
scrolling interview questions

Top scrolling frequently asked interview questions

Is there a way to allow continuous scrolling in Adobe Reader?

I am having to read through a MASSIVE (1000+ page) PDF specification in Adobe Reader X (version 10). It has always bugged me that if you scroll to the edge of a page, the Reader automatically jumps to the top of the next page.

Is there a way to cut this functionality off so when I reach the bottom of one page, the edge of the page meets the top of the next page and I can see a half-page of both the last and next page?

I know that MS Word can and does behave this way. Can I change a setting to scroll the document in this manner in Adobe Reader?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I invert touchpad scroll direction on Windows 10?

I just switched to Windows 10 on my ASUS N550JV and installed related drivers from the support page of ASUS. The touchpad works great, but for some reason the direction of scrolling on touchpad is inverted. I couldn't figure out how to change the direction of the scroll on touch pad, how can I do it?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to take a screenshot that includes a scrolling element within a web page in Firefox?

I need to take a screenshot of an entire webpage. The trick is that I need the screenshot to include the entire contents of a single element that does not fit in the screen.

It is a single column table that has a scrollbar due to its height. It is not an IFRAME (which would be simple to load in its own tab).

The column contains formatted text and a few small images.

For long web pages that scroll, it is trivial to perform this task. But how can it be accomplished when it contains an individual element within the page that scrolls?

To be clear, I need to capture the entire page, not just the element itself.

I would like to accomplish this using Firefox on Windows.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to scroll, by pixel, instead of by cell, in either Excel or OpenOffice Calc?

We have lots of spreadsheets that have lists of numbered sound files for an educational app. We use spreadsheet features such as "fill down" for the numbering, and we often use formulas to check whether contents of cells are the same when edits are made. We have the text associated with the sound in one column, and the corresponding translations into other languages in other columns. We will then send the spreadsheet with the English text for translation, and will receive it back with the translations populated via email.

Unfortunately, the cells are often large with lots of text. Scrolling is very difficult, because the cell is often clipped by the screen edges, and when you try to scroll, it jumps to the next cell, so you can never see the full cell contents.

Is there a way to scroll the document in either OpenOffice Calc or MS Excel to scroll - not by cell, but instead per amount of pixels (smooth scrolling)?
Thanks in advance for your guidance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Scroll down half the screen size in Firefox

Is it possible to have the spacebar not scroll down the entire page in Firefox? Scrolling one line at a time (with the down arrow) is very slow, but scrolling the entire screen (with spacebar) sets me off and I loose focus.

Is there a way to make the spacebar scroll the page the equivalent of approximately half the screen?

Just to be clear. When pressing spacebar, instead of the line in the bottom of the screen bring brought to the top, the line in the bottom should be brought to the middle.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable smooth scrolling in Preview in Lion

Smooth scrolling in Lion's Preview application sucks. Pressing the Page-Down key too quickly leaves you waiting for Preview to catch up to your position.

The only way I can find to turn this off is to switch from "Continuous Scroll" to "Single Page" view, but I don't want to view pages like that. The system prefs for "General/Smooth Scrolling" do nothing.

Is there any way to get my jerky scrolling back (apart from switching to Adobe Reader)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Chrome - How to disable scroll over tabs

I use a laptop. Not a mac, but with a multitouchpad so I scroll down and right click with 2 fingers still.

I hate the fact that if I move too much my fingers over tabs, the scroll will but activated and it will switch to another tab (pretty randomly since my scroll was unintended). It can sometimes be difficult to find my tab bacK.

Is there a way to disable this behaviour? In general, Chrome seems very minimalistic in terms of behaviour customization ...

Someone had the problem on Firefox, which I actually don't have there: How can I disable mouse wheel scrolling of Firefox tabs? Maybe this extension could help, but I have a negative feeling about it. Somebody uses it? https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/shortcut-manager/mgjjeipcdnnjhgodgjpfkffcejoljijf

I'm using Chrome 30.0.1599.101 in Lubuntu 13.10.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Enable mouse for scrolling only in Vim in iTerm (MacOSX)

I'd like to use the mouse in Vim only for scrolling (not to enable other Vim modes or otherwise interact with Vim). Using :set mouse=a seems to be an all or nothing operation, can this be altered? Alternatively can iTerm be made to only pass through scroll events and never click/drag events?

Long Explanation: I use Vim in iTerm a lot and don't use the mouse. However, inertia scrolling with a trackpad is really nice and a great way to peruse large files. I can :set mouse=a and use the trackpad to scroll and it's great. Now when I click however vim enters visual mode and iTerm will not copy selected text. I would like to retain iTerms ability to select and copy text.

I have thought about setting up Vim so that copying in vim will copy in Mac OS X (using pbcopy, I need to do this anyway). This will do the trick when editing local files, but most of the time I'm ssh'd somewhere and editing remote files.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Synaptics touchpad scroll doesn't work on many applications

The Synaptics touchpad in my new laptop doesn't scroll at all in a number of applications, including Steam and Zune.

I've narrowed the problem down to Synaptics not sending mouse wheel messages, but rather manipulating scroll bars.

