
setup interview questions

Top setup frequently asked interview questions

How to setup Apache Tomcat on OS X?

I'm trying to setup Apache Tomcat 7 for some work. I need to get it done, but I think I've setup things incorrectly. What is the right way? I'm using NetBeans, and have set the install directory for the server in the Netbeans folder under Applications.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Installing Fedora: does it matter what I make the hostname?

I'm in the process of setting up a Fedora machine just for use on my in-house lan (not exposed to the internet.)

This seems like a slightly stupid question, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer anywhere: does it matter what I make the hostname?

The default is "localhost.localdomain" - should I leave that, change it to something meaningful, or just set it to something like "fedoramachine" or "bilbo"?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Windows 8 isn't available for download

Just downloaded the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant and only got the following message:

"Windows 8 isn't available for download", "Sorry, Windows 8 isn't available for online purchase in the country/region you're in."

I which region is then a download available?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can an administration extraction of an MSI file perform registry and/or system wide changes?

I am always getting MSI (or setup EXEs which are basically MSI) files, and half the time they really do not need to be a setup.

Microsoft is probably one of the biggest sources - almost every time I want to download a little source code sample, it has a MSI which if you install, only usually has three files.

I would rather not do an install and add it to the add/remove programs and who knows what else (although I am sure it wouldn't be that bad) for the sake of three files!

For this reason, I always use the following command:

MSIEXEC /a <filename.msi> /qb TARGETDIR=<directory name>

Now, this works fine and I have never had problems... However, I was just browsing some articles on Technet and found the following resource about administration installs.

Apparently, MSI files can have two sequences: The AdminUISequence Table and the AdminExecuteSequence Table.

I am not so worried about the AdminUISequence Table as it states that "The installer skips the actions in this table if the user interface level is set to basic UI or no UI", and this is what the /qb switch I use does.

However, there is nothing similar written against AdminExecuteSequence Table.

I realise that many people who write MSI files simply do it for a single end user and probably do not even touch the admin install options, however, is it possible for them to set items that can affect the system and if so, is there a fail proof way of extracting?

I do already use 7-zip, however despite it being on the "supported" page, MSI support is lacking... well... completely sucks. It looses the file names and is generally useless. They have a bug which was closed with no reason/resolution over three years ago, and I opened a forum post and haven't had a reply.

I would not really want to install any additional programs if I could help it and just want peoples opinions on this.


edit - Should also say, I run with UAC on, and I have never ever had a elevation prompt whilst performing the MSIEXEC operation, so I am guessing I have never had a system wide change, however, I am still curious as to if it is possible... As if changes (even just to the user) are possible I would do this locally/in a VM and never on a server or place of importance!

Source: (StackOverflow)

DirectX SDK Setup is freezing

On my windows XP machine when I try to install the DirectX SDK the setup freezes on the first screen.

When I click on the "next" button the system does some processing and stays on the same window. Clicking again on the next button does nothing.

The directX SDK log only contains a single entry for each try: 12/01/09 09:49:03: DXSDKSetup: CLR version number = 2.0.50727

any ideas?

Thank you!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to track what setup.exe has installed

  1. Is there a way to track what the setup file has installed? Everything - Registry, files.

  2. Is there a way to track down what kind of files software creates? Cookies & all other files it creates on the system.

Source: (StackOverflow)

NetBeans not able to include files

I have been having this problem for a long time now. NetBeans is almost impossible to use with C/C++, maybe because it was not made for it in first place.

Anyways what happens is this: I have this setup for C/C++

alt text

But, the programs are displayed like this:

alt text

It is not able to find any header file!! I know it is a C++ program, the same thing happens with #include <cstdio>. As a result, it is not able to find the definition of printf and fails.

Same thing happens with a .c file.

Also, gcc works fine from the command line.

the problem exists still:

$ find / -name stdlib.h

alt text

Did someone face this problem before? What do I need to do to make this work?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Python setup failed Unspecified error

I'm install python 3.5.0a3 first time on windows 8.1 64 bit and at just starting of installation it just says "Setup failed".

Here is the log file.

python setup error

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 setup hangs after "Starting Windows..."-screen

I'm having some trouble installing Windows 7. I need to install the OS from boot in order to split my C: into two different partitions, as this is not allowed when installing from inside Vista.

When I boot up from the install disc, I get the usual "Windows is copying files..."-screen, shortly followed by the "Starting Windows..."-screen with the animated window-logo or whatever. Then it looks as if the installation is about to begin with a blue screen and a cursor I can move around, but here it all stops. Nothing more happens, and the setup seems to hang. Not a single key on my keyboard has any effect, and all I am left to do is to abort and reboot.

I've tried to install using two different DVDs (not clones), and the same thing happens every time. What may be causing this, and how may I fix it?

Some of my hardware specs are as follows:

Motherboard: Asus P5E X38
CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E6850 3.0 Ghz
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit
Keyboard: Logitech diNovo Edge

.. need more?

And yes, I can still move my mouse around on the blue-ish screen, but I have not waited more than 10 minutes before giving up (gonna try waiting longer).

And no, I have not asked Microsoft.

And I have no idea how to reset the BIOS-settings.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows XP Disc: corrupt or not corrupt?

I just finished one of my builds and am trying to install Windows XP onto it. Here are the specs beforehand...

  • Intel Pentium 4 Northwood 2.4 GHz (512KB L2, 533MHz FSB)
  • QDI Superb 4 Motherboard
  • 2x 1GB PC3200 DDR RAM
  • Seagate 80GB IDE HDD
  • Bestec 250W PSU
  • 16MB NVIDIA TNT2 Pro
  • Samsung DVD-ROM
  • USB 2.0 PCI Card
  • Generic PCI Modem

The issue right now is that when I'm running through the Windows Setup from my XP Pro SP3 disc, partway through the setup says that a random file on the disc is corrupt and the computer needs to be restarted. Every time I tried booting it up, a different file was noted as corrupt.

