

Easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport. scrollReveal.js | Easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport.

How to use scrollRevealJS alongside AnimateCSS?

I love both the scrollRevealJS and AnimateCSS libraries for animations, however, I would like to use them both on one element. For example, I have a div <div class="animated fadeInDown" data-sr='enter top reset'>Lorem Ipsum</div>. For some reason, adding the Animate CSS classes animated fadeInDown ignores scrollReveal's data attribute. How am I able to use both the classes and data attributes of both libraries?

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I have the following style applied:

[data-sr] { visibility: hidden; }

Source: (StackOverflow)

scrollreveal.js not working on smaller screens


After looking at the github readme file from the developer, I was able to find the answer. I could script in var config = { vFactor: 0.60 } to fine tune when the effect should start. Providing a lower vFactor value triggers the event sooner.

I'm able to get ScrollReveal to work just fine on screens with large dimensions (1920 x 1080). The effect is for elements to enter the screen from the left and right when scrolling down.

On Smaller screens, I have to scroll far past the div/area for the script to kick in.

Can someone help me configure my code so the script timing is correct on generic notebook screens (1500px width or less)? I sort of suspect that the scroll timing might be off on laptop sized screens because I've written in a media query that sets the zoom on screens 1500px or less to 65%. If possible, I'd like to keep things this way.

Side note- I'm not interested in mobile responsiveness for the script at the moment.

Source: (StackOverflow)


ScrollReveal.js not working on Safari with elements

I'm currently using ScrollReveal.js to make a bunch of tiny pixelated boxes do random things when scrolled upon, with the following code:

var index=0;
    jQuery('.pixel-box').each(function() { //each tiny box has class pixel-box
        var directions =[ 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']

        index += 1

        var currentElement = $(this);
        var randEffect = getRandomInt(0,1);
        var randTime = getRandomArbitrary(1, 3.5);
        var randDirection = getRandomInt(0,3);

        if(randEffect == 0){
            var rand = getRandomInt(-360, 360);
            $(this).attr('data-sr', 'wait .5s, enter ' + directions[randDirection] + ', flip ' + rand + 'deg, over '+ randTime +'s');
        else if(randEffect == 1){
            // move 24px
             var rand = getRandomInt(10, 120);
            $(this).attr('data-sr', 'wait .5s, enter ' + directions[randDirection] +', move '+ rand + 'px, over '+ randTime +'s');

        if(index == 81){
             window.sr = new scrollReveal();

It's working perfectly on Chrome, but on Safari, the behavior is extremely clunky and not what I want. Would you or anyone else have any insights as to why this is happening?

To illustrate, here's what it looks like on Chrome:


Here's what it looks like on Safari:


For reference, one of these boxes is being rendered using the HTML code:

<rect class="pixel-box" id="Rectangle-167-Copy-7" fill="#FDD93D" filter="url(#filter-35)" x="823.65422" y="188.994877" width="16.675" height="19.0983607"></rect>

I suspect that the problem may be due to inconsistencies with CSS transformations and SVG elements like <rect> and <path> across different browsers, but I haven't been coming up with much.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Fade and animate objects on scroll in body and in modal

I wanted to have a scrollReveal on the main page as well as a modal, using bootstrap and Julian Lloyd's scrollReveal.js, but I can't get it to work :(

Something to do with the DOM changing in the instance of the body and separately for the position:fixed modal.

I have tried changing the instance on .click for the ID of the modal

window.sr = new scrollReveal();
$(function() {           
  $(".btn").click(function() { 
    window.sr = new scrollReveal({
    viewport: document.getElementById("myModal")


I have tried creating two separate instances for body and modal

window.srBody = new scrollReveal();
window.srModal = new scrollReveal({
      viewport: document.getElementById( 'myModal' )


But no cigar so far... I'm just not experienced enough in JavaScript... Anyone got an ideas?!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Random color for div tag generated by jquery is not permanent

My goal is to each div with a class of "random-color" to have a random background color.that generates the random color using jquery is also working properly . Only problem is after 2 seconds it disappears. Here's my code: I have the Script here from the post Random Div Color.Please fix the problem.

var colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'yellow'];
$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".random-color").each(function() {
        $(this).css('background-color', colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)]);

window.sr = new scrollReveal();
div {
  height: 40px;
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: center;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
#d1 {
  background-color: #00A388;
#d2 {
  background-color: #FFFF9D;
#d3 {
  background-color: #BEEB9F;
#d4 {
  background-color: #79BD8F;
<script src="http://scrollrevealjs.org/js/scrollReveal.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>


  <p data-sr>Scroll Reveal-Default</p>

  <!--Enter Properties The enter keyword controls the vector origin (direction) of your animation.-->
  <!-- Reveal with a downward motion -->
  <div class="random-color" data-sr='enter top'>enter top</div>

  <!-- The other accepted values... -->
  <div class="random-color" data-sr='enter left'>enter lef</div>
  <div class="random-color" data-sr='enter right'>enter right</div>
  <div class="random-color" data-sr='enter bottom'>enter bottom</div>
  <!--Enter Properties Ends-->

  <!--Move Properties The move keyword controls the distance (in pixels) traveled during animation.-->
  <div class="random-color" data-sr='move 24px'>move 24px</div>
  <!--Enter Properties Ends-->
  Over The over keyword sets the duration (in seconds) of your animation.

  <div class="random-color" data-sr='over 0.6s'>over 0.6s</div>
  <div class="random-color" data-sr='over 1.3s'>over 1.3s</div>
  Flip The flip keyword is a rotation keyword, controlling rotation along the X axis (pitch).

  <div class="d1" data-sr="enter left, hustle 20px">enter left, hustle 20px</div>
  <div class="d2" data-sr="wait 2.5s, ease-in-out 100px">wait 2.5s, ease-in-out 100px</div>
  <div class="d3" data-sr="move 16px scale up 20%, over 2s">move 16px scale up 20%, over 2s</div>
  <div class="d4" data-sr="enter bottom, roll 45deg, over 2s">enter bottom, roll 45deg, over 2s</div>



Source: (StackOverflow)