I'm only looking into one-finger side-of-touchpad scrolling, not two-finger scrolling.

Is there a way to make it send wheel messages so that it is compatible with all applications?


  • Windows 7 64-bit
  • Dell XPS 14
  • Latest Synaptics driver (have tried both from Synaptics and Dell)

My Synaptics options window looks like this and I've tried moving all the options to no avail:

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

emacs: How to return to last position after scroll/page up/down?

After issuing scroll-up or scroll-down in emacs, is there a quick way to return the point to its previous position (assuming I didn't remember to add it to the mark ring)?

Alternatively is there any way (without interfering with the mark ring) to alter the scrolling behaviour so that scrolling up then scrolling down (or vice versa) returns the point to its original position? (eg. make scrolling move the point exactly x lines where x is the screen height)

I'm in the process of accustoming myself to emacs and this is one of the most common curse-provoking situations: I scroll around to view another part of my code without remembering to add my line to the mark ring and then it's painful to try to relocate the line of code I was working on. As such, while I'm asking for a technical solution, I'd also be interested to hear how seasoned users avoid this problem. Do you just get used to remembering to set a mark, split the window to look around or use some other pattern?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Synaptics touchpad stops working randomly

I have two laptops. One dell Vostro and other Vaio Z. Both have Synaptics (Yes, I have checked, and the original drivers were from Synaptics as well). On both laptops, the touchpad scrolling stops working at some arbitrary time and nothing seems to solve it except a reboot. Sometimes, it randomly starts working again. I have downloaded all latest drivers from OEM.

Interestingly, when I run a program as Administrator, scrolling works in that window only.

This problem is very odd. It happens without any reason and I've not been able to find a fix for more than a year. I have seen some unusual suggestions on forums (e.g., to "restore windows to a previous working state") but never any fix that solves this issue properly. I have tried installing latest drivers and I DO NOT want to restore windows to a previous working configuration.

OS: Windows 7 64 bit Professional (Sony Vaio Z - VPCZ128GG) Windows 7 32 bit Professional (Dell)

EDIT: Temporary solution is to uninstall the synaptics driver and let Windows 7 use its default built in one. However, I really prefer the Synaptic driver because it activates the scroll button rather than the mouse wheel (useful in some apps)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Adobe Acrobat scroll so slowly, and what can I do about it?

I often am forced to view long PDF documents either in browser or out of browser. When I'm forced to use such documents, it's always frustrating, because whenever I scroll the document, the viewer "stutters" -- and it's at least some 30 seconds later before Acrobat relinquishes control of my mouse pointer. (I've found that if I Alt-Tab out of Acrobat, everything finishes scrolling instantly, and I get my pointer back)

I suspect that the issue lies in not having the world's greatest graphics card in this laptop (an NVIDIA Quadro NVS 160), but it scrolls so slowly that I don't think this is just a hardware problem.

Has anybody had this problem before? What does one do about it?


Interestingly, this only seems to occur if I use the "middle button scroll" on the laptop keyboard; if I plug in an external USB mouse and scroll that way the problem seems to go away.


Replacing Adobe Reader with something else is not an option. Using alternative readers has bit me in the a** enough times that I don't want to deal with it. Unless it supports reading anything in a PDF that Reader X does, I'm not interested (and no third party reader does so).

More to the point, this occurs in other applications on this machine than Adobe Reader -- it's just that in Reader this problem is most noticeable. Using Foxit Reader, for instance, does not change the problem; it's still just as poor there as it is in the first party tool.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Don't change the cursor position when scrolling in Emacs

Is there a way to stop Emacs from automatically moving my text-cursor position (aka, point) while I'm scrolling? I keep losing my location and marks with this annoying behavior.

I tested the following suggestion, with no success:

(setq scroll-preserve-screen-position t
scroll-conservatively 0)

(I'm running Emacs 24.2 on Ubuntu and on OS X.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

OSX Lion: Can I use "classic" mousewheel scrolling but keep "natural" trackpad scrolling?

I recently upgraded from OSX Snow Leopard to OSX Lion version 10.7.1. So far, I'm enjoying the "natural" scrolling when using my trackpad. However, when scrolling with my mouse wheel, I'm having trouble making the switch to "natural" scrolling. It feels decidedly unnatural to me. Furthermore, I frequently switch between PC and Mac, and I'm confusing myself by constantly switching my mouse scrolling paradigm.

Is there a way to keep "Classic" scrolling on my mouse, but continue to use "Natural" scrolling for the trackpad?

I know that I can turn off natural scrolling in System Preferences -> Trackpad, but this setting affects both my mouse and my trackpad, and System Preferences > Mouse does not seem to have any options to change scroll direction.

I am willing to consider "creative" options if there is not an officially supported method.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I still see the 'man' text after I quit man?

I typically use tcsh or bash and often want to use 'man' to review a command's options. Currently when I quit man or ctrl-C, the man text disappears and I see the scrollback buffer that was there before I performed the 'man' command. I would like to still see the 'man' text I was viewing as a reference while I'm typing the command at the command prompt without opening a second window, how can I do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)