However, I tested the same disc on another computer and the Windows XP disc ran to the end of the setup screen without error. I tried this on another computer and the same thing. What could possibly be happening on this one build to cause it errors during the Windows Setup?

Thanks in advance.

More info: I ran Memtest86+ with these for a couple hours before without error, but I am running it again to see what is wrong. Just to mention, the CPU FSB is actually higher than the motherboard FSB, running at ~1.8 GHz instead of 2.4 GHz. I don't know if this is an issue.

SOLUTION: I was running PC3200 DDR RAM, when the highest official supported speed of RAM is PC2700. I had some spare sticks of PC2100 lying around (also supported) and the setup went through without error. Thank you for your assistance!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to resolve Windows 10 installation error FIRST_BOOT, MIGRATE_DATA?

Trying to update my German Windows 8.1. Professional to Windows 10, it fails after about half an hour with the (German) error message:

enter image description here

Manually translated this reads:

Could not install Windows 10.

0x80070004 – 0x3000D

The installation was not successful. In the FIRST_BOOT phase an error occurred during the MIGRATE_DATA process.

I've looked into the Windows Event log (and found nothing meaningful) and also did a Google search which leads to this chinese post which suggests a solution that I do not understand (after translating).

My question:

Any hints on how to resolve the error that occurs during the installation?

Update 1:

The chinese post Google-translated to English suggests:

We recommend that you set for automatic windows update. If the download is complete, in which tips off network may try to install during the installation stage.

If that does not work, please wait for a new installation after the 29th win10 official release!

Update 2:

I did again try to install:

  1. Install all Windows 8.1 updates through Windows Update.
  2. Reboot just to be sure.
  3. Check again if any missing Windows Updates (none).
  4. Try to upgrade again to Windows 10.

Unfortunately one hour later the upgrade was canceled again with the same error.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Choice and setup of version control

Anyone? This question may also have been better on SO. So anyone for with the ability to do so, please feel free to bump it over.

I am about to set up an new laptop and in the process transition to a new version control system as part of a general cleanup. Currently I use a centralized version control system (yes it is VSS, and yes I know all the pro's and con's of that system, but as a single user system it works well for me). I have very little requirements for a new system and I am free to choose among any of the current mainstream players, but cost constraints will push me towards oss. Some of my requirements are:

  • Runs on a single machine (ie the laptop in question) under windows
  • I am not sharing things with other developers or workers - this is more for my own historical benefits.
  • I want to version source code, documentation and binary files
  • I have a large hierarchy of projects that are unrelated (see below)
  • I have files within the hierarchy that don't need to be controlled (but could be)
  • Some projects use Visual Studio, so some integration there could be nice.
  • There could be some sharing of files between jobs.
  • I generally only need a small about of branching in code files

The directory hierarchy that I have at the moment is somewhat like:

 |--Customer #1
 |    |
 |    |--Job #1
 |    |    |
 |    |    |--Data files received from Customer for Job (not controlled)
 |    |    |--Documentation files (controlled)
 |    |    |--Project information files (not controlled - but could be) 
 |    |    |--Software Project Files (controlled)
 |    |    |--Scratch dir for job (not controlled)
 |    |    
 |    |--Job #2
 |         | (same structure as above)
 |--Customer #2
 |    |..
 |--Cusmtomer #n

Currently I have about 22 customers with differing numbers of projects underneath them.

At the moment I have a single VSS repository based at the root of the directory structure. If I kept with a centralized system (ie SVN) I believe that I should keep the same approach and continue with a single repository based from the root dir. Is this a valid approach?

However if I move to a distributed tool then I am unsure of how I should handle the situation. My initial guess is that I should not have a repository based on the root of my entire directory structure - but that is a guess so I really don't know how valid it is.

Should I pitch a distributed approach at the Root, Customer, Job or sub-Job directory level?

Also what I am not clear on with distributed tools (and perhaps with SVN as well), is if I can branch parts of a repository. For example, I can see branching source code in software projects as being useful, but branching my documentation as not being useful. So if I pitch a repository at the Job level, can I just branch the Software Project Files? Or would all files in that Job be branched?

Every time I look at distributed tools I get a nagging feeling that they are not suited to my style of setup. I am uncomfortable with idea of having to manually set up something like 50 to 80 separate repositories (if I pitch at the Job level, or 20+ if at the Customer level) within my directory hierarchy. This feeling also extends to having all those repositories scattered around as well - however I do have a backup strategy that I trust, so this latter feeling is pretty well unfounded.

So what advice can you all give me? Thanks in advance!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to open the console during Windows 7 install?

During the Windows 7 install, there is a key combination you can press to get a console prompt. What is that key combination? I just can't remember and I just can't find it on Google or anything...

Source: (StackOverflow)

Create Multi-Bootable USB disk for installation Win Xp, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008

Hi I need install Windows Xp, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003 from one USB flash stick.

I google it and I found some tools such as WinSetupFromUSB but I would like have all type windows on one usb stick.

if I use for example WinSetupFromUSB I must have 3 USB stick, one for XP, second for Win 7 and third for Win Server 2003.

It is possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to set-up a Linux machine for children's Internet use?

My kids are approaching the age where they want to use the Internet. I have a spare computer with Linux on it. What are the things I should do make the Internet safe for my kids?

Source: (StackOverflow)