
shared-folders interview questions

Top shared-folders frequently asked interview questions

Change working directory to network share

I can list all files in a folder with: dir \\aenw08v401\FOLDER\I001\*

However, when I execute cd \\aenw08v401\FOLDER\I001, the current working directory won't change at all.

This is what I see when I execute net view \\aenw08v401:

Shared resources at \\aenw08v401
Share name  Type  Used as  Comment

FOLDER    Disk
The command completed successfully.

Is there a switch I am missing, or do I need to use a different command?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I mount a network drive to a folder?

Does anyone know of a third party (or even windows native) solution to this simple problem?

I want to map an internal network share on our windows server to a folder on each of the client machines in the network. I don't want to to use drive letters; I would just like to set up a folder on my C drive that is actually a Windows share. For example, C:\Data\Network Docs should actually point to \Server\SharedData.

Is this possible? Is there any tool that does it? All clients are using Windows XP and Windows 7.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is it possible to see all shared folder list in windows?

We have LAN connected different OS installed systems. If I want to see all shared folder list in windows 7 and its access level whether read or read and write, how and where can I see? Is there any option to stop all shared folders with a single click?

Source: (StackOverflow)

VirtualBox shared folder write permission - Ubuntu 12.04

I'm using the following command to mount my folder in VirtualBox:

sudo \mount -t vboxsf -o rw -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 Dropbox ~/Dropbox/

However, the folder is read-only. I re-installed Guest additions, and made sure the folder is not set as read-only in VirtualBox.

What's the right command to gain write permissions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

where is the shared folder in linux inside Vmware Player?

I'm trying to write a program which will copy files from my guest OS which is linux Ubunto to my host OS which is windows 7. I have enabled the shared folders options but of course in order to copy files, i need to write a destination path in my code and I don't know where is the shared folder located inside Linux... so does someone knows where it's located?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does "auto-mount" do in VirtualBox shared folder setup?

In VirtualBox, Ubuntu guest, Windows 7 host, I click this "Auto-mount" box, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. I have to edit fstab to get it to mount. So what is it for?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Share directory on Windows Hyper-V Host with Ubuntu VM

Just installed Hyper-V on Windows 8 and Guest OS Ubuntu 12.04.

Coming from VirtualBox, I am looking for best method for sharing a Directory on Host/Windows with Guest Ubuntu.

I read this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1386764/913295 and I am familiar with Samba. Since that question does not relate to Hyper-V I am raising this related question here.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Share VirtualBox folders in reverse? Guest-Host?

I'm familiar with the process of installing Guest Additions and sharing host folders with the guest, but is there a way to do the reverse?

I have an XP host and Ubuntu 10.10 guest, with VBox 4.0.2.

In other words, I'd like for the host to have direct access to (at least some of the) files inside the .vdi file.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Getting an error trying to set up shared folders on an Ubuntu instance of VMWare Fusion running on OSX

Receiving the following error:

Unable to update runtime folder sharing status: There was an error mounting Shared Folders file system inside the guest operating system.

Running VMWare Fusion 5.0.2 on OS X 10.6.8, guest OS is Ubuntu 12.10 with VMware Tools installed.

Have been unable to get to /mnt/hgfs at all, /mnt/ directory is blank. Turned Shared Folders off and then on in VMWare Fusion and received the above error.

Any thoughts what to do to fix this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Virtual Machine (VirtualBox) -- How to access files from the hosting machine?

I have a PC with Windows 7 Ultimate (A) running on it. From within that OS I have VirtualBox running another Windows 7 instance (B).

Is there any way for the Windows 7 (B) to access files from Windows 7 (A)? Ideally I'd like to be able to access them without having to copy them into the VM instance running because I don't have a big enough hard drive to do so... The hard drive has a folder with 1.5 TB of data (on a 2 TB hard drive), so copying it to a VM instance just wouldn't work.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Enable (or work around) Administrative shares in Windows 8

So in using Windows 8, I've discovered that the administrative shares are disabled. There seems to be no easy way to get them re-enabled.

Is anyone aware of a work around, or solution?

I did not have this issue with Windows 7 After disabling UAC. However in Windows 8 this still doesn't work.

