
selection interview questions

Top selection frequently asked interview questions

How to turn OFF Translucent Selection Rectangle in the Windows Explorer (Windows 7)

The Bad

The Good

This is Windows 7. In System properties -> Performance options -> Adjust for best performance

It makes what I want only for the Desktop if I go into folder and try to select the files the selection rectangle is like in the first image.

How to make it everywhere?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to select which folders to sync in OneDrive (Skydrive) on Windows 8.1?

Is it possible to select which folders to sync in OneDrive (formerly Skydrive) on Windows 8.1?

(I'm running Windows 8.1 Pro)

This is possible in Windows 7 version of SkyDrive, but can't see setting in Windows 8.1

Source: (StackOverflow)


Select text from Terminal.app using the keyboard in OS X

I like to copy things from the terminal, but I don't like to have to move to the mouse. How do you select text in Terminal.app using the keyboard?

For example, while in Terminal one might like to be able to move to a point on a line and then highlight a portion of text with left and right arrow keys, which one could then cut or copy. Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

PuTTY how to select text and copy text using keyboard ONLY

Is there any way of selecting a text with keyboard the way I do it normally using Shift+arrows.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I specify double-click selection delimiters in Terminal.app?

In Mac OS X's Terminal.app, I'd like to set my own selection delimiters such that if I have the text foo.bar.baz and double click bar, only bar is selected.

Is this possible and if so how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to select non-contiguous files on a Mac?

How can I select non-contiguous files on a Mac? On Windows I would use Ctrl + click, but Finder considers this to be a right click.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make a non-active window also react to mouse clicks immediately, rather than having it become only active?

I've been using a Mac at work for a couple of months now, but after getting used to it there still are some annoyances that I'm trying to eliminate. If I have multiple windows open, clicking on a non-active window will activate it - but the application does not register the click. Coming from a Windows background, this makes the UI feel very sluggish, as I feel I'm spending far more clicks than I should.

Is there a way to configure this behavior? I know there are utilities available for Windows to tweak things like this, are there any similar tools available for Mac OS?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to select a whole HTML block, including the tags in VIM?

Suppose I have:

<div id="help">

How do I select the whole block, starting from <div id="help">?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to make a selection in Microsoft Paint beyond the current screen resolution?

Is it possible to make a selection in Microsoft Paint larger than the current screen resolution?

Working with full screen screenshots (including across multiple screens) is not easy in Microsoft Paint as there appears to be no way to extend a selection or making it larger than the current view while making it.

Doing menu Edit / Select All (Ctrl + A) will make the selection cover the entire image / picture, but I need to make smaller selections than that.

Platform: Windows XP SP3

Source: (StackOverflow)

Chrome extension to allow text selection

I've come across a lot of sites that block the right click (context) menu and prevent selection of text by dragging.

I found a Chrome extension, Allow Right Click, which solves the first problem, but what about the text selection? Does anyone know if there is an extension available?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I tell the dimensions of the current selection in GIMP?

Oftentimes, I need to measure the dimensions of part of an image (in pixels). In Photoshop, I can make a rectangular selection and see the dimensions in the "Info" window (or something like that). How can I accomplish this in GIMP? The only thing I've been able to come up with is:

  1. Make a selection
  2. Make a new layer
  3. Fill the selection
  4. Autocrop the layer
  5. Open the scale layer dialog to see the dimensions

There must be an easier way.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sublime Text 3 - Quick Add/Find Match behavior

Suppose I'm working with a file In Sublime Text 3 that contains multiple occurrences of a single character variable, c, which I want to rename to another name.

When I select one instance of that variable with my cursor, Sublime Text automatically highlights the other instances of that variable for me:

This visual highlight is enabled by the the setting: "match_selection": true, and clearly shows that sublime is smart enough to only highlight other instances of that character where it is relevant as a variable.

However despite this highlight indicating that it should be possible, it seems there is no easy way to now automatically select just these highlighted c variables.

If I want to quickly rename all instances of the variable c using multiple cursors, either with Quick Add Next (cmd+D) or Quick Find All (ctrl+cmd+G) instead of selecting only that variable c, I get every single instance of the character 'c' selected:

This is obviously not useful at all, since it has no correlation to the actual variable; It just blindly selected all letters "c", regardless of if they are the selected variable or not.

Is there a way to force Quick Add Next and Quick Find All, to behave like the highlighting rules that the match_selection setting uses? This would be much more useful in this case than simply blindly selecting every instance of the selected character(s).

Am I missing something? I can't find a Quick Find All Instances or Quick Add Next Variable option, or any way to customize the default behavior of Quick Find All and Quick Add Next. As far as I can tell, my only options are to either manually rename every instance of c, or write some custom regex to achieve the same result as the original highlighting algorithm.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where do I configure the default text selection behavior in Windows?

(eg. mouse click selects entire word vs. mouse click inserts an active cursor)

I find the mouse click behavior of Windows XP and Windows 7 annoying and intrusive. I don't remember Windows NT being quite this bad, or MacOS 7 - 10 which I used in the nineties.

When I'm using a browser and I click on a text field - for example, the address bar, or a search box - the first thing which happens is the entire field is selected.Subsequent clicks seem to select parts of words, often deciding arbitrarily to exclude or include adjacent punctuation. The same in Excel and other apps, and when trying to rename files, so I'm assuming this behavior comes from a system-wide text handling routine.

I frequently want to edit text, cut out or replace odd parts of the insides of words or chunks of sentences, and often find that to get a simple cursor to insert I have to click the mouse up to 4 times in succession. I've had to do a lot of this recently and it has been driving me insane.

Is there a place at the system level where this can be configured?

In a perfect world, I'd like a single click on a new text area to insert a cursor point, and a rapid double click to select the entire area. Words or text within the area could be selected by inserting a cursor, holding down the mouse button and dragging to the exact point where I want the selection to end - even if that's in the middle of a word. No, I don't need or want Windows to "smart select" a word or sentence for me. I've looked in the Mouse and Accessibility Options control panels (Windows XP). Haven't found anything even close.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to select multiple ranges or lists of files in the Finder in Mac OS X?

In Windows, if I had a list of items numbered 1 through 20, I could select items 1-5 and 15-20 by pressing ctrl-shift, clicking 1, clicking 5, holding ctrl but releasing shift, clicking 15, re-pressing shift, and clicking 20. (At least I think I have that sequence right--it's been so long I'm not sure.)

I am aware that I can use command-drag to select multiple ranges in the Finder, but I would prefer to be able to do this as it is done in Windows, if there is such a way. In other words, I just want a mechanical way of specifying ranges to select by first and last item in the list, not by having to drag through each file. With apologies for the bad pun, dragging is a drag b/c I can scroll to the last item in a list far faster than I can wait for the Finder to realize that I want it to scroll down as I hold the pointer at the bottom of the window and then have to adjust as it drags too far etc.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Click to select row to end of data in Excel?

In Excel, you can select an entire row by clicking its number at the left edge of the window. But doing so selects the entire row all the way to infinity. If you apply a fill color to a row selected in this way, the fill color also extends infinitely.

I need to select multiple rows which are not adjacent -- for example, rows 4, 6, 14, and 27 -- and so clicking and dragging a box won't help.

So, is there some easy way to select JUST to the end of columns containing data?

Source: (StackOverflow)