
social-networks interview questions

Top social-networks frequently asked interview questions

What web apps can integrate other social networks/feeds into Facebook? [closed]

I'm aware of FriendFeed, which can integrate a number of sites and RSS feeds and pipe to my Facebook profile. It works, but latency of updates can be pretty high (several hours). Also, the Facebook post only indicates a FriendFeed icon but nothing about where the link came from. To my friends, it's not clear it's a link to a site I Dugg or bookmarked in Delicious. It looks like I had written it myself.

Facebook blog import is not exactly a good option; it only supports one RSS feed.

Are there other options for link sharing from other sources?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there only one diaspora* pod program?

Is there only one program for hosting a diaspora* pod, or are there several implementations?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to add a LinkedIn company page in Sprout Social?

Sprout allows users to manage Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, G+ accounts, and personal LinkedIn profiles, but as far as I can tell it's impossible to add LinkedIn company pages.

Is this true? Or am I just doing it all wrong.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Equivalent of 'BCC' in Google+ so we can share posts with multiple people, privately?

In Google+ I would like to share a post privately to multiple people, with comments and re-sharing disabled and whoever received this post should not be able to see who else I've shared it with. Its a bit like the 'blind carbon copy' feature in emails. Is this possible?

If this is not possible then I think Google are missing a trick here. I like having lots of small private conversations, rather than big loud shared ones! I know you can send lots of individual posts, but that is tedious and inefficient.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Edit Facebook Post to Add Pictures

I posted a status message on my Facebook page, but forgot to include a couple of pictures. Is it possible to edit the post that I made to add the additional pictures?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I quickly populate a twitter list with selections from my main follow list?

I'm trying to populate a new twitter list based on people who I follow and actually know in real life, which is a subset of the 700 that I follow overall.

Having created the list, I'm finding it really tedious (and the interface is slow) to pick through my following list to add people to it. Is there a better way to:

  • Add people to a list more quickly?
  • Get suggestions based on who is in the list already (assuming some social graph connection would provide good suggestions)?

3rd party app suggestions welcome.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Quick way to share my webpage via links through Facebook or Tumblr

What HTML code do I need to include on my webpages if I want visitors to share the URL or links to their friends on a social network like Facebook or a web service like Tumblr?

I want the text to read something like:

Share with Facebook or Tumblr

Is there a web app or service that I can use that will include the popular options instead of having to know which service or social network I want to offer a share link to?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Card.ly social identity manager alternatives? [closed]

Is there a better social identity manager than Card.ly? It seems buggy (some errors because GD library is missing in PHP).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Alternative to Facebook [closed]

I'm looking for an alternative social networking site to Facebook.

Here's a list of preferred features:

  • Friends list to connect with others
  • Photo sharing integration with Flickr
  • Video integration with YouTube
  • Micro-Blogging integration with Twitter or it's own micro-blogging engine
  • Messaging
  • Login with OpenID
  • Not stupid micro-web-app integration like Mafia and Farmville
  • Granular privacy controls so I can control who is allowed to see what content
  • Advertisements are fine as long as they aren't too obtrusive

Don't be discouraged to answer with a social networking site that doesn't meet all of the requirements since I doubt there is a viable alternative that does.

I'm particularly looking for a site that doesn't host most of its own content because I don't like having to duplicate the effort of posting pics/videos/etc on multiple sites to share.

Update: Added the 'friends list' requirement. My apologies for forgetting to mention it earlier and if I may have created any unnecessary confusion.

Source: (StackOverflow)

I want a new unique online identity - how to find one? [closed]

I want to start a new online identity and use a single common identifier on as many sites as possible. What web apps or other methods are available for me to check if my proposed nickname is already in use? I definitely want to avoid any service that might start cybersquatting on the name, if any are suspected of doing that.

Edit: agreed, this does make my online presence very searchable, and I'll give that some more thought.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the Incoming Stream in Google+?

I noticed that Google+ lists "Incoming" under the Streams on the left-hand side of the page. What exactly is "Incoming" and how is it different than the standard "Home" view?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Looking for an open source tool like Groupspaces

Groupspaces has ability to manage multiple groups, mailing list, member management, wiki, file management and event management for groups.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mapping the link network between websites (blogs)?

I wish to create a link map between blogs so to reflect the "social network" between bloggers.

Such a service would take a starting point of a blog or two, and start adding links and mapping the links between them.

Is there a web service to do this?

(I am sure I once found a service that does that - but can't find it at the moment)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Access to Facebook groups without Facebook account?

Is there a way to access the content of Facebook groups without having a Facebook account?

I seem to remember this was possible in the past, but now all I see is a login screen. I thought it was maybe the privacy setting of the specific group I tried to access, but after having tried about a dozen random other groups it seems Facebook has completely closed down the access to their groups for non-Facebook members.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to avoid LinkedIn automatically connecting to my Gmail account

I recently opened a profile on LinkedIn and gave it access to my Gmail account. The result was that it sent a message of invitation to all my contacts!

Now I have removed all the unwanted invitations but what I want know is: What do I have to do to avoid re-connecting it to my Gmail account in future?

Source: (StackOverflow)