that have spellcheck on my system are not doing this.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Can I get the spellchecker in MS Word to remember my grammar decisions?

Sometimes Word will make a incorrect grammar suggestion which I can just ignore.

However every time I go to spellcheck it again, it will keep making that suggestion. Is there any way I can get it to remember not to make that particular suggestion for that phrase in that document.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable spell checking in Atom?

I would like to turn off spell checking in Atom in one file. I cannot find any shortcut or option for that.

When I open a file with some non-programming stuff I get a red flood from the spell checker.

Have you got any ideas?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Turn off spellcheck in OneNote 2010

How to disable spellchecker in all OneNote 2010 documents? I want it to be off by default in all my current and future documents/notes.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I turn off proofing/spellcheck in Word 2010 for a single document?

I have a document that I open/edit often. I want to turn off the spellcheck functionality for this document, but not for all other documents (and I don't want to have to File/Options/Proofing every time I open it).

Is there a way to turn off proofing selectively (i.e., on a per/document basis)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the keyboard shortcut to fix the spelling of a word in Chrome in MacOSX?

MacOSX unfortunately lacks a context menu keyboard key. Mozilla projects have adapted ctrl-space so that when your keyboard cursor is on a misspelled word, you can press crtl-space to open the context dialog and select the proper spelling without using the mouse. OpenOffice offers shift-F10 to do this.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to do this in chrome?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a typo corrector for bash?

I'd like for something to hook into the 'command not found' error on bash and offer a useful fix.

For example:

grep-C3  error
bash: grep-C3: command not found

It would be nice if it said:

Did you mean: grep -C3 error (Y/n)

I've seen people include common typos in the .bash_profile script like 'alias gerp=grep', but I figure someone has probably written a general extension to bash to fix this sort of thing.

Has anyone heard of such an extension?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I delete dictionary entries in Word?

You know how it is: Red sqiggly line under word, looks OK to me, click on "Add to Dictionary" -- sudden realisation, that's NOT how you spell it. Now what?

Can I make things right again, or am I stuck with Word accepting a mis-spelling?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I spell check web pages from the browser?

How can I spell check web pages when browsing them? I've added the After the Deadline Chrome extension, but it only seems to work on forms and not whole web pages. I'm happy to use Firefox if that provides a solution.

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Gnome, how do I backup my spell-check dictionary?

I frequently add non-standard words to the dictionary, and would not like to lose it. Is there any way to save it somewhere, so that I would never have to start over ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Dealing with Word spell check in technical documents?

I have waste millions of hours clicking the Ignore Once button in Word, while trying to spell check a document related to development. Be that something light on terms like a proposal or something worse like technical specs.

I'm beginning to think that this is a huge waste and someone may have developed a dictionary for Word with common development terms that I could add and no longer have this problem.

Does such a dictionary exist or is there some other tricks to use to improve this process?

alt text

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Vim spellcheck remember a new word

I'm using gvim for latex editing. I write lots of scientific documents with words that the vim dictionary does not know. When running through spell checking I come across words that I know are spelled correctly, how do I add those words to the dictionary?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Word: Disable spell checker for a paragraph?

Is it possible to disable the automatic spell checker in MS Word 2010 for single paragraphs of a document or just for some parts of a document?

I'd like to get rid of the squiggly lines in some parts of a document (e.g. containing extracts of an XML document), because they make reading the document hard.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I change the spell check and auto-correction language of IE10/Windows8?

Is there any way I can change the spell-check and auto-correct Language of IE10/Windows8? It seems to want me to write Norwegian, but I usually write English...

Source: (StackOverflow)