This is all I could find, however I am not satisfied with the information provided.



Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I make these computers share folders again?

OK, I've had enough of this.

My mom's family's business is having problems with their two computers, which we'll call PC1 and PC2. Both are running Windows 7, and they used to have some shared folders. But for maybe the past couple of weeks, they're not sure how long, that hasn't been working. PC2 was able to see PC1 (it showed up under "Network"), but not access any files in there. (Folders, yes; either it could see those or it remembered them.) PC1 couldn't see PC2 at all.

After fiddling with a whole bunch of junk and rebooting PC2, I managed to make it show up on PC1. But when I click on "PC2," it says "Windows cannot access \PC2." Pinging PC2's IP address (at least the one that showed up under "IPv4 Address" when I ran ipconfig on PC2) turned up nothing -- request timed out.

The name of the network is the same in Network and Sharing Center on both computers, as are the type and the workgroup name under System (the latter being the thing I changed on PC2 before rebooting). It's a little inconsistent on whether "PC1" is capitalized as such or as "pc1." The router's a 2Wire 1701HG Gateway. Aside from that, I don't know what to look for -- if it's a firewall issue or what. LANs aren't exactly my field of expertise.

EDIT: Forgot to mention -- both computers have Internet access.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows XP cannot access a Windows 7 shared folder

I have a small business network, where there is a centralized imaging machine. This machine then has a shared folder with all the stored images. Originally the imaging machine was an XP, and the shared folder was easily accessed by all. However, we recently had to upgrade that machine to a new one with Win7 installed. The same shared folder is no longer accessible from the XP machines. I'm also assuming that the local firewall isn't causing issue since previously the connection was fine.

The Exact error that I get:

"Network Path not accessible"

Steps that I've taken:

  1. Turned off firewall on both computers
  2. Made sure that 'everone' and specific user connecting has full permission
  3. I can run net view command from command prompt and see the imaging machine
  4. I CANNOT ping the 'imaging.domain.localhost' successfully from the XP
  5. I CAN ping the specific ip address of the imaging machine (win7) from the XP
  6. I CANNOT access the shared folder from another Win7 machine
  7. I CAN connect via ip address: \

Note: this is joined to a domain


Although the static ip address and NAT routing table appears to solve the situation, whenever I use the host name (\imaging) vs ip address (\ the ip address resolves immediately while the 'imaging' takes roughly 30 seconds to 1 min.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I navigate in command prompt to a remote folder which has been shared among users? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

So basically I want to go to 192.xxx.xxx.xxx\myFolder to see the files in it. I go with Explorer and it works fine, I can even delete and/or modify and add files to it.

The problem is that I'm trying to go through: cd \\192.xxx.xxx.xxx\myFolder and it returns: CMD is not compatible with the UNC access routes as an actual directory (I'm translating this, as the original message is in spanish).

Hope this question makes sense,

Thanks a lot!

Source: (StackOverflow)

VirtualBox shared folder hangs on read in guest OS

I'm running VirtualBox 4.2.18 with a Windows 7 host and Ubuntu 13.10 guest. I'm trying to set up a shared folder, but attempting to read the folder from the Ubuntu VM appears to hang indefinitely. Writing to the shared folder, however, works fine.

On the Windows host, the shared folder is set up to point to C:\ubuntu_share. It's configured in VirtualBox as permanent, but not auto-mount.

In the Ubuntu VM, I can mount the shared folder successfully:

$ mkdir ubuntu_share
$ sudo mount -t vboxsf -o "rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmode=0755" ubuntu_share ubuntu_share
$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x  1 nreed nreed    0 Oct 28 16:37 ubuntu_share/

However, attempting to look at the contents of the mounted folder using ls simply presents a blinking cursor until I kill it with Ctrl+C. Similarly if I try to view the folder in Nautilus I just get the wait cursor forever.

On the other hand, writing to the mounted folder works:

$ cat > ubuntu_share/test.txt
hello world

and then I can see the test.txt file show up in Windows just fine.

I've tried rebooting the VM, reinstalling the guest additions, deleting and recreating the shared folder, mounting it as root instead of my UID, all to no avail. Anyone have any ideas what's going on, or how I can diagnose this?

Source: (StackOverflow)