

Ruby on Rails data listing gem with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing. SmartListing - data listing gem for Rails with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing | Sology Showcase

Wordpress plugin for listing items

I am new in wordpress so i need help. Need to make a list of some items, like this:


Can you tell me some good plugins for this listing ? Smart-listing

Source: (StackOverflow)

Rails smart_listing configuration

I'm trying to setup the smart_listing gem in my app. Where and how can I configure the default per page number of pagination results. In the docs of smart_listing is mentioned that it uses kaminari.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Rails smart_listing gem implicit sorting

I implemented impliciting sorting as advised in README. https://github.com/Sology/smart_listing/. But when I click sortable table headers(which appear as link) nothing happens. If I open that link in new tab, table gets sorted.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I use an instance method instead of a MySQL field with SmartListing gem?

I'm using the SmartListing gem with my Ruby (2.1.2p95) on Rails (4.0.0) project to create a sortable/paginating table from an ActiveRecord group of records, let's call them Orders. Each Order can have many Items, each of which has a Cost field on their table. I need to be able to sort by Order Number (field in Order table), number of Items (class method on Order model), and total cost (class method on Order model).

Is there a way, using explicit sort_attributes, to call the method (i.e. order.item_total or order.number_of_items) instead of using a field in the MySQL table, which doesn't exist? There are no 'item_totals' columns or 'number_of_items' columns in the 'orders' table, both of those calls are an aggregate of fields/counts in the 'items' table.

@orders = smart_listing_create(:orders, @user.orders, partial: 'orders/order', sort_attributes: [[:id, 'id'],[:item_total, '???'],[:number_of_items, '???']]

Thanks in advance for any help and let me know if I can clarify anything as well.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Rails Smart Listing Hidden Field

I'm trying to show and create a list based on a search. Presently my url is like /section/4/item where "4" represents the :id of the section.

I have added a hidden field to my form to pass this information on when adding a new record like

= f.hidden_field :section, :value => @section.id

Problem is, when I click new record the id from the url isn't passed into the new javascript function this attributing this to the hidden field.

Some code

section.rb controller

def index
  smart_listing_create :section,
        Section.find(params[:id]),partial: "section/list"

def new
  @topic_admin = Post.new

index.html.haml section view

= smart_listing_render(:topic_admin_post)


      %th= "Comment"
      - unless smart_listing.empty?
        - smart_listing.collection.each do |o|
          %tr.editable{data: {id: o.id}}
            = smart_listing.render object: o, partial: "section/section", locals: {object: o}
        = smart_listing.item_new colspan: 2, link: section_path
        = smart_listing.paginate
        = smart_listing.pagination_per_page_links
      - else
        = smart_listing.item_new colspan: 2, link: new_section_path


%td= object.comment
%td.actions= smart_listing_item_actions [ 
    {name: :edit, url: edit_section_path(object)}, 
    {name: :destroy, url: section_path(object), 
            confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this?"}]


%td{colspan: 2}
  = simple_form_for object, html: { class: 'form-horizontal' } do |f|
    = f.error_notification
      = f.text_field :comment, required: true
      = f.hidden_field :id, :value => @topic.id
        = f.button :submit, class: 'btn-primary'
        %button.btn.btn-link.cancel Cancel


<%# index.js.erb %>
<%= smart_listing_update(:section) %>

<%# new.js.erb %>
<%= smart_listing_item :section, :new, @section, "section/form" %>

<%# update.js.erb %>
<%= smart_listing_item :section_post, :update, @section,
                   @section.valid? ? "section_post/section" : "section/form" %>


resources :section, :except => [:index]
match '/section/:id/view' => 'section#index', :as => 'section', :via => [:get, :post], :defaults => {id: 0}

Most of this has come from the Smart_Listing examples, the changes are in the routing and index controller. I'm happy to change more of the routes, but looking for a easier way to pass the :id via the javascript when new.js is called.

Is there a way to do this with Smart_Listing gem?

Source: (StackOverflow)